This Is Where Jesus Is - Edgewood Forest
I'm totally biased, having co-founded Matthew 25 with my brother Clint Twedt-Ball, but even though I no longer work there, I still love the way Matthew 25 operates.
Last week, I had the privilege of witnessing volunteers from around the communuty gave their time, talents, and resources to help people during Matthew 25's Transform Week, Derecho Edition. This is just a quick video I made while on site.
You've heard us talk about it, but have you seen it?! Here's a peak into our studio space with our creative director, Adam Orton.
Flow Media is growing and we are so excited to share our journey with you!
Flow Globe
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at Flow Media!❄️
Stay warm, stay safe, and be kind.
Link Program 2019 | Cedar Rapids School District
No child should feel alone.
The Link Program is dedicated to empowering youths and giving voices to students who have experienced some form of trauma.
Over 500 students from eight different schools have been enrolled in the program. Paired with passionate and empathetic professionals, these boys and girls are helped to open their communication and provided leadership opportunities that bolster their value and self-worth.
A Day in the Life of Terry Wahls, MD | Flow Media
"Life's not fair. But you get up, every day, and you do the best you can."
Our friend Terry Wahls MD is an inspiration. Witness her moving story of how she refused to give up when faced with medical adversity, and how she's using her experience to benefit others.
What is one small thing you can do TODAY that would benefit your health?
The World You See Outside of You
"The world you see outside of you is a reflection of what you have inside you." -Virginia Jones, as told by Cory Booker
Senator Cory Booker visited Cedar Rapids earlier this fall for a climate conversation with Rob Hogg and to check out the work of Matthew 25. We at Flow were inspired by his message and his positive outlook, especially while there's so much negativity in today's political discourse. So, we made a little video to share it with you.
What inspires you to see hope and possibilty each day?
Women Giving to Women | Lois Buntz Consulting
Lois Buntz is a leader in nonprofit fundraising. Through her research, she discovered that while the number of women philanthropists in the United States is on the rise, so is the number of women and children in need.
Lois needed a tool to help spread her message. Something that could help her aid nonprofits to operate and better their communities. That’s where Flow came in.
Thank you Lois Buntz Consulting for investing in Flow Media ’s services, and letting us be a small part of all that you do.
Sen. Cory Booker Talks Climate and 2020 Elections | Flow Media
Senator Cory Booker stopped by Cedar Rapids to speak at the Climate Change Forum at Groundswell Cafe, hosted by State Senator Rob Hogg and Matthew 25.
This is his opening speech.
Cell Phone PSA | Collins Road Theatres
A friendly reminder from Collins Road Theatres. We laugh, but seriously. Turn off your phone. 📵
What was the last movie you saw at Collins Road?
Meet Charlie | BeSafe Meds
BeSafe Meds knew their message might make some people "uncomfortable," and wanted to deliver it with some humor.
More Than Food | CommUnity Food Bank
This video was produced for CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank 3rd Annual Hunger Banquet.
Flow Media is proud to do our part for such a good cause. If you or anyone you know needs help getting food on the dinner table, do not hesitate to ask for help.
Sa Pa, Vietnam | A Human Thing
Explore the lush, terraced mountain village of Sa Pa, Vietnam.🇻🇳
Filmmakers Jennifer Whalen and Daniel Zhu explore the lush, terraced mountain village of Sa Pa, Vietnam.
Take a journey, share a meal, a pipe, and enjoy the company of new friends through their eyes.