Q: Favorite character from your book and why?
A: I think Strykar from "Between the Helpless and the Darkness." A cold-blooded killer whose initial only redeeming quality is loyalty, but he grows more than anyone in the book and becomes a pivotal figure in the world I created.
#author #featuredauthor #books #writing
MEET THE AUTHOR: John Bertucci
Q: What is your genre, and why?
A: My genre is the political thriller. Right now, it seems to be the direction that I am being taken because of all that is going on around us.
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MEET THE AUTHOR: Barb Greenberg
Q: What inspires you to write?
A: The hope that what I write can make a difference for someone else.
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MEET THE AUTHOR: Duane Paetznick
Q: Who is your role model and why?
A: I have several role models, depending on my focus. For writing, my role models are actually my two co-authors for the book "Behind the Pulpit" - Roger Eigenfeld and Paul Harrington. They both are great storytellers, writers, and preachers. Perhaps those three things go hand in hand. I know that each of them has influenced the way I write and speak. I was fortunate to be able to co-author a book alongside them.
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MEET THE AUTHOR: Jeffrey D. Nelson, M.D.
Q: What inspires you to write?
A: I hope to do my part to make the world a better place for my children and grandchildren.
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Wishing you joy, health and prosperity in the coming year! ✨
Q: What inspires you to write?
A: The idea that my written words will outlive me is super inspiring and that my writing becomes accessible to anyone at any time. (Even when I’m gone!)
#featuredauthor #books #writing #inspiration
Q: How do you find the inspiration to write?
A: For me, writing is an emotional journey. It doesn’t matter if it’s for fun or business. I find it an interesting way to communicate, and I love when people connect to my writing. Especially when it makes sense to them or gives them pause to reflect on what I have said. I love how writing can be just for myself to express my needs, emotions, or situation, or I can choose to share it with others. It is a true art form that is interrupted by the writer and others.
#featuredauthor #books #inspiration #writing
Q: How do you find the inspiration to write?
A: I people watch .. being fluent in old sayings it easy to connect people’s behavior with a saying.
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MEET THE AUTHOR: Thomas G. Endres, PhD
Q: Who is your role model, and why?
A: My late mother. She adopted me at a time when older, sickly, required-to-be-raised Catholic babies were not in vogue. She was a class act. Always gracious and always grateful. Sophisticated but simultaneously simple. Looking forward to the day when we see each other again.
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MEET THE AUTHOR: Taylor Staples
Q: What book are you reading now?
A: I am currently reading a dark suspense thriller called Dark Offerings by R.T. Edwins. It has been keeping me on my toes as to who the killer really is, and I can't wait to find out the true culprit!
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