The Sober Sessions

The Sober Sessions Clean and sober since March 23, 2016. Every sunrise, a new chapter in this journey of overcoming addiction. I'm here to remind you, hope is never lost.

If you’ve got a pulse, you've got a shot at change. One step at a time, one victory after another. 💜


What if God’s best answer to your prayer tonight is “no”?

Not “not yet.” Not “maybe later.” Just straight-up no.

What if the thing you’re begging Him to take away—the struggle, the pain, the unanswered questions—is actually exactly what needs to be there to shape you into the person you’re meant to be?

We love to ask for open doors. We pray for comfort, clarity, easy roads. But what if God’s greatest blessing isn’t in the “yes,” but in the closed doors?

What if the thing you’re fighting so hard to get rid of is the exact thing you need to go through? What if the struggle is the lesson? What if the pain is the tool?

Faith isn’t just about trusting when God gives you what you want. It’s about still believing when He doesn’t.

Because here’s the hard truth—you don’t see the whole picture. You don’t see the chain reaction, the ripple effect, the way every moment is connected to something bigger than you can even comprehend.

So what if this thing—this setback, this heartbreak, this challenge—isn’t the problem, but the preparation?

What if God is protecting you from something you don’t even know is coming? What if this “no” is the thing that saves you?

We don’t get to control the answers. But we do get to control our faith.

So if you’re sitting there, struggling, frustrated, wondering why your prayers aren’t being answered the way you want—trust that He knows something you don’t.

Sometimes, the greatest blessings come disguised as disappointments. And sometimes, the only way to see it… is to keep moving forward and trust the process.

"Your Purpose Isn’t to Gain the Approval of the World—It’s to Be a Light in It."Too many people waste their lives chasin...

"Your Purpose Isn’t to Gain the Approval of the World—It’s to Be a Light in It."

Too many people waste their lives chasing approval. They shape-shift, water themselves down, and silence their truth just to be accepted. They want to fit in, be liked, be validated by people who wouldn’t even show up for them if everything fell apart.

That’s not your purpose. You weren’t put here to be agreeable. You weren’t meant to live small just so the world will pat you on the back. You were meant to stand out. To speak truth. To be a light in a world full of people too scared to shine.

And let’s be real—when you start living in your purpose, when you stop caring about approval, when you stand in your truth? Not everyone is gonna like it. Some will doubt you. Some will talk s**t. Some will try to dim your light because they’re too afraid to ignite their own.

Let them.

Because your purpose isn’t about them. It’s about impact. It’s about showing up fully, being real, and leaving the world better than you found it.

Stop chasing approval. Start chasing purpose. Because the moment you realize you don’t need validation? That’s the moment you become unstoppable.


One step in faith is louder than a lifetime of doubt.

You can sit there, overanalyzing, second-guessing, waiting for the “perfect” moment. You can let doubt run the show, keep you stuck, keep you scared. And before you know it? Years have passed, and you haven’t moved an inch.

But faith? Faith is different. Faith isn’t having all the answers. Faith isn’t waiting until you feel “ready.” It’s stepping forward when everything in your head is screaming at you to stay put.

That one step? It shatters every excuse. It drowns out every insecurity. It proves that the voice in your head telling you, “you can’t,” “you’re not good enough,” “you’re gonna fail”—is full of s**t.

Here’s the truth—you don’t need the whole plan. You don’t need to know how it ends. You just need to take the damn step. And then another. And another.

Because the only way you ever change your life is by moving forward, even when you’re scared s**tless.

So stop waiting. Stop doubting. Stop letting your own mind keep you stuck. Take the step. The path will reveal itself when you do. 💜

"The Problem Was Never You—It Was the Power You Kept Giving Away."Read that again. Let it sink in.You weren’t the issue....

"The Problem Was Never You—It Was the Power You Kept Giving Away."

Read that again. Let it sink in.

You weren’t the issue. You weren’t too much. You weren’t the villain. You weren’t the problem. What you were—was too giving. Too forgiving. Too willing to let people have access to you that didn’t deserve it.

You let people dictate your worth.
You let people walk in and out of your life like it was a revolving door.
You let their opinions shape how you saw yourself.

And without realizing it, you gave away your power. Your peace, your confidence, your ability to stand firm in who the f**k you are—you handed it over, little by little.

But here’s the truth: your power was never theirs to hold.

Take it back. Set boundaries and mean them. Stop letting unworthy hands carry your energy. Stop letting people who don’t even respect themselves have control over you.

You are the source. You are the power. And the second you stop giving it away, you’ll realize you were never the problem—just the solution waiting to happen.

"People Resist Change Because They Focus on What They’re Losing—Not What They’re Gaining."Change isn’t hard because it’s...

