2 RENGE 2Renge is an eclectic fusion of herbal concoctions, jewelry, and lots of pretty things. Love, Peace and Herbs. 🪷

Happy Saturday!! Come see us today from 3-8. We will have lots of herbal goodies and of course a gorgeous variety of Air...

Happy Saturday!! Come see us today from 3-8. We will have lots of herbal goodies and of course a gorgeous variety of Air plants!! We hope to see you later.✌🏼

We are so excited about our new additions to the 2Renge family. 2Renge proudly offers a diverse selection of Tillandsias...

We are so excited about our new additions to the 2Renge family.

2Renge proudly offers a diverse selection of Tillandsias, also known as ‘Air plants,’ which are highly prized for their low-maintenance requirements and striking visual appeal. Additional information about these captivating plants can be accessed on our website, http://2rengeeclectic.com/


Discover our thoughtfully curated air plants, showcased in intricately hand-painted sea urchin shells delicately hanging from a jewelry chain or natural sea urchin shells suspended from a clear cord.

Join us tomorrow at the cicada festival - we're vending! We've been working hard on some amazing herbal concoctions, and...

Join us tomorrow at the cicada festival - we're vending! We've been working hard on some amazing herbal concoctions, and our collection of air plants is for sale. See you there! Love, peace, and herbs. 💚💚💚

This is my first time working with milky oats. Pictured is a  milky oats Tincture which will sit in a cool dark place fo...

This is my first time working with milky oats. Pictured is a milky oats Tincture which will sit in a cool dark place for about three weeks. This incredible herb nourishes and maintains vitality and strength within the nervous system, a system that responds to and makes sense of our ever-changing environment. This valuable nervous system herb embodies comfort and ease, helping to sustain balance and grounding in the body, heart, and mind. Milky Oats encourages restful sleep, supports a healthy heart, and calms mental restlessness. I’m grateful for for sharing this amazing plant with me! If you want more information, please don’t hesitate to DM me. Love, peace and herbs. Rin


Adaptogens are gaining popularity for their potential benefits in reducing the negative effects of stress. Let's get acquainted with the science behind how these valuable herbs work. [read more]


Who has been busy making poplar medicine? 👋🌳 Poplar buds are best used fresh for medicine. If you can't use them fresh, you can also freeze them and thaw them! Drying poplar buds tends to result in rotting within the buds.

Did you know that poplar bud oil extracts tend to be very rich in anti-oxidants? Thanks to these anti-oxidants they will stay viable for a long time, sometimes for a decade or more!

The poplar buds that tend to be used to make the popular Balm of Gilead oil extracts are usually from the highly aromatic and resinous Western Balsam Poplar aka Black Cottonwood Poplars (Populus trichocarpa), though other western poplars like the Northern Balsam Poplar (Populus Balsamifera) found scattered across Canada and northern parts of the U.S also have significant amounts of extractable resins. The Lombardi poplars contain the least amount of medicinal resins, as well as the variety of hybrid poplars grown for paper pulp.

One of the reasons we love Poplar is because it's considered a stimulating expectorant, which makes it helpful for moving mucus and congestion out of the lungs.

😷 Tip: For a dry cough or sore throat, mix one-half teaspoon of the oil or ointment
with honey and lemon juice. When used internally, only take small amounts.

Herbalists we want to hear from you - how have you worked with poplar medicine?


If you'd like to learn more about sustainable wild harvesting and foraging ethics, Join our immersive, online course Wild Harvesting Herbs & Edibles with Yarrow Willard.

You will learn the tools and tips you need to start foraging and harvesting confidently and ethically this season: https://wildrosecollege.com/product/wild-harvesting/?utm_source=social&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=general_wh_mar_2024

Sunshine on a rainy morning. 💛

Sunshine on a rainy morning. 💛

This looks amazing!

This looks amazing!

