2% loss of hydration leads to a 10-20% drop in muscle strength and power. Drink 1-1.5 gallons maintenance and 2-3 gallons during show prep. #water #hydration #dehydration #bodybuildingdiet #showprep #fitnesstips
Lots of weight reps, change grips, move angles and patterns often and make it BURN everywhere! #veins #vascular #forearms #forearm #bodybuildingworkout #veinyarms #veinyhands #veiny
Bowel flushes (diarrhea) are the most common side effect, but high doses of 3000-5000+mg a day over extended periods of time can be dangerous. #magnesiumbenefits #magnesium #magnesiumdeficiency #magnesiumglycinate #magnesiumcitrate #magnesiumchloride #magnesiumsupplement
Magnesium is magnesium! #magnesiumbenefits #magnesium #magnesiumdeficiency #bodybuilding #magnesiumsupplement #magnesiumglycinate #magnesiumchloride #magnesiumcitrate #magnesiumglycinate
3-5g/day of Micronized creatine monohydrate is enough to combat aging symptoms like muscle wasting, mental fatigue and oxidative stress that damages the brain. #creatine #creatinemonohydrate #creatinepowder #antiaging #brainhealth #fatigue #musclewasting #energy #concentration
Creatine produces ATP quickly for the brain when it’s needed for mental energy during times of concentration. #creatine #creatinemonohydrate #creatinepowder #creatinepower #brainhealth #focus #mentalwellness #fatigue #supplements
Micronized creatine monohydrate is my go to. It has the most research, good absorption and is cost effective. I’m not convinced about the research for other forms and don’t need dual benefits. #creatine #creatinemonohydrate #creatinepowder #creatinepower #creatinehcl #creatinemicronized #creatinesupplement #creatinegummies
A week long loading phase is NOT needed, but a quick 2 day load of 20g/day will help saturate muscle quickly, then go to a maintenance dose of 5-10g depending on workout intensity. Consistency is key! Reload if you skip more than 2 days. #creatine #creatinemonohydrate #creatinepowder #bodybuilding #supplements #musclegrowth #hypertrophy
To maximize muscle hypertrophy creatine is needed to rapidly replenish ATP so you can squeeze out the last few reps that stimulate more growth. #creatine #creatinemonohydrate #creatinepowder #creatinegains #bodybuilding #supplements #musclegrowth #hypertrophy
Creatine does NOT cause a jiggly belly (subcutaneous fluid). It pulls in intracellar fluid to@make muscles fuller. #creatine #creatinemonohydrate #creatinepowder #creatinehcl #creatinegains #creatinepower
Elevated liver enzymes is common among bodybuilding. Try Himalaya Liver Care! Not a sponsored post, I just think it’s a great formula. #Steroids #roids #liver #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #bodybuildingtips #bodybuildinglifestyle
86g Protein at Chipotle! 🤤 #chipotle #chipotlebowl #chipotlechicken #protein #proteinfood #bodybuildingfood #bodybuildingdiet