Life Possible Podcast

Life Possible Podcast Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Life Possible Podcast, Podcast, 13890 Braddock Road , 108, Centreville, VA.

The Life Possible Podcast spotlights successful clients, coaches, and clinic owners who are examples of what is truly possible when someone commits to Reset Body Reset Mind Reset Possible through the Ideal Protein Program and are Living Life Possible!


Ideal Protein Nation!!! It’s time to “Thrive - Not Just Survive in 2025!!” In our first episode of 2025, we travel back to Montana to join our friends from HIMpossible Life Changes, Coaches Kathy and Noelle as they introduce us to their very successful client Beth Cummings! Beth was one of their first IP clients back in 2023! Beth’s personal approach of “I’ll try it for a week” turned into “I’ve lost over 40 pounds!”

Join us as Beth shares her journey and the keys to her success, not just losing weight but maintaining that weight loss now for over a year! We talk about how “mistakes are merely opportunities to learn,” “food prep is your secret weapon for every phase from weight loss to maintenance,” and “Do Not Stumble Over Something That is Behind You!”

If you enjoyed Episode 73 of the show when Kathy and Noelle joined me for the first time, you know that we had a lot of laughs, puns, and fun during this episode!!!


Ideal Protein Nation…I am so excited for you to meet Tina Wells and her clinic owner/coach Pauline Johnson! Tina has not only been successful losing over 100 pounds with the Ideal Protein protocol in less than one year, but she has also managed to maintain her new healthy weight within a 7-pound fluctuation over the past 2 years!

Tina’s new life feels so amazing and “free” that she is not willing to give it up! Join us as she explains how limited and painful her life was before doing the Ideal Protein protocol as she was dealing with an inflammatory autoimmune disorder in addition to her significant weight problem.

Celebrate with her as she explains how “Food no longer talks to me…I talk to it and tell it what to do for me!”

Tina's whole story of weight loss and maintenance can be summed up in one word…commitment. Many know the benefits of committing to weight loss, but few understand the amazing things possible when one commits to a Phase 3 maintenance lifestyle! Join us and hear Tina’s personal commitment to her own “Life Possible” and you will be inspired to make this coming January “tune-up” the last time you ever need to “re-lose” more than 10 pounds!


Ideal Protein Nation!! The Life Possible Podcast is back! Our good friend Janeva Eickhoff is back to talk about all her Thanksgiving recipes that will help you continue towards your weight goals and still feel like you have enjoyed the holiday! Whether you are in Phase 1 and losing weight, or in maintenance and simply want to learn to how to cook traditional Thanksgiving style dishes in a healthier low-carb way, this episode is for you! Grab your cookbook (Janeva’s Ideal Recipes) and walk through everything from gravy to mashed potato and stuffing alternatives! If you do not have the book yet, ask your clinic if they carry it, or visit and order yours today!


Ideal Protein Nation!! The Life Possible Podcast is back! Our good friend Janeva Eickhoff is back to talk about all her Thanksgiving recipes that will help you continue towards your weight goals and still feel like you have enjoyed the holiday! Whether you are in Phase 1 and losing weight, or in maintenance and simply want to learn to how to cook traditional Thanksgiving style dishes in a healthier low-carb way, this episode is for you! Grab your cookbook (Janeva’s Ideal Recipes) and walk through everything from gravy to mashed potato and stuffing alternatives! If you do not have the book yet, ask your clinic if they carry it, or visit and order yours today!

Happy Veteran's Day and Thank You to all who have served so that we are free to pursue our "Life Possible!!

Happy Veteran's Day and Thank You to all who have served so that we are free to pursue our "Life Possible!!


Ideal Protein Nation!!! Where are my strugglers?

I've got a really cool episode for you this week that just might take your Phase 1 journey to the next level!! Do you still struggle with hunger in between meals on Phase 1? How about cravings for carbs that would sabotage your week? Do you really struggle during week 1 when you are doing a tune-up? Does it seem like occasional vegetables knock you out of ketosis and reduce results?

Have we got a product for you!!! Ideal Protein has partnered up with HVMN to bring our clients their flagship product Ketone IQ! Ketone IQ is an "exogenous ketone" supplement that has the power to knock down hunger, curb cravings, boost energy, and make your fat-burning machine run more efficiently during Phase 1 protocol!!! Watch or listen as I interview Dr. Latt Mansor, PhD, Research lead for HVMN/Ketone IQ as we teach you all about ketones, why your brain and heart prefer ketones over sugar for fuel, and how to use this amazing product in both Phase 1 and Phase 3 of the Ideal Protein protocol!!

Supercharge your late Summer/Fall tune-up this year with IP and Ketone IQ available at exclusive pricing through your clinics now!!!


How much fun was this episode of Encore hosted by Wendy White-Stevens from the The Real Women of Ideal Protein!?!?

