Chemo Sabe, is a subsidiary of our nonprofit corporation founded in 2003. For the last 20 some years, we used music as a vehicle to educate, navigate and uplift the cancer community as we can, and when it's possible, we put on concerts for particular fundraisers to donate to families and persons.
However, that is not all we do! Music has a variety of applications and we use them all, including recording, supporting people who want classes recorded and much, much more. At this time, due to change of venue, we are looking into how to move forward as we still have people that need help.
We prefer to do that through music, and our wonderful songwriters who donate their time. As part of their compensation, they get free recording, a free night in our cabin, food and drink. And sometimes they get dancing ladies. That is all.
We will let you guys know as things progress. We're kind of in the middle of the dust right now. We do have an obligation to do one more event, and that will be upcoming! Love y'all have a great evening.