Treasured Grooves

Treasured Grooves Idaho's only digital label dedicated to underground house music. With artists from Italy, France, Mexico, Bulgaria,and Norway to name a few.


I truly want to thank everyone who took the time to reach out and wish me a Happy Birthday.

It was my first one without my momma being here physically but she was definitely here with me in spirit all day.

Normally I would go and thank everyone personally but I'm just not feeling like the same individual since my momma left us. You lose a piece of yourself when one or both of your parents, needs to make that journey we all must take one day.

However, I send you a big virtual hug and cheers you all with my tasty decaf, yes getting up there in age has finally got me drinking decaf on occasion don't judge 😃

I love catching up on the stories you all share, the crazy posts about politics, and whatever other wild stuff is taking place around us all.

Even though the world is not a perfect place, it is that much better because you are in it. That is the reality I see from everyone I've kept in touch with, and to the new friends I've made over time.

Saludos y abrazos para todos, y'all made my day that much better. I got to spend time with my best friend, wife, and amazing mother to our children.

My boys smiling beautiful faces reminded me of what life is all about. To top it off they got me real good. Someone was cutting onions up in here on my birthday.

It was a reminder that they (our children) watch us more than we will ever know, they admire us more than we will ever understand. We think that we are setting the example for them. When in reality it is our children that set the example for us as they will be the ones who change the world one day.

You might ask what got you all choked up? I'll share part of the speech that did for me. Then my oldest reminded me of the first word that he said to me/us, "Happy!"

It was a reminder that we all have struggles in life and it is ok, to falter but to never give up, that is our family motto, "Aguilar's Don't Give Up!" I think that you might like this part of the Speech that made me realize the most important thing in life is family (familia)!

Always know that just because you may be different, it by no means, means that you are any less! That was taken from Temple Grandin with a little remix on the wording.

Back to the speech that got me, coming back home from the date with my lovely wife, when I thought things couldn't get any better.

My boys were smiling, grinning, and waiting for me to show emotion. As I began to read the poem. I looked at their pictures and realized how fast time flies. I gave the poem to my wife as I tried to gain composure but it wasn't happening lol.

It is a famous speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt and imagine looking at pictures of your children when they were younger. During a time, when you didn't know how you were going to provide for them. So you made the most obvious but difficult choice, doing something that you are not good at.

Something that you always forget no matter how long you have been doing it. Not because you are not capable of doing what you have done for years but because you finally accept the fact you have a disability(ies) but that doesn't stop you from seeing things through no matter how difficult and frustrating it may always be.

It is because the ones you love so much depend on you not because they need more monetary things in life. Far from it all they want to see, is the one(s) they look up to smiling again and to just be "Happy!"

Here is the speech and I think you might enjoy it as much as I did ...

The Man in the Arena

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly;

who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds;

who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;

who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,
and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly,

so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Love going hiking and sometimes coming across some rattlesnakes.This one was crossing the road, so I got out to persuade...

Love going hiking and sometimes coming across some rattlesnakes.

This one was crossing the road, so I got out to persuade it to move a bit faster.

Like 20 feet away, and then it gave me the side eye 😁☕️🤟💙

Latest 208 Westside Sessions that I’m thinking you might like. I don’t keep these mixes up for more than a few months th...

Latest 208 Westside Sessions that I’m thinking you might like. I don’t keep these mixes up for more than a few months then take them down.

If you have mixes you’ve liked that were taken down I can always shoot them over in a zip file.

All these tracks were purchased legally from Traxsource. Some straight dope music, that just does the trick for me.

I really have never been one to just keep playing old tracks.

That’s not keeping it fresh, music is so inexpensive these days there really isn’t an excuse to steal music.

I remember when all I would do was music and I still had the same philosophy. If the choice was good or music, heck give me some Ramen as long as I had that real live s**t!

The most liberating thing in the world when it comes to being an artist from my perspective at least.Is knowing that you...

The most liberating thing in the world when it comes to being an artist from my perspective at least.

Is knowing that you can always have reach a broader national and global presence if you believe in what you do.

It’s the most loneliest place trust me but in the isolation you create something that you can’t even inagine.

It ties into what everyone is always on about “Knowing Your Worth”. We all set our price when expressing ourselves as artists.

In my case I’d never compromise my sound and everything my wife sacrificed so that I could do music. When it was all I was doing. On the flip side.

It’s great to see things coming back around, it’s that typical cyclical thing.

Fortunately I have proofs of work so I don’t have to lie to kick it.