In Wendy's own words..."Special. If I had to sum up this episode of Encore in one word, special is the word. Our guest today is Janeva Eickhoff. Like so many of you, Janeva has left a lasting impression on my wellness journey. From the support her cookbooks and recipes lend to new and longtime followers, to her consistent and ongoing support within our community to keep us all from eating chicken and broccoli, she has provided immeasurable blessings to the Ideal Protein community. This episode is packed with her best wellness tip 11 years post-weightloss, we play show-and-tell with our favorite kitchen gadgets and we also share the very special ways she has personally enriched our lives. I hope you all enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed welcoming her to join us."❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Ideal Protein Nation!! Meet Kathy and Noelle!! They are an awesome Ideal Protein team of clinic owners, coaches, and clients in Montana. Both have fantastic weight loss journeys personally and have successfully coached others to weight loss success too. However, a twist of fate found them abandoned by their original weight loss company that got them started. However, faith had taught them that when one door closes, God opens another. Enter Ideal Protein.

They put the Ideal Protein protocol to the test and discovered that Ideal Protein offers SO MUCH MORE THAN JUST WEIGHT LOSS!! They surprised themselves by not only achieving even more weight loss success, but now they were energized by the science of “Metabolic Health” through the training and practice of the protocol! They now felt and understood from the inside-out what it means to “Power Life Possible!” Their motto is “It’s a LIVE IT not a DIE IT!” I have loved watching them grow as Ideal Protein coaches and clinic owners, and they constantly blow me aways with coaching sayings like “Don’t Wake Up the Baby!” and portion control takes you from Suburban to Sedan, but Ideal Protein changes you “Under the Hood!” I hope you enjoy this episode! So much inspiration, motivation, and education to empower your Ideal Protein journey!!


Hey Ideal Protein Nation!!! I would like to introduce you to my amazing client Debbie!! Debbie is in the process of losing over 90 pounds using the Ideal Protein protocol – TWICE!!

Have you been successful using this program to lose significant weight only to find yourself a few years later back where you started and needing a “do-over?!?” Join Debbie and I as we discuss her journey as she faced her guilt and shame head on and “pressed the button” to send me the email where she explained her plight and desire to come back and try again. Debbie will explain how her fibromyalgia pain was off the charts (again) and her ankles, legs and feet were so swollen and painful, she was severely limited in her ability to walk even through the grocery store.

Her story is one of triumph that she is still writing as she has once again taken control of her metabolism through Ideal Protein nutrition which has relived 90%+ of her inflammation and fibro pain, eliminated all the swelling and pain from her legs and feet, and once again “Powers Her Life Possible” as she travels up and down the East coast on business trips all while successfully sticking to the protocol. Oh yeah, and she’s down 88 pounds so far and heading towards her Phase 1 finish line!

Hear he talk about how THIS time she is excited, but still a little fearful, about “Phasing Off” properly so that she can continue to live her life healthy, energetic and feeling THIS GOOD!!!


Ideal Protein Nation!!! Does your family physician know about the Ideal Protein program and all it has to offer their patients for weight loss and Metabolic Health? Well, my next guest is Dr. Brandon Webb a Family Practice doctor in Lincoln, NE. Dr. Webb found himself in a familiar position many doctors do these days, personally weighing his heaviest and needing to lose weight! Dr. Webb “knew” that some of his patients were having success losing weight with this Ideal Protein program and clinic owner/coach Penny Spanjer! So, he investigated the program, understood the science and decided to call Penny and get started with his wife! Dr. Webb lost 40 pounds on his own personal journey and now successfully maintains his new healthy weight by staying in touch with Coach Penny once per month in Phase 3! Now, like other successful Ideal Protein clients, he recommends Ideal Protein to his patients (and colleagues) and sends them to the local clinic Ideal Protein with Penny!

Dr. Webb is also Chief Medical Officer for an Accountable Care Organization – a group of physicians dedicated to providing higher quality care, improving the health of their patients, preventing disease and all while reducing healthcare costs! He discusses how recommending the Ideal Protein program empowers his patients to take control of their health and not only lose weight, but improve other Metabolic Health markers like blood sugar, A1C, cholesterol, high blood pressure and more! This ultimately saves healthcare dollars that would be spent on obesity, metabolic disease, medical crisis care, and prescription medications! He discusses how the Ideal Protein program is a healthier, more affordable, and sustainable approach to weight loss than the current medications that have been receiving so much hype in the media today.

This episode is for patients and doctors alike! Please share it with your friends, family, and physicians!!!


Ideal Protein Nation!!! As promised on the Encore episode we dropped over the weekend, here is my EPIC Adventure with successful Ideal Protein client, coach, and clinic owner Allison Dozar!!! Allsion couldn’t be more passionate about helping others transform their lives through the Ideal Protein program and her clients couldn’t be more blessed when they take this journey with her!! In her constant quest to “Always Be Curious” she is always looking for new approaches to use to unlock her clients potential. In this episode, we discuss her latest passion for using the modality of "Clinical Hypnotherapy” in her practice to help her clients access and transform self-limiting beliefs they may not even know they have that hold them back in their quest for transformation.