Pistachio Cardamom Rose Loaf
Enchanted Eastern Aromas Loaf

1 cup (125g) ground pistachios
2/3 cup (70g) oat flour
1/4 cup (40g) gluten-free plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground cardamom

1/2 cup (120ml) coconut yogurt
1/3 cup (80ml) maple syrup
1 cup (150g) cashews
1/4 cup (60ml) milk of choice
3-4 tbsp maple syrup
2 tsp beetroot powder
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4-1/2 tsp rose water
Chopped pistachios and pomegranate seeds for decoration
Preheat oven to 350ºF (180ºC).
Mix ground pistachios, oat flour, gluten-free flour,
baking powder, salt, and cardamom in a large bowl.
3. Add yogurt and maple syrup to dry ingredients; mix well.
Pour into a lined 22x12 cm loaf tin.
Bake for 35-40 minutes.
For frosting, blend all ingredients until smooth.
Once cooled, spread frosting and decorate with pistachios and pomegranate seeds.
Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cooking Time: 40 minutes | Total Time: 55 minutes | Kcal: 325 kcal | Servings: 10 slices


Bloomed Mother-in-law's Tongue,☘

Our Activated Charcoal soaps. May be pretty but they also have super powers! Charcoal soap helps to absorb excess oil, d...

Our Activated Charcoal soaps. May be pretty but they also have super powers! Charcoal soap helps to absorb excess oil, dirt, product buildup and harmful bacteria from your skin, all of which are the leading causes of common skin issues.
Activated charcoal also works as an anti-inflammatory, absorbing substances that inflame the skin so it can prevent redness and leave you with a fresh clean feeling. Activated charcoal soap can make the skin tighter and firmer. It has also been known to help smooth out wrinkles by tightening pores and increasing low collagen levels. You can your bar at https://www.2rengeeclectic.com 💚

We have an amazing batch of Firecider available! Get your bottle at http://2RengeEclectic.com ❤️What is Fire cider? Fire...

We have an amazing batch of Firecider available! Get your bottle at http://2RengeEclectic.com ❤️

What is Fire cider? Fire cider is an herbal tonic that’s used to boost immunity, help with digestion, and so much more! The basic recipe combines horseradish with root vegetables, like ginger, garlic, and onions, which are then dissolved in apple cider vinegar. Hot peppers are added to make it fiery.

The concoction sits in a mason jar for about a month to infuse. Some people like to add honey, citrus, or cinnamon for taste and additional antioxidants. You can take a spoonful of fire cider every day or at the first sign of a cold. Some people prefer to dilute the mixture with juice, use it as vinegar on a salad, or drizzle it over vegetables. Love,Peace and Herbs! 💚


The cuetlaxochitl flower is native to Mexico.

This is a sacred flower that was colonized and written off in history as a "discovery" of Joel Poinsett’s in the 1800's.

Joel Poinsett was a slave owner who promoted white supremacy and slavery in his travels and in his political career. He has also been responsible for the displacement of many indigenous peoples along the way by forcibly removing them from their native lands.

The Cuetlaxochime originally had nothing to do with christianity or Christmas, they were a sacred plant used in ceremonies to celebrate the birth of Huitzilopochtli during our winter solstices. They were also used for medicinal and healing purposes to cure sicknesses, aid the flow of breast milk, as well as for dyeing fabrics.

Reverse the harm by calling our xochime by its original name, Cuetlaxochitl, and correcting those around you.

Pronunciation: Kwe•tla•so•cheetl


Learn how to make incense using commonly found and locally grown botanicals.


🌿🌸 Daisy, Rose, Primrose, Marshmallow, Calendula, Violet, Nasturtium, Bergamot + Garden Greens = A feast for your eyes and soul! 😍

Foraging does not need to be limited to the backcountry woods and wilderness. A large portion of our foraged food comes from the city because that is where we live. Foraging in an urban setting can be a wonderful way to get to know your neighbours and create community.

