Halloween costume parade happening now in downtown Brevard!
The Steep Canyon Rangers at Mountain Song
Last night, the Steep Canyon Rangers closed out the 2021 Mountain Song Music Featival at the Brevard Music Center.
Brevard College chamber singers
The Brevard College chamber singers performed the national anthem this morning at the City of Brevard’s September 11th 20th Anniversary Remembrance ceremony.
Old time street dances are back this year in downtown Brevard. Live music and square dancing Tuesdays from 6:30-9 p.m.
Riverfest is going on at Champion Park in Rosman today!
A special Memorial Day event was held this morning at the courthouse.
Fun Run
The Brevard Rotary held its 5k this morning at the Railroad Depot.
The Cindy Platt Boys & Girls Club are celebrating all our great teachers in the county. You're invited to enjoy their video featuring their Art Director Jessica Ramirez leading a fun art project! They are excited to be hosting an online fundraiser to honor ALL amazing educators - teachers, mentors, home school teachers, B&G Club staff - anyone who has supported the education of children during these unusual times. Our event is called “Past and Present: Teachers are Essential-ly GREAT!” Please join in, donate to support our club, and honor your favorite teacher. Like and share this post to spread the word! Click here to learn more: https://www.bgctransylvania.org/teachersaregreat
#begreat #bgca #tcsyes #TCSTogether #teacherappreciationweek (sponsored post)
Looking Glass
Sunday morning at Looking Glass Falls.
Halloweenfest marathon of all Dracula's videos today 11 or 11
“@RockysBrevard has a secret menu for VAMPIRES ONLY?! You’ll never guess what they’re brewing… #halloweenfest2020"
Halloweenfest Dracula Marathon in Transylvania 9 0f 11
“Do Vampires shower? Well, now you know. #halloweenfest2020”
Halloween - Checking out Dracula all around town today 9 of 10
"Dracula has a trick up his sleeve @The Transylvania Times… #askdracula #halloweenfest2020”