中華民國114年 波士頓地區元旦升旗 - Republic of China (Taiwan) 🇹🇼 Flag Raising Ceremony in Newton, MA on 1/1/2025
Republic of China (Taiwan) Flag Raising Ceremony in Newton, MA on 1/1/2025
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👉 👉 https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/25/1/2/n14404155.htm
牛頓市市議會議長Marc Laredo和牛頓高地社區發展協會主任John Rice也都到場表達祝賀。🇹🇼 🎉 🇹🇼 🎉 🇹🇼 🎉
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波士頓大紀元 #乾淨世界 頻道:t.ly/8ZU4w
The 71st annual edition of the Quincy Christmas Parade “Home for the Holidays” occurs at 12 p.m. ET on Dec. 1 in Quincy, Massachusetts. The parade steps off from Hannon Parkway’s intersection, proceeds north on Hancock Street, and ends at North Quincy High School.
The parade includes 16 bands, 16 floats, along with many antique cars and numerous specialty units, including the always popular Shriners Clowns and Fire Brigade. This year the USS Constitution Color Guard is joined by the Ship’s Captain Commanding Officer Crystal Schaefer who marches with the other members of the ship’s command staff. There are numerous Color Guards headed by the Quincy Police, Quincy Fire and Quincy Veterans Organizations.
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👉 👉 https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/24/12/2/n14382590.htm
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「總統之城」麻州昆士市(Quincy)12月1日舉辦第71屆年度聖誕節遊行。在陽光明媚的寒冷天氣下,慶典隊伍從昆士市政府出發,遊行近3英里,抵達北昆士中學(North Quincy High School)附近的主舞台。
據主辦方介紹,今年的遊行隊伍,包括16支樂隊、16輛花車,還有諸多老爺車、盛裝演員、軍人和學生參與。慶典隊列中還有6匹高頭大馬拉車,有憲法號軍艦(USS Constitution)船員,還有來自昆士市、韋茅斯市(Weymouth)等附近市鎮的警察、消防員等等。
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更多 #波士頓新聞
波士頓大紀元 #乾淨世界 頻道:t.ly/8ZU4w
Boston holds the annual Veterans Day parade and flag raising ceremony on November 9. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🪖 Grand Marshal and State Senator Lydia Edwards recollects her family stories about serving the country. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu signs a City Council order to provide a tax break for veteran homeowners.
波士頓11月9日舉辦年度退伍軍人節遊行和升旗典禮 🇺🇸。大會主席回顧她的家庭從軍經歷;市長吳弭簽署法案,為擁有房產的退伍軍人提供產業稅優惠。
一如往年,中華民國 🇹🇼 🪖 榮光會(7:30)是唯一獲邀參加的外國退伍軍人團體,雙方紀念二戰時期並肩作戰的情誼。
➡️ https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/nsc531.htm
更多 #波士頓新聞
波士頓大紀元 #乾淨世界 頻道:t.ly/8ZU4w
Maura Healey signed An Act regulating the use of elephants, big cats, primates, giraffes and bears in traveling exhibits and shows, becoming the sixth state in the nation to pass similar legislation. This legislation bans the use of elephants, lions, giraffes and other animals in traveling acts like circuses.
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Effective January 1, 2025, this bill prohibits traveling acts, like circuses, carnivals and fairs, from using certain animals, including lions, tigers, bears, elephants, giraffes, and primates, for entertainment. Exceptions to the law include animals that live at the zoo; the use of animals in filming movies; and non-exotic animals like horses, chickens, pigs, and rabbits can continue to be exhibited.
➡️ https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/24/10/29/n14359745.htm
更多 #波士頓新聞
波士頓大紀元 #乾淨世界 頻道:t.ly/8ZU4w
When you hear Strange noise out of your room at night in Massachusetts
When you hear Strange noise out of your room at night in Massachusetts
中華民國雙十國慶將至,波士頓唐人街的義工們今日沿街懸掛國旗 🇹🇼 🇺🇸
To celebrate the 10/10 National Day of Republic of China (Taiwan), volunteers hang flags along Boston Chinatown Streets today. 🇺🇸 🇹🇼 🎉