What food do you get weird with?
What food do you get weird with?
What’s your favorite cover song?
What’s your favorite cover song?
What profession refers to people as their job title?
What profession refers to people as their job title?
What smell transports you back to your school days?
What smell transports you back to your school days?
What does your kid say that annoys you?
Do you still talk on the phone?
Do you still talk on the phone?
How do you handle this situation at a kid’s Birthday party?
How do you handle this situation at a kid’s Birthday party?
Liz from The Morning Mix is at the brand new Burlington at Perimeter Woods near Northlake!
Liz from The Morning Mix is at the brand new Burlington at Perimeter Woods near Northlake!
What is the least attractive hobby a potential significant other could have?
What is the least attractive hobby a potential significant other could have?
What hill would you die on?
What hill would you die on?
At what age should a kid get a cellphone?
At what age should a kid get a cellphone?
What is the best school cafeteria meal?
What is the best school cafeteria meal?
Start an argument in five words or less not involving politics!
Start an argument in five words or less not involving politics!
Radio One Charlotte is dedicated to promoting community voices and providing support and resources in the mental and behavioral health sector, as it is one of our key corporate objectives. Each month, in partnership with the Mecklenburg County Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, we will tackle prevalent challenges and offer solutions with insights from professionals and organizations providing vital information and services.
For the month of August, our focus is on Back to School and Campus Behavioral Health. Our partner, A Better World, was founded in 2001 by Pastor Ken Gilliard and Forest Hill Church. It is a place where possibilities exist, lighting a spark for at-risk youth in West Charlotte. It may be hard to find a pathway to a better life, but it’s not impossible. A Better World exists to provide help and hope to the kids in our community who need them the most. The kids who are part of A Better World are guaranteed, at the very least, a positive experience, and quite possibly, one that will change their lives.
Watch the Episode at:
What is the worst candy?
What is the worst candy?
What class do you wish they taught in school?
What class do you wish they taught in school?
What TV Show workplace would you want to work in?
What TV Show workplace would you want to work in?
What is a wedding tradition you would like to get rid of?
What is a wedding tradition you would like to get rid of?
Does anyone else get nervous for Meet The Teacher?
Does anyone else get nervous for Meet The Teacher?
Should you ask other parents to pay for their kid to attend your child’s Birthday Party?
Should you ask other parents to pay for their kid to attend your child’s Birthday Party?