Jarrod Montford

Jarrod Montford Jarrod Montford, is a blog for all my friends and clients to stay connected and follow what’s going on in the beef reproduction business.

For a cow to calve in 365 days -285 days gestation 40 days uterine recovery We have 45 days a year for her to breed, 2 c...

For a cow to calve in 365 days -
285 days gestation
40 days uterine recovery

We have 45 days a year for her to breed, 2 cycles, to calve in 365 days.

Stop widening home plate for poor fertility cows!!!

"17 INCHES"..........Let that number sink in. Seventeen inches. You might not think it's much, but in the world of baseball, it's everything. It's the bedrock, the constant, the unyielding standard. It's home plate.

Let me take you back twenty-something years, to a chilly January week in Nashville. The Opryland Hotel was buzzing, packed with thousands of baseball coaches for the annual ABCA convention. Names of legendary speakers were being tossed around, but one kept coming up, always with a special reverence: "John Scolinos is here? Don't miss him."

John Scolinos. The name didn't mean much to me then, a young coach just starting out. But I was about to learn a lesson I'd never forget.

He shuffled onto the stage, a wiry figure in simple clothes, a stark white home plate hanging around his neck. A full-size home plate. Seriously? The room chuckled. He let the curiosity build, speaking for a good twenty-five minutes before addressing the elephant in the room, the snickers growing louder.

"You're probably all wondering why I'm wearing this," he said, his voice taking on a playful, almost irascible tone. He had us.

He then asked how many Little League coaches were in the room. "How wide is home plate in Little League?" Seventeen inches, came the hesitant reply. He repeated the question for Babe Ruth, high school, college, the minors, all the way up to the Majors. Seventeen inches, every single time.

"SEV-EN-TEEN INCHES!" he bellowed. "And what do they do with a Big League pitcher who can't throw over seventeen inches? They send him to Pocatello!" The room roared with laughter. "They don't widen the plate! They expect him to meet the standard."

And then, the tone shifted. He turned the plate around, drawing on it with a marker. A house, a flag, a cross. He spoke about the "home plates" in our lives – our families, schools, churches, our government. He spoke about accountability, about the consequences of lowering our standards, of widening the plate to accommodate those who fall short.

The laughter faded. Four thousand coaches sat in stunned silence. He had taken a simple concept, the unyielding seventeen inches of home plate, and transformed it into a powerful metaphor for life.

He showed us the dark side of the plate. "This," he said, "is what we have to look forward to. Dark days. A world without standards, without accountability."

Coach Scolinos passed away years later, but his lesson lives on. It’s a simple message, but a profound one: keep your home plate at seventeen inches. Don’t widen the plate for anyone. Hold yourself accountable. Hold others accountable. It's the only way to build a strong family, a strong community, a strong nation.



February’s AI class had folks from Maine, California, Oklahoma and Texas. We finally added Maine to our ministry. God has blessed us with international folks and all reaches of the United States, now including the New England area. It’s been an honor to share Christ with so many people while also discussing reproduction in cattle. If you want to attend an AI Certification Course, details are below.

Ai classes 2025

To whom it may concern,

Montford Cattle Service is pleased to announce our 2025 artificial insemination school dates, taught by Jarrod Montford, owner and operator of Montford Cattle Service.

Jarrod is a 5th generation cattle producer. His family operation has been utilizing artificial insemination exclusively without the presence of a live bull since 1989 with conception rates frequently above 85%.

In 2014, Jarrod added the skill of embryo transfer to the family operation. They have managed a 45 day calving season for over 25 years and continue to use this practice.

Jarrod has been teaching artificial insemination classes to producers from around the world since 2017. He utilizes a hands on approach with reproductive tracks and live cows each day.
This three day course is combined with herd management tools and strategies that Jarrod has utilized, not only in his own practice, but with producers he has worked with to achieve reproductive success.

Jarrod has also cultivated relationships with businesses and industry leaders nationwide, some of who frequent these classes to bring up to date information and practices as guest speakers.

The three day AI School classes are held in Stephenville, Texas, Tuesday-Thursday during one week a month.

AI certification class schedule 2025

January 7-9
February 4-6
March 4-6
April 8-10
May 6-8
June 3-5
July 8-10
August 12-14
September 2-4
October 7-9
November 4-6
December 9-11

Follow “Montford Cattle Service page” to find out more class dates as they are scheduled.

These are certification classes, including but not limited to: anatomy synchronization, semen handling, herd management, handling, live cow practice, and most importantly developing a FERTILE cow herd.

The certification class follows the guidelines by the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB).

Please call, text or email to see if there are openings for the class you want! Your selection will be confirmed once your payment is received.***

Class tuition:
$500/college students
*Add $20 if paying with card

*Note. Participants are responsible for their own meals and lodging while attending the course. Meals and lodging are NOT included in the tuition cost.

*Stephenville Location:
Class Size - 12 students

Make checks payable to:
Montford Cattle Service

Mail checks to:
Montford Cattle Service
P.O. Box 1352
Bridgeport, Texas 76426

Stephenville Hotel - LaQuinta
Call the following number for reservations and for Montford Cattle Service AI School room discount, 254-918-2444.

