Hello everyone, I am glad to share my ideas and get some opinions and feedback for collaboration on this platform and NETWORK live before publishing on our site specifically for constructive criticism. I have several projects within the network i would like for all Canadians to be aware of and participate to whatever extend they feel reasonable including VETERAN'S AFFAIRS, INNOVATION SCIENCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, SRRVICE CANADA, THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE AUTHORITY, CANADA CUSTOMS AND BORDER SERVICE, REVENUE CANADA, CANADA, NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY AND MANY MORE THAN THAT to please allow me through this project, to strive towards the objective created that will draw upon, utilize, and share my experiences with the forces for an original authentic demonstration of professionalism, teamwork, security and CANADIAN VETERANS NETWORK live introduction. We assist an agency, the Canadian Internet Registration Authority as well by providing documentation in the form of usage statistics they trac in order to document the way that we CANADIAN help to shape the way we use the internet as a whole. I have several projects within the network i would love feedback/encouragement critcism os welcome it males me work even harder. This IS A public FORUM and veteran OWNED operated site. Http://VETERANSNETWORK.CA I myself am a veteran, passionately patriotic, developer and designer and created the sites and an android app for a place to start together once candidates have identified themselves. Any learning objectives identified on the site Ie; Google Developers Group program. f
Featured Development links on the site are specifically for people with little or no experience with developing, IT admin or Networking and design. It is required only to have determination and display a willingness to learn. I will be taking the next couple of weeks to introduce my projects that I'm propsosing to contribute, my interest and veteran family first. Then objectives of the network to Canadians, as larger, more long term, universal and open source project. Integration with current federal infrastructure and organizational unit details unknown at this time. I will be providing an in depth overview on various surprise platforms and associated resources I funded personally, with my own income and operations in business by myself. I will be seeking with those capable from federally funded sources together, access for candidates to professional materials such as mentors, software, hardware, education and training, specialization opportunities for a decent number of Canadians etc;. A mission in itself will be just to gather all the information about each of the many different groups and their expertise and direction in order to Unite and share projects within the network. THE CANADIAN VETERANS NETWORK live introduction aims to work for Canadians they my not have any knowledge of this organization/unit's size, actions, locations, Unit Affiliations, timeline, Estate, security policy as a private security operator/agent and economic development for Canada. I have made the org/unit a closed group and page started? WIKIPEDIA page as a developer we have the beta version. That's a good thing. It's mainly a tech company and open source meaning we will offer our source code for public use and our saved repository for suggested improvements on forums like stackdriver and github as well as full integration with the same scaling and network technology legend, Google uses through their GOOGLE CLOUD PLATFORM. Opportunities for entry or advancement in cloud computing. Instruction online made available to interested candidates through google's choice of educational platforms Udacity and Coursera. THE CANADIAN VETERANS NETWORK LIVE INTRODUCTION would like to stress that we intend to provide subsidized learning opportunities in these specializations. Questions comments and such are welcomed a d if sensitive or otherwise can be directed to me outside of here at either [email protected]. Until further notice the IT admin of each domain in can be reached at [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Feel free to text the network at
The projects hotline:
Google Developers offers a variety of programs for developers, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and community groups worldwide.