"People Resist Change Because They Focus on What They’re Losing—Not What They’re Gaining."

Change isn’t hard because it’s impossible. It’s hard because people obsess over what they have to leave behind instead of what’s waiting for them on the other side.

They stay in toxic relationships because they’re scared to be alone.
They cling to bad habits because they don’t know who they are without them.
They avoid leveling up because it means letting go of people who don’t want to grow with them.

They see change as loss instead of evolution. As sacrifice instead of opportunity. They focus on the discomfort, the unknown, the temporary pain—instead of the freedom, the growth, the life that’s possible if they just had the guts to move forward.

But here’s the truth: everything you truly need is ahead of you, not behind you. If something falls away when you start changing, it was never meant to stay in your next chapter.

Shift your focus. Stop looking at what you’re losing and start seeing what you’re about to gain. Because that’s the difference between the people who stay stuck and the people who break through.

"You Know You're Done When You Feel Free—Not Lost."There’s a moment when you finally let go of something—a person, a hab...

"You Know You're Done When You Feel Free—Not Lost."

There’s a moment when you finally let go of something—a person, a habit, a situation you swore you couldn’t live without—and instead of feeling broken, you feel weightless.

That’s when you know.

When there’s no second-guessing. No regret. No urge to go back. Just relief. Just clarity. Just peace you forgot even existed.

Because real loss? It doesn’t come from walking away. It comes from staying in something that’s draining the life out of you. It comes from forcing what no longer fits, holding onto s**t that’s already gone, clinging to something that’s been dead for a long time.

When you’re truly done, you don’t grieve it—you breathe.

"I Gave Everybody a Fair Chance—Before I Said F**k ‘Em."I don’t cut people off for no reason. I don’t move on from peopl...

"I Gave Everybody a Fair Chance—Before I Said F**k ‘Em."

I don’t cut people off for no reason. I don’t move on from people without giving them the opportunity to show me who they really are. But once they do? That’s it. I don’t play that back-and-forth s**t.

I gave chances. I gave understanding. I gave patience. But what I won’t do is beg someone to be real, to be loyal, or to have basic respect. That’s not my job. That’s on them.

So when I finally say “f**k ‘em,” understand it’s not out of pettiness. It’s because I saw what I needed to see. I saw the half-assed effort. The fake love. The excuses. And I don’t have time for any of it.

I don’t hate you. I don’t wish you harm. I just don’t have space for people who aren’t solid. And I’m not losing sleep over it, either.

Fair chance given. Decision made. No second-guessing. Keep it moving.

"Be the Threat. Their Fear Ain’t Your Problem."Too many people walk through life shrinking themselves to make others com...

"Be the Threat. Their Fear Ain’t Your Problem."

Too many people walk through life shrinking themselves to make others comfortable. They dim their light, soften their power, hold back who they really are—just so they don’t intimidate the weak.

F**k that.

Be the threat. If your presence, your confidence, your ambition makes them uncomfortable, that’s on them. If they feel small next to you, that’s their insecurity, not your problem. If they start doubting themselves when they see you moving different, that’s their wake-up call—not your burden.

You weren’t put here to play small. You weren’t built to be digestible, acceptable, or easy to handle. You were built to be strong, relentless, and unapologetically YOU.

So don’t shrink yourself. Don’t downplay your potential. Don’t hold back just to make people feel safe in their mediocrity.

Be the threat. Show up fully. Let them feel the weight of your presence—and if it bothers them? Good. Let them deal with it.





You ever notice how people don’t give a 'F' about something until it punches them in the mouth? Addiction? "Oh, just stop using." Depression? "Just think positive." Anxiety? "You’re being dramatic."

People love to downplay s**t they’ve never experienced. They sit on their high horse, looking down on others, acting like life could never touch them the same way.

Until it does.

One day, you’re gonna wake up, and life is gonna put you in the fire. Maybe it won’t be addiction. Maybe it won’t be mental illness. But something is gonna hit you so hard, so deep, that you’ll finally understand.

Maybe it’ll be your kid, and suddenly addiction won’t be so simple anymore.

Maybe it’ll be your brother, and now you’re the one begging for a second chance for him.

Maybe it’ll be you—waking up one day, looking in the mirror, and realizing you’re drowning.

And in that moment, you’ll remember all the times you brushed it off. All the times you mocked someone else’s struggle. All the times you thought it could never be your problem. And now? Now you’re desperate for someone to care.

Here’s the truth: Life has a way of humbling every single one of us. The people you look down on today? You might be in their shoes tomorrow.

So before you dismiss someone’s pain, before you act like sh*t like this could never happen to you—remember this post. Because the day will come when you finally get it.

