Your Moment of Zen In the final video of John Dickinson's 3-part Mocha Pro 3D camera solve series with #AfterEffects and Blender, you'll learn how he used new 3D tracking workflow with corner pin to easily replace el
Your Moment of Zen
In the final video of John Dickinson's 3-part Mocha Pro 3D camera solve series with #AfterEffects and Blender, you'll learn how he used new 3D tracking workflow with corner pin to easily replace elements of a scene. Plus, a dash of Sapphire to alter the mood.
🌊 Trying to keep those weekend vibes... John Dickinson shares how he easily tracked a large body of water using Mocha Pro's new 3D camera solver. Plus, a look at creating the 3D text in After Effects and Blender. 📺️ https://borisfx.
🌊 Trying to keep those weekend vibes...
John Dickinson shares how he easily tracked a large body of water using Mocha Pro's new 3D camera solver. Plus, a look at creating the 3D text in After Effects and Blender.
🍅 Certified Fresh Tutorial John Dickinson explores how to use Mocha Pro's new 3D camera solve workflow to build a variety of 3D text examples with Adobe Video - After Effects - and {{facebook_mention(238118312996287
🍅 Certified Fresh Tutorial
John Dickinson explores how to use Mocha Pro's new 3D camera solve workflow to build a variety of 3D text examples with Adobe Video - After Effects - and Blender.
Watch Part I ➡️