Tibetan Buddhism
Tulku Pema Rigtsal on the Importance of Buddhist Literature.
For more on this extraordinary lama of the Dudjom Tersar and Longchen Nyingtik traditions, see
Roger Jackson on Rebirth in Buddhism
Buddhist scholar Roger R. Jackson in conversation with the team at Shambhala Publications about his book Rebirth: A Guide to Mind, Karma, and Cosmos in the Buddhist World
Tales of a Mad Yogi
Elizabeth L. Monson discusses her new book, Tales of a Mad Yogi.
Monson has reimagined the life of the fifteenth-century Himalayan saint Drukpa Kunley, a beloved figure throughout Bhutan, Tibet, and Nepal known for his profound mastery of Buddhist practice and his highly unconventional and often humorous behavior.
The Art of Listening: On the Dighanikaya
While this is focused on the great collection of the Buddha's teachings from the Pali tradition, there is an immense amount here that is very much illuminating to the Tibetan/Sanskrit sutra tradition and how to receive these teachings.
The Voices of Larung Gar: A Symposium
A pair of online panels discussing the book Voices from Larung Gar: Shaping Tibetan Buddhism for the Twenty-First Century (shmb.la/voices-larung-gar).
Panel 1: Larung Gar, Its Impact and Founding Figures featuring Anam Thubten, David Germano, and Antonio Terrone, moderated by Holly Gayley.
Panel 2: Voices of Second Generation at Larung Gar on Buddhist engagement with animal rights, gender equality, and science, moderated by Michael Sheehy, with Padma 'tsho, Geoff Barstow, Sarah Jacoby, and Catherine Hardie.
This symposium a collaboration of Shambhala Publications, the Tibetan Himalayan Initiative (part of the University of Colorado's Center for Asian Studies, and the University of Virginia's Tibet Center.
Esoteric Theravada: Learn About This Incredible Meditation Tradition
This traditon has been called Tantric Theravada–which is mistaken, its not based on tantras. But Tibetan Buddhists will find this system of practice from Southeast Asian Buddhism fascinating and with much more in common with Tibetan practice than you might think.
Ruth Gamble Introduces The Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
In this short video, Ruth Gamble introduces her new book The Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje.
This new release in the Lives of the Masters series covers Rangjung Dorje’s synthesis of Dzogchen and Mahāmudrā in his writings, his devotion to spreading the teachings of buddha nature, and several works never before translated into English. As the most comprehensive work available on Rangjung Dorje, this book is an indispensable resource for scholars and Buddhist practitioners alike.
Learn more about The Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje: shmb.la/third-karmapa-lives