It's our first event! Carpinteria Valley Radio is teaming up with Bie and Bie Productions to bring you "60 Years Of Beatlemania!" South coast radio veteran Peter Bie and Dennis Mitchell, host of "Breakfast With The Beatles," will be your presenters, with TV & radio legend Bob Eubanks as our special guest. We'll show the entire Ed Sullivan Show from February 9, 1964 in sparkling black and white, complete with the commercials, and then local favorites Bobby Fin & Dave will cap off the evening with a rousing set of Fab Four favorites. Tickets are only $30 and they're on sale now at
If you haven't listened lately, come on back and enjoy our many features about Carpinteria, the latest local news at the top of every hour and music with a distinct California vibe. All waiting for you at
This happened directly behind our studio today at 1:25. It is the second 100-foot tall eucalyptus to fall in that row in the past 2 weeks. We're staying on top of the weather with live updates at