If you’ve arrived here looking for the most elevated burrito in NYC, you’ll be pointed in the right direction. Meaning “little donkey” in Spanish, the burrito, experts speculate, was named as such because, like a donkey, it contains various items or ingredients. Like vodka, the origin story of the burrito is complicated, controversial, and inconclusive. However, what isn’t inconclusive is how damn delicious the burritos at Son Del North are, so if you are in the Lower East Side, it is worth a stop, and if you are in the city, it is worth a diversion. Having spoken with the co-owners (two-time Chopped winner) and (both very kind and menschy people), it was clear that a lot of thought, planning, and culinary chops went into the conception of this eatery. We tried the Camarón Ranchero, a Sinoloan-inspired rice-free tortilla-wrapped flavor sinfonía with shrimp, pico de gallo, salsa roja, avocado, cheese, and creamy Peruvian beans that were, according to Chef Annisha, generously handed down by her unparalleled abuelita. While I love Mexican food, the output in the US is often underwhelming. is not just the antidote to passable but widely available Mexican fair; it is, without a doubt, one of the best burritos in NYC and, I dare say, the country.