Which is the most beautiful thing, knowing that somewhere someone outside your local “scene” is either playing your music or dancing to it.

Now imagine if I had played the local scene politics, there would have never been a Treasured Grooves or that 208 Westside sound.

So what I’m saying is, don’t take advice from those that have never done more than what you have accomplished in music.

Don’t let them steal your light, don’t do them any favors be selfish and do you.

At the end of the day music is nothing but nickles and dimes but it is truly common sense. That’s if you are willing to get pass the facade.

If I’m going to be surrounded by smoke and mirrors. Then I’d rather be in a dark room with nothing but raw underground house coming at ya.

It’s all about the music, it’s how someone like me can speak to others without ever saying a word.

Feeling this one, it’s got that zombie funk to it, that true GZhomb Funk.

Keep grinding y’all, don’t let no one tell you otherwise! If your s**t is dope, like a good friend once told me. The world will listen 🤟💙☕️

Check it out 15 years of Seventy Four. That original 208 underground house sound coming at ya. Created from isolation an...

Check it out 15 years of Seventy Four.
That original 208 underground house sound coming at ya. Created from isolation and knowing that I always have to pay homage to my bay area roots.

From the 408 to the 208 my house sound has never been watered down. Just that raw 4 to floor house vibe, chorizo free music.

Give it a listen and pick it up if you didn’t the first time around.

Saludos y abrazos grandes para todos. Thanks for your continued support while I’ve been away. Nothing but love for the ones who have been with us since day one.

Another one coming out on the compas label.It’s always been just about the music for me since day one. Love the fact tha...

Another one coming
out on the compas label.

It’s always been just about the music for me since day one. Love the fact that Rich has always been a real one since day one 🤟💙☕️

Made it home time to enjoy a taste of my childhood growing up in San Jo!Let’s go 😁🤟💙

Made it home time to enjoy a taste of my childhood growing up in San Jo!

Let’s go 😁🤟💙

Death grip on my beverage as I wait for these tasty treats it’s been a long minute.People that are complaining about a l...

Death grip on my beverage as I wait for these tasty treats it’s been a long minute.

People that are complaining about a long line, price abc all that.

1. Don’t be fickle
2. Get out of your vehicle if you can swing it, go in and order
3. Enjoy it with an open mind 🤟💙☕️

My buddies always talked about this beer. The only time I’ve tried it was when I went in February to visit my/our lovely...

My buddies always talked about this beer.

The only time I’ve tried it was when I went in February to visit my/our lovely mother to see her off into her new journey of the soul.

I must admit, this beer is truly tasty (I had the low calorie one). My uncle sent this my way, and my other Tio brought it here for me.

Going to cherish it because it’s not available in our parts.

I have some chilling for tonight’s UFC 300 event, let’s go!!!

I cheers you mom and I don’t drink like I used too so need to worry!

I’ll always do right by you, like I promised.

Love and miss ya, but as cliche as it may sound,”you are in a better place, eating, drinking, dancing and watching out over all of us!”

Gabriele Ranucci including my latest cut in his chart action. Greatly appreciated 🤟☕️🙏🏼💙

Gabriele Ranucci including my latest cut in his chart action.

Greatly appreciated 🤟☕️🙏🏼💙

Latest 208 Westside Sessions a bit over 2hrs to get you over hump day. Opening up with my newest track out now on Chicag...

Latest 208 Westside Sessions a bit over 2hrs to get you over hump day.

Opening up with my newest track out now on Chicago Skyline Records - Gil Aguilar - Come Closer Baby.

This mix includes all new music, that was either picked up at Traxsource or Beatport.

That’s the one thing I wasn’t able to do much of when all I did was music.

To be an able to just buy music when it wasn’t a feasible option. Yet I still bought it, instead of going out or whatever you know.

Maybe it was just me being an extreme introvert, but nothing compares to playing new music, revisiting older gems and triggering great memories.

People try to pigeonhole your sound but trust me, I’m not a one trick pony.

It’s something you learn how to do over time and gets better over time.

Yup I have had radio shows, played in all the majority of clubs in Boise (Except the ones where owners were pretty interesting to say the least), thrown nights by personally funding nights.

Lost a lot of money, made some and realized the most important truth for me.

Don’t dilute your sound for anyone, just do you but be flexible in knowing that at the end of the day we know nothing at all.

This was the fuel that inspired Treasured Grooves. The little label that spoke and will continue to speak volumes from the state of Idaho.

