Due to the times that we live in, I have decided to use this method to share the evidence that God exists and that he came to live with humans a couple of thousand years ago to fulfill the prophesies. There is power in his name: Jesus Christ.
Great News: There is a little bit of time left to turn to him.
Bad News: The enemy has inspired worthless individuals to pass laws that normalized the perversion and even castration of little kids in our schools. This act, I believe is testing the patience of God, is it a coincidence the borders are open? millions of military age males have come in in the last 4 years, they are given $2000 a month and cell phones, while these worthless politicians are going hard after the second amendment? after all in addition to Jesus being a God of love, he is also a God of judgement. Is God about to bring an overdue judgement to our land? modern day Babylon...
People that think this has nothing to do with them or is none of their business, such people are NPCs (non player characters) (Revelation 21:8 has another name for them) usually they agree to anything the narrative tells them, oftentimes, they instinctively hate sound doctrine, even if they are critical thinkers, their critical thinking goes down the drain if they are afraid, they prefer to be popular with the world than popular with God. What's the common denominator of these times?: a widespread deception...they lie about everything, just turn the lamestream media...
God news: Anyone who turns to him, even (NPCs) will be saved. Since God is perfect and he cannot lie, this is true! God himself desires that!
I have studied the topic of intelligent design for about 20 years, if you would like to schedule a 15 minute meeting, where I can easily share evidence of a designer in science, and answer any questions you may have, here's a link where you can schedule a meeting with me:
I welcome any questions that you may have about the evidence of a creator, I'll do my best to answer them to the best of my knowledge.