President or Prefect
What a world?!
Titles make us stupid!
Power puts our minds putrid!
We grow up together!
We frolick vicariously forever!
All of a sudden, you are thrown unto the spotlight
A profession that starts in kindergarten.
Children thrown into the spotlight!
You begin to mutate and metamorphise into a cocooned personality!
You believe that the power given to you by your classmates or people makes you untouchable.
The Prefect mind absorbs you so much that you think your power will relay into the real world and reality!
Prefect will ultimately transform to president, but only in a schooling setting.
A nation's father!
A custodian on a short journey!
Once the title is bestowed upon you by your own people, in an instant, the denizens you grew up with become aliens or inferior.
Your past collaborations with your former family become a burden and disaster.
You are thrust into the world of rubbing shoulders with the who is who who aren't nobody but some privileged entities.
Once President, families will suddenly turn against each other!
Brother against Brother!
Sister against Sister!
Life is but a journey!
You can only think when alive!
When dead, someone steals your idea and prosper.
Your ideas are yours to strive, especially when alive!
Do your part and be influential!
Speak and tell your mind!
Be natural!
Foolish thinking, foolish ideas!
Nothing is permanent!
Read into history!
Many leaders have faltered, for they never feared the Grim Reaper.
Even custodians of monarchies who have no challenges and die on the throne move on much less voted for individuals who eventually become dictators.
While you are punishing others and enjoying, your time is tick tocking for your demise.
Life is but a stage!
Every breath is but a relief!
The greatest gifts of life are free!
Thinkless people ride on Earth for free while riding on the sweat of others.
Great minds know smart people don't capitalize on the moment.
They consider the future!
Futuristic people consider future people!
The Journalist is not here to conform or compare anyone to anyone but to let all know that when you are in a position of power, especially when voted for, be a river and move forward and tributary your path of solidarity.
Philosophers speak for all people because their enlightenment connote that no one lives twice.
Therefore, if you have power, share!
Stupidity dictates unwarranted powers!
No sane person will persecute the other. Nevertheless, power is a tool for the meek.
Whether you create a business or are voted into power, without people, you are nothing!
The most powerful dictatorial leaders on Earth were all humans who couldn't conquer death!
Most of them died sorrowfully!
With or without your powers as a leader, you are going to die so leave a legacy that will ultimately make you an achiever.
The fact that you are the winner today doesn't preclude you from human torments.
You are going to face the same consequences as in sickness, sadness, uncertainties, and many gross injustices and agonizing traumas that humans face.
Be Wise!
Be Kind!
Be Embracing!
Be Bold!
Be brave to speak your mind!
If you are going to live your life by trying to satisfy everybody, misery will be your companion.
If you can't satisfy yourself first, don't satisfy anybody!
No matter where you belong, you can only be subdued when you are a beggar!
Pride belongs to all!
I will rather die miserably than kowtow to an idiot because he has power be he president or prefect.