A long, long, time ago in a small town in Ohio someone had an idea for a fantastic book series. We knew it was a great story but did not know where to start. Family, friends, and great people helped us financially, but the publishing industry as a whole is kind of like sticking your fingers into a piranha aquarium while blindfolded. After becoming confused and sent off on wild tangents throughout
the publishing universe, we learned some valuable lessons. We learned, as did many authors before us, by doing hours of research, and finding great people who will work with us just because they are passionate about the craft. You become a writer because you have a great story, you have something to say, and you fall in love with it. Spending hundreds of your hard-earned dollars you do not have in the first place takes all of the fun out of writing a book. It is stressful and frustrating. You become forced to push your book to try to make up the money you sunk into it, and it becomes awful. More than likely, you will never get that money back. If you do, perhaps it won't be for years to come. Hundreds of rejection letters from agents and publishers who tell you that “you are a first time author and therefore you have no clue what you are doing” is the final icing on the cake. No one ever started out at the top, no one. We are here to tell you that if you have a great story, a burning passion to publish, and want to see your book come to life, we will help you see it through. We will easily guide you through the process. All we ask is that we get publishing credit. That is it, no more, no less. Check out our pain-free guidelines. Thank you and good luck from all of us at Pseudosynth press!