Sometimes all we need is to fall in love with our lives. We make the choice to be unhappy or happy ourselves.
When I lived in Moscow, I often wrote in the comments that I was unhappy, lonely, an older woman without a husband and children.
Many people really get stuck in suffering when they find themselves in such circumstances. Because it seems to them that they are living somehow incorrectly. Because without a man and children it is impossible to be “full-fledged”.
But I love that “Moscow season” of my life dearly. Simply because I chose to be happy and every day I created dozens of reasons for this.
I will not argue, life with children is not the same as a single life. It has its own difficulties. It may not have enough time for yourself.
But it has many other wonderful things. Children's laughter, warm hugs before bed, family evenings.
You can choose to remain in deficit, look at your life as one continuous burden and write in the comments about your "impossibilities". Meanwhile, someone dreams of a life like yours. But for various reasons, they cannot have it.
Happiness is everywhere. In obligations, mortgages, difficult life situations that we live through.
You just need to learn to see it. And then it will inevitably begin to multiply 🤍