Hello Gals, friends and family! When I see a post like the one below I immediately melt with pride thinking of the village it took to make these life changing gifts possible and that village includes EVERY single Gal for Cal! Past, present AND future!
Thank you ALL for the gift that you are to the entire Duchenne community!
As we head into 2023, the 15TH YEAR (can you believe that?!) of the gift of the Gals, we have BIG plans to Tri again and celebrate each of you!
We welcome past Gals and NEW Gals, your friends, your classmates, coworkers and your family who are all looking for ways to help Duchenne families! Come be a part of something bigger than yourself and join our incredible team of women of all ages and abilities! Come join us as we challenge ourselves while challenging Duchenne!
We want to hear YOUR ideas for making our 15th year the biggest and best one yet! Please share your comments below or shoot us a DM. If you’d like to be more involved in planning for our tremendous milestone of a 15th year, please let us know!
Looking forward to the New Year with bells on, or at least running shoes and a brand new 15th year re-make of the original Gals for Cal triathlon top-you know the one you can even swim in!
Cindy Quitzau
Mom to Cal, now age 21!
Monday, November 13 was an exciting day for both the Simpson family and Jett Foundation as we delivered an accessible vehicle to Andrew and Heather in the State of Washington.
“Now that I look at our dream vehicle parked in the garage, I am so grateful that my friend pushed me to apply to the Accessible Vehicle Fund,” says Heather.
Read the family’s full blog post at https://www.jettfoundation.org/simpson-family-receives-dream-accessible-vehicle/.
Ryan's Quest Michael's Cause Sarepta Therapeutics