Want to see some hard evidence that Blackbeard the pirate was in our area? Well, behold maties!
What you’re looking at here is the personal journal of Philadelphian merchant Jonathan Dickinson. (I took this video today at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.) On October 21, 1717, Dickinson complained: “Captain Thatch alias Blackbeard” and his “130 men” have been menacing “our Capes & taken six or seven Vessels”. Another entry mentions, “thus is our River Blocked Up Until he goes hence.”
But Dickinson wasn’t the only merchant who complained about Blackbeard. James Logan, whose journal is also held at the HSP, wrote on October 24, 1717: “We have been very much disturbed this last week by the Pirates. They have taken and plundered Six or Seven Vessels bound out or into this river. Some they have destroyed, Some they have taken to their own use & Some they have dismissed after Plunder. ... The Sloop [ship] that came on our Coast had about 130 Men all Stout Fellows all English without any mixture & double armed ... their Comander is one Teach who was here a Mate from Jamaica about 2 years agoe.”
Photos of these 2 journals can be seen here in my previous post: https://www.facebook.com/100063618577056/posts/769354005195212
Why am I so interested in Blackbeard the pirate? Legend has it, he buried treasure just two blocks from my house in Burlington City, NJ. Although you can read the legend in the 1846 history book "Historical Collections of the State New Jersey", you can also read its retelling in my comic book entitled Blackbeard’s Treasure. Learn more at: BlackbeardComic.com
Cow bones found at 223 Wood Street
Cow bones on Wood Street...
Lately, there has been home renovation work going on at 223 Wood Street, just three doors down from 217 Wood Street where a human skull was unearthed in 1926 and subsequently made national news. In fact, this entire plot of land (specifically the odd-numbered side of the 200 block of Wood Street) used to be a tannery, where leather was produced, according to the 1844 Blackbeard legend (which I'm making a comic book about).
As you can see in my video, a pipe trench was recently dug by construction workers, and on the pile of dirt are some cow bones, which is consistent with our understanding of this land previously being used as a tannery.
I wonder what will be unearthed next. If the construction workers find anything resembling a pirate treasure chest, I hope they save me a gold doubloon to help me pay my property tax bill. 😂