Charleston Lash Extensions | Brown Natural Lashes
#charlestonbrownlashes #charlestoneyelashextensions #charlestonlashlift #charlestonmedspa #charlestonhairstylist #charlestonrealestate #charlestonlashschool #charlestoncosmetology #charlestonbestlashes #charlestonbestspa
Lash extension education #charlestonlashes #eyelashextensions #charlestonbeautyschool #charlestonbrownlashes #charlestoneyelashextensions
I think 2025 is the year we can finally get the truth out there + educate the world about eyelash extensions - one of the ONLY safe lash care options. #lashextensions #charlestonlashes #lashrelatable #charlestonlashclass #charlestonbeautyschool
Transformation : Client coming from a different lash artist
How i handle a new client coming in with damaging lashes…. I always take pictures of the work and show the client exactly what i'm seeing & what's wrong, I explain how lashes when applied correctly should look and feel and also show them pictures of the correct way. I do this so they are aware of the situation and educated on why we have to remove the previous lashes and start over to maintain their natural eyelash health. Taking the time to make sure you and your client are on the same page and the client fully understands the process of"lash rehab" is for their own benefit. They may even have to take a break from lash extensions because of the mistreatment done by someone else, so as the professional you need to explain the plan to get their eyelashes up to their optimal health to continue getting lash extensions in the future. As a professional lash artist, it should never be about the paycheck and always be about the people. If you truly care about your clients it will show through in the integrity of your work and always make you stand out from the crowd. Happy safe lashing friends! #charlestonlashtech #charlestonlashes #charlestonsc #charlestonbestlashes #charlestonhair #charlestonmakeupartist #southcarolinacometology #charlestonbrows ##kennethshulergoosecreek #vskicosmetologyschool #pmtscharleston #charlestonestheticschool #charlestoncosmetologyschool #bestcharlestonbeautyschool #charlestoncosmetologystudent #charlestonlashschool