I LOVE Los Asadores Pollos y Costillas al Carbon
I LOVE Los Asadores Pollos y Costillas al Carbon
Have you had a Drastic Drive By lately
Los Asadores hasn't gone anywhere you can still find them on the weekends on Central and E. Vineyard Ave. in El Rio cooking up that delicious barbecu..... just watch! Los Asadores Pollos y Costillas al Carbon es Muy Bueno!
DRASTIC DRIVE BYS AND THE GRINCH COME TO TOWN. Sitting in the cockpit of that crazy van I get some of the most insane looks. Most of them are thumbs up but some people are a blank stare some people laugh at the van. Tonight I decided to turn the camera on the people to show you the reactions. Hard to get a close-up of people showing their reactions because you have to stick a camera in their face and they change their expression immediately. This is what I got from A DJI gimbal camera stashed on top hidden behind Garland on the van. Merry Christmas everybody
Central and Vineland is got your lunch man they're ready to go with the carne asada, the chicken, and ribs. Come on down I'll be here till 2:00 Los Asadores Pollos y Costillas al Carbon
Corner of Central and Vineyard we got your ribs, we got your chicken, we got your company asada all hot and you see in France and ready to go now come join us for lunch in front of Red wings shoes Los Asadores Pollos y Costillas al Carbon
Corner of Central and vineyard in El Rio come on down lots of delicious fresh chicken ready to go grab some for that Santa Paula Cruise night see you down there. They have $25 combo they have $12.50 combos or half plates is what we call them they are now on Instagram and find them on Facebook at Los Asadores Pollos y Costillas al Carbon
Come on down there here till the chicken runs out. If you're on your way to Santa Paula tonight for that car show this would be some great food to pick up for dinner
Everything is good I got to sit on Santa Claus's lap. Christmas tree lane and he's a good listener check this out. Biggest highlight of my life besides Santa Claus was seeing Carmen Ramirez. If you don't know she is she's the sister of Boo Boo Ramirez. "Cyclone" and local rap artist from El Rio and I haven't seen her in a bit. She asked me to do a project with her in January and I'm all over it stay tuned
Los Asadores Pollos y Costillas al Carbon is ready for you now. Check out the video