In this video, Courtney wandered around the streets of Peterborough, Ontario and knocked on neighbours’ doors to get permission to harvest some of their plants for this flower salad/

Watch it here: http://www.artofawareness.ca/journal/2017/7/24/edible-flowers

Wow.. I didn’t know they were edible! 💚

Wow.. I didn’t know they were edible! 💚

Daylily is more than just a beautiful garden flower: it’s a versatile wild edible and perennial vegetable.
This plant has long been cultivated for its edible flowers and leaves and has delighted gardeners around the globe for centuries. The tender green shoots, tubers, petals, and floral buds are all edible. I toss the bright petals into salads and use the flower base (reproductive parts stripped away) as an edible cup for yummy herbal goat cheese spreads.
However, it’s important to note that a small percentage of people—perhaps one out of fifty—react with transient gastric distress when they eat daylily, especially raw. Try just a little the first time you eat it and if you don't experience any nausea or gastric distress, slowly increase the amount you sample each time.
Proper identification is important (as with all wild foods and herbs!) as there are many other species of lily, some of which are also called daylily (that aren't necessarily edible).
If you want to learn more about wild foods and herbs (including daylily), check out our Online Herbal Immersion, which is hands-down THE most comprehensive online program on sustainable DIY herbalism. For details:
💛 www.chestnutherbs.com/immersion 💛
(Hemerocallis fulva, Xanthorrhoeaceae).
Photo © Juliet Blankespoor
*Please research any new herb and consult your health care providers for possible drug/herb contraindications and precautions before ingesting. Be sure of your identification before ingesting any plant or mushroom.


Elder bushes bloom in late May and throughout June, producing beautiful clouds of fragrant white elderflowers. While elderflowers are commonly used to make elderflower syrup and cordial, they can do so much more than that!


Herbs and tings! 🪴🪻🌱💚


🌱🌸🍃 Spring is here and nature's bounty is waiting to be discovered! From the delicious and tender fiddleheads to the earthy flavour of morels, the springtime forest is a treasure trove of culinary delights waiting to be discovered. 🌿🍴

Are you interested in learning more about the wild edible and medicinal plants that grow all around us? Join us for our FREE mini-course Spring Virtual Herb Walk - only available for a limited time every year. Get outside or walk with us virtually from indoors until spring makes its way to you and you can visit the plants around you firsthand!

➡️ So grab your basket and join us on a wild foraging adventure - sign up for free here: https://wildrosecollege.com/product/spring-virtual-herb-walk/

Art by: Madison Safer


🌼 Chamomile for Skincare 🌼

"Chamomile is one of my favorite ingredients to work with when crafting skincare products. Like rose, it is also gentle and anti-inflammatory. Its subtle, calming scent promotes relaxation, which makes it a wonderful herb to include in any daily skincare routine." -Herbalist Tara Ruth

Learn more about herbs for skincare in our latest blog post on how to make herbal lotions at home: https://bit.ly/3zVGlsn

[Image description: a closeup photograph of jar of dried chamomile tipped over on its side and chamomile flowers delicately spilling out of the open jar.]



Here is some good information for any Families that had issues with your Tomatoes this last season. It is important to be able to identify and treat the common Tomato plant ailments that might crop up.

1) BLOSSOM END ROT--This is one of the most common ailments, and you can tell if your plants have it by looking at where Tomatoes attach to vine. If the attachment appears brown and leathery between the size of a dime and quarter, than that Tomato has Blossom End Rot.

TO TREAT--You will have to take all the Tomatoes off the plants that are affected, and dispose of them. If you don't, it will spread and to all of them. Calcium is required in relatively large concentrations for normal cell growth. When a rapidly growing fruit is deprived of calcium, the tissues break down, leaving the characteristic lesion at the blossom end. Blossom-end rot develops when the fruit's demand for calcium exceeds the supply in the soil.

This may result from low calcium levels in the soil, drought stress, excessive soil moisture, and/or fluctuations due to rain or over watering. Lime (unless the soil is already alkaline), composted manures or bone meal will supply calcium.

2) BLIGHT--There are 3 stages of Blight. Early Blight is black and grey spots on the leaves when Tomatoes are young. Southern Blight is black and grey spots by stem and roots of the tomato plant. Late Blight gets out of hand, and is black and grey spots throughout the leaves, vines, and tomatoes.

TO TREAT--The easiest way is to treat it in it's early stages by removing the parts of the Tomato plants that are infected.. If you don't notice it until the later stages of Blight, you will need to buy an anti-fungal treatment, or you can make an organic one from home. however,

3) CATERPILLARS-- They love to feed on Tomato plants, and should be taken care of right away.

