Celebrating 25 years! Thank you The Oakk Room for hosting us.
Buffalo Mayoral Debate
Thursday September 9, 2021. Live from the Frank E. Merriweather Library in Buffalo, New York.
Put Me On: A Panel with News Decision-Makers
A discussion hosted by BABJ on how to break down the perceived barriers to access between the Black and Brown community and getting our stories covered.
JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH: A conversation led by BABJ President Madison Carter.
Rick James Project Announcement/ G.O.D. (Givers of Death) Screening
Celebrating Juneteenth!
Check out our "virtual booth" for Juneteenth of Buffalo Festival.
It's a new era for the Buffalo Association of Black Journalists. Our organization remains committed to advocating for fair and accurate coverage of both Black issues and the Black community, increasing representation in media, and educational programming for the community regarding access to news coverage.
We are very proud of the accomplishments of both our chapter and members over the past year. Here's a look back.
#BABJ #JOB #JOB45 #JuneteenthOfBuffaloFestival #Juneteenth #NABJ #BlackMediaMatters
“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Red Cross has been in need of more blood donations, but particularly from people from diverse communities,” says BABJ Parliamentarian and #SickleCellWarrior Karys Belger. “The donations are especially important when helping people with certain conditions that are prevalent in communities of color” – such as Sickle Cell Disease, which can lead to organ failure.
Join the Buffalo Association Of Black Journalists in working with the American Red Cross of Western New York .Donate blood today. #GiveNow See more info at www.RedCross.org/giveblood
#GIVEBLOOD thread by #BABJ
Karys Belger https://bit.ly/3hB4l9Y
Fadia Patterson TV https://bit.ly/2UT7Ezp
(NABJ) National Association of Black Journalists
American Red Cross of Western New York
American Red Cross
BABJ's Black Male Media Project
If you missed the discussion yesterday between our brothers, our sons, our fathers, our uncles, our husbands -- listen here.
The men of BABJ brought a powerful converstion to the forefront for (NABJ) National Association of Black Journalists' Black Male Media Project held in chapters across the country. ✊🏾#InspireBlackMen
Happy birthday, Karys !
BABJ would like to wish our Parliamentarian, WGRZ - Channel 2, Buffalo Reporter Karys Belger a happy birthday !
BABJ Update with Rod Watson
BABJ President Madison Carter WKBW catches up with Rod Watson, founder and former president of the BABJ, and Urban Affairs Editor at the Buffalo News.
Happy birthday, Karys !
BABJ would like to wish our Parliamentarian, WGRZ - Channel 2, Buffalo Reporter Karys Belger a happy birthday !