As a certified clinical hypnotist, Allison dispels myths surrounding the practice of hypnotherapy, talks through some of the science behind creating new neural pathways, and talks about what successful hypnotherapy looks like. She discusses how she might use this tool to help people get past limiting beliefs like “I am an emotional/ binge eater.” “Nothing works for me.” “I self-sabotage.” And why “I’m stuck” is a “check engine light!” Take this ride with us, you never know where it may take you!! Next stop…Life Possible!


Ideal Protein Nation!!! Let's break the dead air around here with another amazing episode of Encore we recorded with host Wendy White-Stevens of the The Real Women of Ideal Protein and special guest Allison Dozar! Allison is a successful Ideal Protein client, and as often happens, she became a coach and then co-owner of her Ideal Protein clinic MBS Wellness in Colorado! In this fun and inspirational episode, Allison shares more of her, and her mother's personal stories that we did not get to hear in the Life Possible Podcast "skydiving" Episode 47 Part 1 or 2! They both enjoyed how Ideal Protein took their already "healthy and fit lifestyles" to the next level they had never been able to achieve before or thought possible! How it's about "hormones" but not the ones women usually think are sabotaging their weight!

Also, Allison shares insight into how she coaches her clients to pursue their own personal "Life Possible" goals and dreams!! She talks about how shifting into the Phase 1 metabolic state of ketosis is seemingly like going from "Living Life in Black & White to Living in Technicolor!" Join us for this fun and inspiring episode. It will get you excited and interested to hear why Allison and I will be recording another full episode oof the Life Possible Podcast this week!!


If you haven't seen or listened this Encore episode Wendy shared over the weekend, give yourself the gift!! What an authentic conversation we had with Life Possible Podcast Episode 47 (Parts 1&2) guest Jessica Bengtson about "Life After the Jump." Weight loss is one battle, and weight maintenance is quite another! Join us as we discuss the ups and downs of nutrition and life. It's not all "heavy" conversation, we have some fun too!


Ideal Protein TRANsformNation!!! I am so proud to introduce Ideal Protein Coach Joanna Kemp! Joanna’s personal Ideal Protein story will have you riding the "roller coaster of life" through all of her ups and downs! Joined by her Clinic Owner, Avril Gardner, they take us through Jonna’s journey of weight loss and regain and we learn new lessons with every hill and valley! Lessons like “Falling down is not failure...not getting back up is!” and how to “reach down into your soul and come up with a why that can bring tears to your eyes!” Through it all, Joanna is not giving up! In fact, she is currently in week 13 of another Phase 1 journey and is chronicling her successes and set backs on her Facebook video blog to provide transparency and inspiration for her clients! We had so much fun recording this and I you will too when you watch or listen! (Please excuse the video difficulties, but the audio is golden!)


Ideal Protein TRANsform-Nation!!! Check out the latest episode of the Encore podcast!! Host Wedny White-Stevens of the The Real Women of Ideal Protein and invited Bev (Robinson) Holmes back on the air to review some impactful parts of her Episode 63 of the Life Possible Podcast! Join us as we dive back into Dr. Tran's book "Because It's Your Life!" and come up with even more treasure!

Ideal Protein Nation!!!! Hold on tight for an amazing 2024!!! Inspired by today's inspirational all company meeting with...

Ideal Protein Nation!!!! Hold on tight for an amazing 2024!!! Inspired by today's inspirational all company meeting with Dr. Tran and his new partners, I have dubbed 2024 the year of "TRANsformation" for Ideal Protein Nation!! In fact, I think we may consider changing our community name to "TRANs-form-Nation!"

Hold on tight! I hope to have more motivational stories of TRANsformation using the Ideal Protein protocol coming your way soon!! Every pound has a story and every story needs to told!!! Contact me with your story if you would like to be featured on an episode of the Life Possible Podcast!!


Ideal Protein Nation!!! Look who’s back!! One of my favorite guests ever, Jessica Robinson! Jessica is back to motivate and inspire you through the last 2 weeks of 2023 and into the 2024 New Year! Are you planning on your New Year tune up?!? Are you possibly considering a head start even before New Year’s? Come hang with us and let Coach Jessica help you navigate the final holidays and get excited for 2024 and all that might be “Possible!” We also celebrate the news of the return of Ideal Protein's founder Dr. Tran to the company and what that might mean for all of us next year!!


IDEAL PROTEIN NATION!! HAPPY FRI-YAY!!! We have some really exciting reasons to celebrate today! I am sure you have seen my, and many other posts about the return of Ideal Protein Founder, Dr. Tran Tien Chanh! All over Ideal Protein Nation, clinic owners, coaches and clients are celebrating! He has teamed up with an amazing nutritional manufacturing company who has been one of Ideal Protein’s suppliers already to purchase the company and take us to new heights! Join us as we all say “Welcome Home Dr. Tran!” We look forward to All Things Possible for Ideal Protein Nation in 2024!!!


13890 Braddock Road , 108
Centreville, VA


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