My Dear Friends. What is greatest things to Your Lives.?
Throughout history, the Holy Lord, called his people and revealed God own self to them. The Lord’s people come to knew the Holy Lord and walk Faithful with the Lord. God is the God who made the heavens and the earth.
The Holy Lord, called Abram and Sarah and Revealed God own self to them. The Lord said to them. I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will be Blessed. Genesis,22.17.”
The Holy Lord did not only appeared to Abram, and Sarah. The Holy Lord, Appeared Isaac, Jacob, Moses and the Prophets.”
My Dear Friends, Look at the Promises of the Holy Lord. Your Descendants shall be, Like the Stars of Skys. Imagine, the Stars of the Skys, how beautiful they are. The Promises of the Holy Lord is greater than, what You can imagine. That is how much God Promised You. I know Faith is important to You and Faith is the thing that Changes You. I Hope, You will learn more about faith.
Have a great day.