If flying in, research DWF or Love field for large airports. Stephenville has a municipal airport for small planes/helicopters.

Location of AI School:
Earth County Dairy Sales
8892 N Us Highway 377
Stephenville, TX 76401
⁃ Directions: From Stephenville:
⁃ 1. Leave Stephenville, traveling south on US Hwy 377 towards Dublin.
⁃ 2. Drive approximately 3 miles.
⁃ 3. Erath County Dairy Sales is located on the right side of the highway next to ABF Packing.
⁃ 4. We will be using the seats of the sale ring during instruction.

Class itinerary:
8am-5pm, dinner- 6-9pm with speakers

7:30am- Bible study, I’ve been praying for you to come
8am-5pm, dinner- 6-9pm with speakers

7:30am- Bible study, I’ve been praying for you to come

What to bring:
1. Clothes to get manure on
2. Cloths for 2 evening dinners
3. Great learning attitude
4.Bible for bible study. (Although this is optional, I pray you attend the Bible studies to fully understand the Ministry of the AI class.)
*NOTE- Ladies, please have fingernails cut to a desired length for preforming tasks*

God Bless,

Jarrod Montford
Montford Cattle Service, owner
ST Genetics Beef, sales rep
[email protected]

Nations average of Prime beef fluctuating around 12% around the calendar.  Dairy/beef crosses makes up the li...

Nations average of Prime beef fluctuating around 12% around the calendar. Dairy/beef crosses makes up the lions share!!

Beef/Dairy crosses are pushing 32% Prime. Looks like we beef producers need to learn a thing or two from our dairy producers. They raise beef better than beef producers raise beef!!!


Our August AI class was a success!!!

With feeder steer prices being high and more producers cutting bulls, now is the time to learn to AI

Fun facts-
90+% of the dairy cattle are AI bred
Less than 10% of the beef cattle are AI bred

Learn today!!!

Ai classes 2024

To whom it may concern,

Montford Cattle Service is pleased to announce our 2024 artificial insemination school dates, taught by Jarrod Montford, owner and operator of Montford Cattle Service.

Jarrod is a 5th generation cattle producer. His family operation has been utilizing artificial insemination exclusively without the presence of a live bull since 1989 with conception rates frequently above 85%.

In 2014, Jarrod added the skill of embryo transfer to the family operation. They have managed a 45 day calving season for over 25 years and continue to use this practice.

Jarrod has been teaching artificial insemination classes to producers from around the world since 2017. He utilizes a hands on approach with reproductive tracks and live cows each day.
This three day course is combined with herd management tools and strategies that Jarrod has utilized, not only in his own practice, but with producers he has worked with to achieve reproductive success.

Jarrod has also cultivated relationships with businesses and industry leaders nationwide, some of who frequent these classes to bring up to date information and practices as guest speakers.

The three day AI School classes are held in Stephenville, Texas, Tuesday-Thursday during one week a month.

AI classes schedule for 2024:

January 2-4th
February 6-8th
March 5-7th
April 2-4th
May 7-9th
June 4-6th
July 16-18th
August 13-15th
September 3-5th
October 8-10th
November 5-7th
December 3-5th

Follow “Montford Cattle Service page” to find out more class dates as they are scheduled.

These are certification classes, including but not limited to: anatomy synchronization, semen handling, herd management, handling, live cow practice, and most importantly developing a FERTILE cow herd.

The certification class follows the guidelines by the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB).

Please call, text or email to see if there are openings for the class you want! Your selection will be confirmed once your payment is received.***

Class tuition:
$500/college students
*Add $20 if paying with card

*Note. Participants are responsible for their own meals and lodging while attending the course. Meals and lodging are NOT included in the tuition cost.

*Stephenville Location:
Class Size - 12 students

Make checks payable to:
Montford Cattle Service

Mail checks to:
Montford Cattle Service
P.O. Box 1352
Bridgeport, Texas 76426

Stephenville Hotel - LaQuinta
Call the following number for reservations and for Montford Cattle Service AI School room discount, 254-918-2444.

If flying in, research DWF or Love field for large airports. Stephenville has a municipal airport for small planes/helicopters.

Location of AI School:
Earth County Dairy Sales
8892 N Us Highway 377
Stephenville, TX 76401
⁃ Directions: From Stephenville:
⁃ 1. Leave Stephenville, traveling south on US Hwy 377 towards Dublin.
⁃ 2. Drive approximately 3 miles.
⁃ 3. Erath County Dairy Sales is located on the right side of the highway next to ABF Packing.
⁃ 4. We will be using the seats of the sale ring during instruction.

Class itinerary:
8am-5pm, dinner- 6-9pm with speakers

7:30am- Bible study, I’ve been praying for you to come
8am-5pm, dinner- 6-9pm with speakers

7:30am- Bible study, I’ve been praying for you to come

What to bring:
1. Clothes to get manure on
2. Cloths for 2 evening dinners
3. Great learning attitude
4.Bible for bible study. (Although this is optional, I pray you attend the Bible studies to fully understand the Ministry of the AI class.)
*NOTE- Ladies, please have fingernails cut to a desired length for preforming tasks*

God Bless,

Jarrod Montford
Montford Cattle Service, owner
ST Genetics Beef, sales rep
[email protected]

Great interview babe!!!

