For kids who have no manners or have little understanding (including adults):
1. Education sector: When education sector is still at a limitation, it's normal that we get resources like this. Thus education needs to be strengthened, no educated person will do all things and no child is busy learning, spending on useless things because it is not a child's role.
2. If you can make a law, don't sell alcohol to children, not encouraging, get reward and salary. We do this really affects our national resources far and wide. Kids who are like this are losing their mind, happy forget to think or can't think because it's a habit.
3. Whether old or young, try to act crazy, ask for photo, ask for Signature from others, what are you doing? Fulfill the ego ? If our people think of their little interest and eliminate what is Khmer, we will definitely fall. ishowspeed is just a Content Creator in a funny way. Don't underestimate that kind of person because we don't use comedian to develop the country.
4. They don't care what we do as long as we have money: This theory is really affective, what happens, sister salt and pepper make crazy videos to disrespect our people. We see many kids don't go to school but try to make videos, Promote cakes, Promote things that affect children's health. Everything comes from value. Money is not value. In the era of deceitful people throw money, we try to get the result to get money, cut the fence to protect all. They put prize in wine, we try to drink, if not lose consciousness, also waste money and health. Kids are Content Creator, try to act crazy, run after them, disturb them, make them angry for their own little benefit, it's wrong. Thus, a nation that has value is his own value.
5. Sometimes, young or old, learn more or less, without understanding, think about common interest, anything can happen. This is how people need to be more perceptive.