Currently running - TWO days left April 21-25, 2021 Online - On Demand
Virtual production of "We Are Proud to Present ..." by Jackie Sibblies Drury.
Fabulous cast - Cecilia Juarez as "Ensemble/Isabelle"
California State University, Sacramento Dept. of Theatre & Dance
Fabulous Sac State cast, Hannah Medler as "Actor 5/Sarah" in our virtual production of "We Are Proud to Present ..." by Jackie Sibblies Drury.
April 21-25 online - on demand - Tickets $10
California State University, Sacramento Dept. of Theatre & Dance
Video by Mitchell Worrell-Olson
Introducing Guest Actor, Derrick Bell as "Black Man" in our virtual production of "We Are Proud to Present ..." by Jackie Sibblies Drury
April 21-25 online - on demand - Tickets $10
California State University, Sacramento Dept. of Theatre & Dance
Video by Mitchell Worrell-Olson
Royal Mile Performance at the Fringe Theatre Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland.
with the Pan-African Theatre Ensemble: Sri Vashani Raghujie, Madison Ledyard-King, Yayra Tamakloe, and Dr. Joanne Dowdy.
Digital Masks to Africa - Cheikh Anta Diop: Poem for the Living
The Pan-African Theatre Ensemble presents "Digital Masks to Africa - Cheikh Anta Diop: Poem for the Living"
Epic Poem by Mwatabu Okantah
Devised/Directed by D. Amy-Rose Forbes-Erickson
Special Guest Actor – Dr. Lundeana Thomas, Professor Emerita of the African American Theatre Program, University of Louisville, Kentucky
Pre-Show: Wed. March 6, 2019 at 7pm - Free with KSU username and password (online)
Opening: Thurs. March 7, 2019 at 7pm
Where: African Community Theatre, Department of Pan-African Studies, Kent State University
Tickets: $10; and free with KSU username and password (online)
Free seats upon request – Contact Dr. Forbes-Erickson at [email protected] by Feb. 22, 2019
Where: African Community Theatre (ORH 230), Kent State University, Kent campus