And when it does, I hope someone cares about you more than you cared about them.

Much Love, Y'all 💜 Goodnight

"The Future Belongs to Those Who Risk It All for a Dream."Most people talk about what they want. Few are willing to suff...

"The Future Belongs to Those Who Risk It All for a Dream."

Most people talk about what they want. Few are willing to suffer for it. That’s the difference. That’s what separates those who make it from those who spend their lives wishing they had.

Dreams don’t come to the cautious. They don’t show up for the ones who only move when it’s safe, who wait for the “right time,” who refuse to take the leap because they’re scared of what they might lose. If you’re not willing to risk something, you’ll never gain anything.

The future belongs to the ones who put it all on the line. The ones who bet on themselves when no one else will. The ones who take the punches, face the doubt, and keep going even when nothing is guaranteed.

If you’re waiting for certainty, you’ll wait forever. If you’re scared of failure, you’ll stay stuck. If you’re unwilling to risk comfort, security, or what’s familiar, you’ll never know what could’ve been.

Dream big. Move bold. Risk it all. Because the ones who go all in? They’re the ones who build a future worth living.

"Once You Master Your Internal Seas, No Wave Can Ever Throw You Off Balance."Look, life isn’t about avoiding storms. You...

"Once You Master Your Internal Seas, No Wave Can Ever Throw You Off Balance."

Look, life isn’t about avoiding storms. You’re gonna get hit. You’re gonna take losses. You’re gonna have days that feel like the world is testing every ounce of patience and strength you’ve got. That’s life. You can’t control the waves. You can’t stop the chaos.

But what you can control? Yourself.

Most people? They get knocked around by every little thing. One bad day, one unexpected problem, one person saying the wrong s**t at the wrong time—and suddenly, they’re drowning. Overthinking, reacting emotionally, spiraling into stress and anxiety because they never learned to master their own emotions.

And that’s why they’re always unsteady. Always searching. Always feeling like life is pulling them under. Because they let external chaos dictate their internal state.

But when you learn to control your internal seas? When you stop letting outside bulls**t determine your peace? That’s when you become truly untouchable. The waves will still come. The storms will still hit. But they won’t move you. Because you’ve trained yourself to stand firm, no matter what the hell is going on around you.

That’s real strength.

It’s not about avoiding problems. It’s about knowing that no matter what happens—you’ll handle it.

So if you’re tired of feeling like life is tossing you around, it’s time to start working on the one thing you can control: YOU.

Master your emotions. Master your reactions. Master your mindset. Because once you do? No storm, no person, no situation will ever have power over you again.

Calm seas don’t make strong sailors. The ones who thrive are the ones who learn how to stand strong in the storm.

"The Four Natural Sanctuaries: Silence, Solitude, Stillness & Simplicity—Master These, and You’ll Be Untouchable."In a w...

"The Four Natural Sanctuaries: Silence, Solitude, Stillness & Simplicity—Master These, and You’ll Be Untouchable."

In a world that never shuts the f**k up, these four things are rare as hell. Most people are terrified of silence, can’t handle solitude, avoid stillness, and complicate the simplest s**t just to feel busy. They need constant distractions, background noise, a screen in their face 24/7—because sitting alone with their own thoughts is too much to handle.

But if you want to actually elevate, think clearly, and stop living like a puppet to the chaos around you? You need to learn how to tap into these four sanctuaries.

1. Silence.

Because not everything needs a response. Most people talk just to hear themselves. The loudest ones are usually the weakest. The ones who always need the last word? They’re ruled by ego, not wisdom. Power is in silence. Control is in knowing when to shut the f**k up and let your actions do the talking.

2. Solitude.

Because if you can’t be alone, you don’t even know who you are. Most people surround themselves with noise and company not because they love it, but because they can’t stand to be alone with themselves. They rely on external validation, approval, constant stimulation. But real peace? It comes from knowing you don’t need anyone to complete you.

3. Stillness.

Because you can’t hear your own instincts if you’re always running from them. The best decisions, the real breakthroughs—they don’t come when you’re rushing through life, filling every second with noise. They come in stillness. In reflection. In giving your mind the space to process, instead of drowning it out with endless distractions.

4. Simplicity.

Because the more you let go, the freer you become. Most people complicate their own lives by holding onto s**t they don’t need—toxic people, pointless drama, ego-driven nonsense. But life is simple. You just have to be brave enough to strip it down to what actually matters.

The Bottom Line?

Master these four things, and you’ll have something most people will never experience—real peace. Because the strongest people aren’t the loudest. They’re the ones who don’t need the noise.



You ever wake up after a full night’s sleep and still feel drained? Like no matter how much rest you get, you’re still exhausted in a way that coffee, naps, or "taking it easy" won’t fix?

