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I'll say it again and again, "Humboldt Parkway Neighborhood is inclusive of far more households than just those near the Scajaquada Corridor. HPN extends all the way from Delaware Park (in the north), to downtown Buffalo (in the South). These majority individuals deserved to be heard, in this generation's Kensington (Expressway) Project. Were they? Did the majority of Humboldt Parkway Neighborhood Residents want a new investment in the freeway, in the form of its being continued for another 100 years, and with a tunnel plopped in the middle of it, or did they want a Removal-focused Reconnection Project?". The )nearly) inexplicable collusion with New York State Department of Transportation for a less-than-Removal Solution, smacks of Stockholm Syndrome, at a woeful affliction level. For what Reason(s) would anyone prefer to keep a highway planted in the middle of their own, and their neighbors', living-rooms? Rather than advocate for its complete removal? {{{crickets}}}
If the fact of the Kensington Expressway having been built to damage a Humboldt Parkway Neighborhood that was (then) turning increasingly Black and African American, isn't enough of a Reason all by itself, to oppose this generation's version. Try this. Humboldt Parkway Neighborhood contains a high incidence of the variety of Environmental Illnesses that living close by a high-speed highway is known to cause people to suffer, from. The community opposition and push-back against New York State Department of Transportation was what it is, because of both truths. In addition, the opposition was demanding that NYSDOT's proposal receive a Ruling of Finding of Significant Impact, which would have required the agency to do a full and comprehensive Environmental Impact Study [EIS]. That EIS would have established the High Incidence and Number of Adverse Health Complaints, experienced by Humboldt Parkway Neighborhood Residents, including claims made by a (disproportionately) high Number of Residents whom live on the radial (i.e. 'side') streets connected to the Parkway.
What happened instead, this past Friday (16-Feb-24), was absolutely dreadful: the U.S. Department of Transportation's, Federal Highway Administration fast-tracked NYSDOT's (controversial) 'Cap and Stitch' Kensington Expressway Project, by issuing a Finding of No Significant Impact [FONSI], and which cleared the way, so to speak, for the 'wrong way' Project, to commence. The Community Opposition to that Wrong Way version Project, was formed when it became apparent that the Community Support for the Initiative had omitted some key stipulations that should have been not only articulated to NYSDOT, but should have been insisted upon and adhered to.
It was only in an 20-October-23 Letter from Restore Our Community Coalition - Buffalo, NY to NYSDOT, that we learned that group had (ever) very clearly demanded a (comprehensive) Adverse Health Impact Study be 'performed' by NYSDOT. That is not what has been caused to happen. Yet another generation of we Black and African American, East Side Buffalo Community Residents, has been caused to be exposed and injured and harmed by the noxious fumes coming from the vehicular traffic on the Kensington (Expressway). Depending on folks to suddenly (all) convert to electric vehicles, is a ludicrous Plan of Action. Here's a more realistic Course of Action, pose the question: "Why are ๐๐๐ฆ East Side Buffalo Community Groups supporting NYSDOT's (current version) Kensington (Expressway) Project? Is one's fellow-neighbors' exposure to that which is making they and their Loved Ones sick, anything to celebrate? God forbid. The tunnel is a short-range Solution, that really is not even actually a Solution, at all. The removal option was a long-range Solution. There is no Phase Two Project coming down the pike to reconnect (all) Humboldt Parkway Neighborhoods, or to restore the central city park that the first Kensington (Expressway) Project damaged to the current illustration of a high-speed freeway having taken its place. This was/is it, this is what/all we get. If all this were not so very darned tragic, it might be deemed a comedy of errors.
Understanding why the community opposition exists, will be (very) helpful, moving forward, because that Show of Community Force and Willpower did not evaporate, due to the ridiculous determination on FHWA's part. How about: We want our Community's (formerly) majestic Humboldt Parkway, with its lovely and beautifully Natural 'Great' Outdoors, and its American Maple, Dutch Elm, and Sycamore Trees, back. We also demand, in unison with ROCC, that our Humboldt Parkway Neighbors' Community Health Woes be (comprehensively) investigated. We insist that the U.S. State Of New York, do right, by Buffalo's Black East Side Community! Please share this, "each one, teach one", style.
The environmental impact statement (EIS) is a government document that outlines the impact of a proposed project on its surrounding environment. In the United States, these statements are mandated by federal law for certain projects.