SILO Productions continues to provide video production solutions for clients across all industries. We are always looking for great stories to tell and people to work with. Check out our newest video showcase and reach out with your next video idea!
SILO Service Spotlight | Video Interview Capture - Take a look behind the camera at some set ups we did for @girlsinstemacademy via our friends at Pen+Principle. Capturing interviews on location takes time, planning, and accounting for a lot of variables once you show up onsite. You want each set up to look AND sound professional, but more importantly you want to capture on camera the honesty and authenticity of each of your interviewees. Our team commits to helping you with all aspects of that process: developing interview questions, finding good looks, setting up complementary lighting, capturing clear sound: each and every interview deserves this kind of attention to detail. Don’t let the technical aspects of video production get in the way of telling a great story or presenting your message. DM us if you are looking for a partner in capturing video interviews for your company or clients.
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