That OG 208 sound via the 408 since the day I called Idaho home.

Just a few more weeks before I’m done wrapping up my newest release on TG.

Then off to mastering it will go.

I’ll start putting together mixes with all the lovely promos I have.

Y’all know many of the artists I favor, the labels that do it for me that shine light on what I call underground house music.

Thanks to all the labels that continue sending them to me 🙏🏼

I got you, and will make them purr in upcoming mixes.

Saludos y abrazos grandes 💙 🤟 ☕️

Latest 208 Westside Sessions coming at ya. All new music that I picked up at Beatport or Traxsource. Nothing but that 208 Westside Thug swing to that solid 4 on the floor. Hope you enjoy what I cam

Latest 208 Westside Sessions mix. A 2 hour journey into some of the house music I’m feeling. All new tracks I picked up ...

Latest 208 Westside Sessions mix. A 2 hour journey into some of the house music I’m feeling.

All new tracks I picked up that I’m sure you’ll like.

Play it loud, share it and give it a like if you are feeling it.

This mix will be up for a month or so before I throw up a new one.

People often ask me why I stopped making music and Djing professionally. I honestly thought I was losing my hearing back...

People often ask me why I stopped making music and Djing professionally.

I honestly thought I was losing my hearing back in the day before being formally diagnosed with Autism just 3 years ago.

What was happening is I was overwhelmed due to my processing challenges and other neurodivergent overlapping conditions.

It took a good year and a half before I finally accepted my new self (my real self all along really).

I’ve seen firsthand the challenges in navigating various professional work spaces.

What I’ve seen though, always revolves around who has the most influence in an organization and how close they are to the stakeholders.

We can always make small changes that have a huge impact through educating ourselves.

There’s a bridge to be crossed and neurodivergent professionals shouldn’t have to be the ones always crossing it to the be taken seriously and heard.

We have to know our limitations and how to navigate in many scenarios.

It takes more effort than many of us will ever speak openly about.

I’m not one of them but realize that true inclusion deserves being unbiased no matter which side of the communication bridge you stand on.

The best we can do is to educate ourselves/others on how to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

Not letting organizational and therapy differences separate us from the very foundation which we are formed from.

Yet we are all uniquely different in our own special way 💙

Each one, teach one 🤟💙☕️

There is remote work out there that pays really well. If you want to change your circumstances, you’ll have to sacrifice...

There is remote work out there that pays really well.

If you want to change your circumstances, you’ll have to sacrifice more than most are willing to give up.

At the end of the day though, it’s more than worth it. Stressful most certainly but isn’t life stressful in general.

Most importantly you don’t need a college degree if you just put your mind to something.

Doesn’t matter how long it takes, just know it’ll be an amazing feeling to overcome the odds.

You just have to willing to continually learn and have a growth and positive mindset 🤟💙☕️

Remote jobs are getting harder to come by. As of December 2023, remote jobs made up less than 10% of postings advertised on LinkedIn, down from...

Out now on promo and available at Traxsource. Included in four charts, give it a go if you got some time. It’s one of th...

Out now on promo and available at Traxsource. Included in four charts, give it a go if you got some time. It’s one of those cuts you drop for the heads. Letting them know it’s about time you are about to hit them with that thug swing.

Great time to pick up music as well with a 25% (MIAMI25) discount at checkout.

Gil Aguilar
Come Closer Baby
Chicago Skyline Records 172

You hear so much back and forth about music, how it’s supposed to be made and even how to Dj. Often spoken by those who ...

You hear so much back and forth about music, how it’s supposed to be made and even how to Dj.

Often spoken by those who haven’t even come close to what you’ve accomplished in music. That’s fair what else are you going to do but fake it till you make it.

That’s the kind of mindset that leads to not getting compensated for your talent. That’s the small talk that doesn’t interest me.

Technology though it has the power to create good or evil and we ultimately decide our own path.

With technology we will always be a creator or consumer of it just like music. Sometimes we are blessed to be both and that’s such a beautiful manifestation.

The one thing I love about computers though is that they are completely unbiased. Computers aren’t influenced by bias that eventually becomes unbiased and accepts false “perception” aka as facades.

I’m content with making music from my mood room.

The same room by day that’s how I provide for my family. I love having the “technical” ability to implement what I want at will.

So when my office becomes my studio, it’s back to business as usual.

Simple, underground house music that has a unique sound shaped by isolation, a sound that speaks larger volumes than the discrediting of one’s own works. You know those things that “artists” actually create called releases.