TO TREAT--– There are many treatments available to fight against caterpillar infestations at your local garden store, but you can make your own safe organic remedies at home. An Apple Cider Vinegar spray can be used to keep them away. You can also plant French Marigolds by your Tomatoes to help deter from from coming around

4) FRUIT SPLITTING--This can occur when it is dry, and then you get some heavy rains, or most frequently when there is sudden growth in the tomato plant. It doesn't hurt the Tomatoes, or affect you eating them, they just don't look good after that.

TO TREAT--If it occurs early in the Tomato plants growth phase, it can be reversed. Just water and apply nutrients, as normal, so there's no too dry too wet cycle. If it happens near harvest, it can't be reversed.

5) RED SPIDER MITES-- They are hard to spot, and usually are under your leaves. If you notice cobwebs on your Tomato plants, then you definitely have them.

TO TREAT-- You can always buy treatments at the store to take care of them, but better to make your own organic Apple Cider Vinegar spray, soap spray, or Onion and Garlic spray. Coriander, Dill, and Chrysanthemums are good to plant to deter them.

6) WILT--It is a fungal infection that starts in the roots, and blocks most of the water and nutrients from getting to the plant. It usually causes no problems until Tomatoes are growing on the vines. You will first see yellowing and drying of lower leaves, and then whole plant will wilt during hottest period of day. It will recover some at night, but then wilt again next day

TO TREAT--There really is no treatment when you get wilt that I know of. It is in the soil, so the next time you grow Tomatoes, pick a different spot in the Garden to grow them. It will deprive the Wilt of a host, and it will die out over the next year. Grow seedlings inside in clean soil before transplanting in Spring, and then make sure to pull all weeds that pop up around them

7) SUN SCORCH-- The skin of your Tomatoes will looked bruised and sunken. It sometimes happens when your Tomatoes get too much sun exposure during a real dry and hot period

TO TREAT-- Don't do any pruning of leaves during hot periods. The extra leaves will shield the Tomatoes. You can also use shade cloth to cover them during these periods Once they get Sun Scorch, you cannot do anything for the affected fruit, but you can provide shade for the unaffected ones.

Please visit our THE SEED GUY website when you get the chance. We have Good Pricing on our 9 Heirloom Seed Packages, and all of our Individual Varieties in Stock Now, and we still hand count and package them, like the old days, so you get the best germination.

Our 60 Variety Heirloom Seed package has 33,000 Seeds, Non GMO, fresh from the New Fall 2022 Harvest, and has 49 Vegetable varieties and 11 Herb varieties. There is definitely enough Seeds in the package to help Feed Your Family, and what you don't use right away, you can seal back in the silver mylar bag we include for storage. Great EASTER SALE Pricing Now at $79. https://theseedguy.net/seed-packages/50-60-variety-heirloom-seed-package.html

It's here, our yearly EASTER SALE!!! For the next month, from March 7th through April 10th, all large seed packages will be $10 off the regular price, all vegetable packets will be on sale for $2.95 each, and all herb packets will be on sale for just $3.25 each!
You can also call us 7 days a week, and up to 10:00 pm each night, at 918-352-8800 if you would like to Order By Phone.

If you LIKE US on our page, you will be able to see more of our great Gardening Articles, new Heirloom Seed Offers, and healthy Juice Recipes. https://www.facebook.com/theseedguy Thank you, and God Bless You and Your Family. :)


When thinking about the many medicinal uses of yarrow, it’s hard to narrow it down — yarrow is one of those special herbs that can offer healing for an incredibly wide variety of common ailments.🌿

Dive into the key medicinal uses of yarrow here: https://bit.ly/3ZPwdvI

[Image description: a closeup photograph of a yarrow plant in bloom with white flowers. A bee rests on the flowers.]


You don't often think of grandma's hosta patch as the best place to harvest lunch, but hostas are edible (and delicious).  Perhaps it's time to open your eyes to all the wonderful edibles lurking in


Brookhaven, GA


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