That’s not physical exhaustion. That’s your soul screaming at you.

Maybe it’s the weight of regret. The pain of past mistakes. The exhaustion of living a life that doesn’t align with who you really are. Maybe it’s the people around you—the ones draining your energy instead of fueling it. Maybe it’s the fight of trying to break cycles, escape addiction, or prove to the world (and yourself) that you’re more than your past.

And that kind of exhaustion? It doesn’t go away with sleep.

It goes away when you start choosing yourself. When you cut out the sh*t that’s been holding you down. When you stop carrying weight that was never yours to hold. When you finally step into the life you were meant to live—not the one you settled for.

So if you’re tired in your soul, ask yourself: What am I still holding onto? What’s draining me? What do I need to let go of?

Because no amount of sleep will fix a soul that’s suffocating. Only you can. 🙏💜

"If You’re Interested, You’ll Do What’s Convenient. If You’re Committed, You’ll Do Whatever the Hell It Takes."There’s a...

"If You’re Interested, You’ll Do What’s Convenient. If You’re Committed, You’ll Do Whatever the Hell It Takes."

There’s a massive difference between wanting something and being willing to do what’s necessary to get it.

Interested people? They talk a lot. They get excited. They make plans. They show up when it’s easy, when it fits into their schedule, when they feel motivated. But the second it gets hard? They fold. They start making excuses. They let life get in the way. They convince themselves that maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. They love the idea of success, but they’re not willing to suffer for it.

Committed people? Different breed. They don’t wait for motivation. They don’t half-ass it. They don’t negotiate with excuses. They wake up tired, sore, drained, overwhelmed—and they show up anyway. They sacrifice sleep, comfort, distractions, relationships—whatever the hell it takes to get where they’re going.

Because they’re not just interested, they’re obsessed. They’re not looking for the easy route, they’re looking for the real one. They don’t care how long it takes or how hard it gets. They’re locked in.

And that’s the difference between the people who make it and the ones who sit around wondering why their life never changed.

So be honest with yourself—are you just interested in a better life, or are you actually willing to suffer for it?

"Stop Trying to Prove Yourself—That’s When Life Gets Peaceful."You know what’s exhausting? Trying to convince people of ...

"Stop Trying to Prove Yourself—That’s When Life Gets Peaceful."

You know what’s exhausting? Trying to convince people of who you are. Arguing with people who already made up their minds about you. Trying to prove your worth to people who were never going to respect it in the first place.

Let them talk. Let them assume. Let them misunderstand you. That’s their burden, not yours.

The day you stop explaining yourself is the day you find real peace. Because truth is, people are gonna believe whatever the hell they want to believe—no matter what you say, no matter what you do. You could lay out every fact, every receipt, every ounce of truth, and guess what? If they’re committed to misunderstanding you, they will.

So why waste your energy? Why argue with people who don’t matter? Why lose sleep over opinions that have nothing to do with your reality?

The second you stop playing that game, your whole life changes. No more proving, no more defending, no more draining yourself over people who don’t deserve your time. That’s real freedom.

Let them talk. Let them think what they want. Let them be wrong about you. It has nothing to do with you. And it never did.

Day 30 of the 30-Day Sobriety Challenge: The Science Behind Willpower

Day 30 of the 30-Day Sobriety Challenge: The Science Behind Willpower


If you would’ve told me 10 years ago that I’d be a father of two, I probably would’ve laughed in your face.

Back then, I was set on never having kids. And I was fine with that. I wasn’t the “kid type.” I didn’t see myself as a father, didn’t have the urge, didn’t think it was in the cards for me. I figured that life just wasn’t meant for me.

But life has a way of proving you wrong. God doesn’t put you in situations to ruin you—He puts you in them to grow you.

Now, I look at these two little humans, and I realize how much of a blessing they are. How much they’ve changed me—not just as a man, but as a father. They’ve given me a purpose I never saw coming. They made me better.

And through it all, I’ve learned something that I think a lot of people forget…


Child support payments.

Who paid for what.

Designer clothes and name-brand shoes.

Who was married to who.

Your feelings about their other parent’s new partner.

Why the adults don’t get along.

Money sent or spent.


Who shows up to pick them up from school.

Who takes them to practice.

Who makes them dinner.

Who they hear yelling proudly from the stands.

Who is at their concerts and games.

Who stayed up ‘til 2 AM helping with a project.

Who shows up for their birthday.

Time spent.

That’s what kids remember. Not the money. Not the drama. The involvement. The interaction. The love they actually feel.

At the end of the day, children spell love T-I-M-E. If you want them to feel it, you have to show up.

Everything else? Just noise. 💜

j. anthony


Boston, MA


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