Maybe getting a later in life Autism diagnosis was a blessing as it helped to put things into perspective for me.

Family, faith, health, work and music are my priorities at the end of the day.

Still got love for my day ones though. You are with me in my studio sessions as I mold more of that original 208 underground house music.

Wrapping up my next release for Treasured Grooves 075.

Something to bump on some speakers if you like.

Latest 208 Westside Sessions mix for you to listen to, share, and download if you like.

Saludos y abrazos para todos 🤟☕️💙🏠🎶

Time to clock in and build dope s**t. I always count my blessings, I’m not the smartest individual but I’m relentless wh...

Time to clock in and build dope s**t.

I always count my blessings, I’m not the smartest individual but I’m relentless when I find purpose in what I do.

But first let’s drink the coffee, before I do the stuff 🤟☕️💙


Niners fans take it easy with that bang-bang 49er gang, I love my Niners but y'all almost jinxed it with that nonsense.

Be classy and don't be talking masa like the Raiders and Cowboys fans.

This was a great game to watch, crazy wild!

Joe Montana is in the house let's goooooo 🤟😁

This one right here, is one of those tracks. Raw underground, chunky house vibes, that original 208 house sound.The kind...

This one right here, is one of those tracks. Raw underground, chunky house vibes, that original 208 house sound.

The kind of cut that makes the speakers sweat.

It’s also a shoutout to the ones who talked all that 💩 about the music.

I think you’ll like this one when in drops in Spring/Summer.

I’ll drop it in a mix as soon as I get the masters back.

I’ll send promos out to the heavy hitters. To see what they think.

I think they might like is well. Saludos y abrazos grandes para los verdaderos 🤟💙☕️

Time for a bocadillo to start off the day ☕️💪🏽🤟💙💻

Time for a bocadillo to start off the day ☕️💪🏽🤟💙💻

Can’t wait to break this in 🤟💙☕️💪🏽

Can’t wait to break this in 🤟💙☕️💪🏽

Many of my friends I grew up with loved comic books and I was often intrigued by their special interest. I did like Arch...

Many of my friends I grew up with loved comic books and I was often intrigued by their special interest.

I did like Archie comics though but they loved DC, Marvel and other publishers. I recently started getting into them and they are super fun to read.

Being an Autistic I have many quirks but one in particular is buying first issues only but I won’t read them.

However the peeps at the Collectors Outpost explained to me why Graphic Novels are priced the way they are. Little did I know that there are 4 sometimes 6 comic books pressed into a Graphic Novel.

Which is super cool, I highly recommend them to anyone. I’m looking forward to checking out others stores as well because Graphic Novels and comics make reading fun again.

The pictures pop, you can feel the amount of love that was poured into each detail of storyline tile (not sure if that’s what they are called) so play nice my comic aficionados 😁

Right now though I always know where to go, where no question is a stupid question and they also serve Dawson’s coffee so that sweetens the deal for sure 🤟💥📖☕️

Dope mix right here, always dope to hear your tracks thrown in the mix. Chunky and funky the way I love it. That’s the b...

Dope mix right here, always dope to hear your tracks thrown in the mix. Chunky and funky the way I love it.

That’s the best feeling when the peeps who inspired a sound you are all about play your beats ☕️

Give it a go I’m pretty sure you’ll dig it too. Sick AF believe that 🔥

Out now on Odour, give it a go peeps saludos ☕️😁

Out now on Odour, give it a go peeps saludos ☕️😁

Check it out on Traxsource - Currently being charted by: Ryan Truman, Rich Martinez, DJ Renay, Makson (PL), Max Komodo, Various Artists, Jackin Essentials, Gil Aguilar

New Midnight Soul Project Sessions mix coming at ya. That full ride easing in by opening up the door for ya, letting you...

New Midnight Soul Project Sessions mix coming at ya.

That full ride easing in by opening up the door for ya, letting you in and then picking it up as we go on a little trip.

Out now on Beatport peeps. Give  it a go and knock it loud and proud. I’ll be making a new mix with this bad boy in it. ...

Out now on Beatport peeps. Give it a go and knock it loud and proud.

I’ll be making a new mix with this bad boy in it. Anyone else out there want me to drop your cuts in the 208 Westside Sessions shoot me a PM with a promo link.

It’s got to be that raw underground sound to make the speakers pound dazzzz riteeee …

Thanks for your continued support saludos y abrazos grandes para todos ☕️


Boise, ID


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