The kids are back to school. Fall schedules are becoming easier. But many are still struggling with piles of paper that need to be addressed. With closets that need to be purged. With garages stalls that need to be cleared to house deck sets and grills over the winter months. With never ending laundry that needs to be figured out. So many people explain to me that when they are struggling with one thing in their home, they are usually struggling with a lot of things in their home. So many areas are a disaster and need to be taken care of that they do not know where to start. Sometimes when people are overwhelmed with their home and excess clutter and to do projects, it is easier to ignore it all rather than attempt to tackle it. So the next day, those same hindrances continue to distract, overwhelm and make the homeowner feel defeated.
Tomorrow morning, you will be facing another Tuesday. Not as challenging as a Monday, but a day that still can produce set backs and a desire for a weekend to find its way quickly. What is bugging you about your home? What overwhelms you? What is the eternal headache that bothers you when you leave home in the morning and seems to be a migraine when you return home later in the day? Be honest. Is it really just the clutter on your kitchen counters, or is it the entire kitchen that needs to be addressed? Are your children wearing adult size clothing but you still need to purge 3 smaller sized from their closets and dressers? Not able to park even one car in your three car garage? Stop this crazy cycle.
Tuesday is the day. Tuesday is the day to start. No, your home didn't get to be in this condition overnight. And no, it will not be fixed and completely organized in a day. But the situation will not improve unless you begin. Start somewhere. Start anywhere. Commit to an hour, two hours, four if you can. Just begin.
Clear those two drawers out, throw away the junk, only keep what needs to be kept in them. Create a donate bag(s) for clothing, books, toys and home decor. Make a plan to drop off the donations later this week. Purge those book shelves. Spend an hour with your kids having them try on clothing so that you know what they would like to keep. Place all those large items from the garage that you do not wish to keep on the curb with a free sign and list the items of worth on a Facebook local sale site or Marketplace such as Craigslist. Consider doing a main floor or bedroom flash. Flash? Anything that doesn't belong, relocate it to the proper location. Throw the garbage, grab the home decor or clothing you no longer love, and get it out of your home. (Set a timer. A race against the clock can make you move faster than you ever thought possible.)
The point is to just begin. Start somewhere. Start anywhere. Tell a friend what your plans are and have them hold you accountable. Share your struggles with a friend. Share your triumphs with them also.
AND AS ALWAYS!! FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES HERE! Your accomplishments may just be what inspires another person to begin to reclaim their living spaces in their home and their life!