A heartfelt tribute from our brother FOOL Brandon Roark about former Michiana F.O.O.L.S. VP and Elkhart Captain Adam “Pugsley” Kuspa. Take the time to read and be more like Pugs. The fire service needs more Pugs…the world needs more Pugs.
“Bro, we've got a lot of brothers and sisters hurting right now, and it’s no surprise—Adam was one of a kind. He was our FOOLS VP back when I was president, and he played a huge role in the Lake Effect Fire Nuggets with Stretch Martin and me. EVERYONE knew Puggs!
Adam grew up on the west side of the South Bend, where the streets were all too familiar with trauma and fires…that was his backyard and his stomping grounds as a kid. I am not too sure how he got hooked up with the fire service, but I know he practically lived at the firehouses, soaking it all in like it was his oxygen. By the time he was old enough to be a cadet at Portage Fire, he was already bitten by the bug.
After graduating from Washington High, he joined Portage Fire and eventually transitioned to Center Township when they merged (Later Southwest Central Fire). As a part-timer he pulled shifts wherever he could—Southwest, Notre Dame, Clay Fire—you name it. He hustled harder than a probie on coffee duty, juggling part-time gigs while chasing his passion for the job.
When Elkhart City Fire hired him 19 years ago, he won the lottery. Funny story: South Bend called him with a full-time offer two days after Elkhart did. But Adam, in true Pugsley fashion, stayed loyal to Elkhart because they chose him first, and loyalty matters. The joke, though, was on all of us. His loyalty wasn’t to a patch or a city—it was to the job and the brotherhood, and his brothers and sisters at Elkhart not only fostered that brotherhood fire burning in him, but they poured gasoline on it…something that Pugsley would do for everyone he met.
Adam bled that sooty, smelly runoff from a good job. Whether it was with Elkhart, South Bend, Clay, Center Township, Notre Dame, the FOOLS, Lake Effect Fire Nuggets, or through O’Byrne Fire Training, Adam didn’t just show up; he owned it. He didn’t give a damn whose name was on the rigs—he cared about the mission, the craft, and the brothers and sisters standing alongside him.
He was the kind of guy who could make you laugh until you cried but would also stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the sh*ttiest of moments (or in the darkest alleys). Loyal to the job. Loyal to Michiana and Loyal to the citizens. That’s just who he was.
You may not have met Pugsley, but trust me, you knew him. Just close your eyes and think of that guy—like Norm from Cheers. When he walked into the room (or the bar), the whole place stopped, and everyone called out his name, “Pugs!” The mood instantly lifted, and for that moment on, everything felt right. That was Adam.
Joy is the only emotion that comes to mind when I think of him, and that joy will stick with us forever.”