Great interview babe!!!

Adam Torres and Jarrod Montford discuss Texas FFA. Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Apply to be a guest on our podcast here Show Notes: Listen to coverage from the 96th Texas FFA State Convention in Houston, Texas. In this episode, Adam Torres and Jarrod Montford, Owner of JM Beef, explore the FFA and...

Join us at the LEADing a Legacy Social on Monday, July 22nd, 2024, at Edison's in Dallas! Enjoy an evening of networking...

Join us at the LEADing a Legacy Social on Monday, July 22nd, 2024, at Edison's in Dallas! Enjoy an evening of networking and fun while supporting a great cause. Don't miss out—RSVP today!

Social Website: https://mytexasffa.org/lead-legacy-social

Sponsorship Brochure: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vgwxvuu74udus2fh67f5i/Collaboration-Sponsorship-Brochure.pdf?rlkey=7c6vx9sg9nxtsbklvnk0tz61u&st=y7dcfdeh&dl=0

RSVP Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeD78IsQK3aUuwfdPIH7uIodhWV27btZe4ZUxX7ZEHRZ-G5tg/viewform?usp=sf_link


June’s AI class!!! What a great time and great group from Texas and Oklahoma. If your interested in a class read the following information.

Ai classes 2024

To whom it may concern,

Montford Cattle Service is pleased to announce our 2024 artificial insemination school dates, taught by Jarrod Montford, owner and operator of Montford Cattle Service.

Jarrod is a 5th generation cattle producer. His family operation has been utilizing artificial insemination exclusively without the presence of a live bull since 1989 with conception rates frequently above 85%.

In 2014, Jarrod added the skill of embryo transfer to the family operation. They have managed a 45 day calving season for over 25 years and continue to use this practice.

Jarrod has been teaching artificial insemination classes to producers from around the world since 2017. He utilizes a hands on approach with reproductive tracks and live cows each day.
This three day course is combined with herd management tools and strategies that Jarrod has utilized, not only in his own practice, but with producers he has worked with to achieve reproductive success.

Jarrod has also cultivated relationships with businesses and industry leaders nationwide, some of who frequent these classes to bring up to date information and practices as guest speakers.

The three day AI School classes are held in Stephenville, Texas, Tuesday-Thursday during one week a month.

AI classes schedule for 2024:

January 2-4th
February 6-8th
March 5-7th
April 2-4th
May 7-9th
June 4-6th
July 16-18th
August 13-15th
September 3-5th
October 1-3rd
November 5-7th
December 3-5th

Follow “Montford Cattle Service page” to find out more class dates as they are scheduled.

These are certification classes, including but not limited to: anatomy synchronization, semen handling, herd management, handling, live cow practice, and most importantly developing a FERTILE cow herd.

The certification class follows the guidelines by the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB).

Please call, text or email to see if there are openings for the class you want! Your selection will be confirmed once your payment is received.***

Class tuition:
$500/college students
*Add $20 if paying with card

*Note. Participants are responsible for their own meals and lodging while attending the course. Meals and lodging are NOT included in the tuition cost.

*Stephenville Location:
Class Size - 12 students

Make checks payable to:
Montford Cattle Service

Mail checks to:
Montford Cattle Service
P.O. Box 1352
Bridgeport, Texas 76426

Stephenville Hotel - LaQuinta
Call the following number for reservations and for Montford Cattle Service AI School room discount, 254-918-2444.

If flying in, research DWF or Love field for large airports. Stephenville has a municipal airport for small planes/helicopters.

Location of AI School:
Earth County Dairy Sales
8892 N Us Highway 377
Stephenville, TX 76401
⁃ Directions: From Stephenville:
⁃ 1. Leave Stephenville, traveling south on US Hwy 377 towards Dublin.
⁃ 2. Drive approximately 3 miles.
⁃ 3. Erath County Dairy Sales is located on the right side of the highway next to ABF Packing.
⁃ 4. We will be using the seats of the sale ring during instruction.

Class itinerary:
8am-5pm, dinner- 6-9pm with speakers

7:30am- Bible study, I’ve been praying for you to come
8am-5pm, dinner- 6-9pm with speakers

7:30am- Bible study, I’ve been praying for you to come

What to bring:
1. Clothes to get manure on
2. Cloths for 2 evening dinners
3. Great learning attitude
4.Bible for bible study. (Although this is optional, I pray you attend the Bible studies to fully understand the Ministry of the AI class.)
*NOTE- Ladies, please have fingernails cut to a desired length for preforming tasks*

God Bless,

Jarrod Montford
Montford Cattle Service, owner
ST Genetics Beef, sales rep
[email protected]

Just trying to raise the best eating experience!!

Just trying to raise the best eating experience!!


Bridgeport, TX


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