Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:34-35 NIV
Our Tree Stump Ministries page has been a little quiet lately. On February 29th we were involved in a 3-car accident. The quick version of what happened is this: We were driving north on Highway 199 in southern Oregon when it began to snow. Though we were only driving about 25-28mph we hit a patch of ice under the snow and lost traction. Our vehicle slid into the oncoming lane of traffic and we were struck first in the front quarter panel on the passenger side. The force of impact caused us to spin around with the driver’s side now facing on-coming traffic. Seconds later a large medical supply delivery vehicle crashed into the driver’s door.
Looking at these two photos, it is a miracle that we are alive and able to make this post. Randy was driving and suffered a broken fibula and fractured tibia (the two bones in the lower leg, between the knee and ankle) in his left leg. Teri sustained five broken ribs (on the left side), two large contusions on her inner knee area, and multiple bruises. Miraculously, we are both healing well and expected to fully recover.
We have seen the Hand of God so many times through all this. We have felt the love of Christ coming from friends, family members, friends of friends, and even strangers. We had round-the-clock attention from our grandsons (Johnethen, Tevan, and Malakai) and help from Angie, Frank, and Josh. Frank picked us up from the hospital, ran many errands, and installed safety grab bars next to the toilet to help us stand back up. Our neighbor has been taking our youngest grandson to school (a service Randy normally does). Another neighbor delivered a walker and seat cushion. Mary has run errands and helped with driving the non-drivers in the household. We have had several delicious meals delivered to our home, one with a bouquet of flowers included. We had a professional house cleaner come and deep-clean our bathroom as a gift.
We have felt His love through those around us and are so thankful. Please pray for our continued healing, but pray especially for the others injured in the accident.