Monday 1/6/24 Show Notes
Feast of St. Andre Bessette
Biking for Babies with Olivia Wieber. She biked 600 miles in 6 days for LIFE! https://www.bikingforbabies.com/ Applications are open to be a rider, support crew, or partner agency. Go to the website and find out!
It is Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention Month with Stanlynne Mixayphone from Shared Hope International. https://sharedhope.org/
Book: Renting Lacy by Linda Smith
Report trafficking. If you see something, say something.
1-800-843-5678 (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children)
1-888-373-7888 (Human Trafficking line)
Runaway Switchboard: 1800runaway
Pray, pray, pray
TODAY - talk to your kids on how to stay safe and how to keep your friends safe.
Why Catholics Do That? Wrap up Christmas with Mary Wax
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