City of Boise won't prioritize or use resources to investigate abortions
Helping Idaho female inmates re-enter society
Did you know Both Idaho and Oklahoma incarcerate women at a higher rate than any other state in the country?
Check out this story I did. I interviewed 4 female inmates at SICI and talked to them about prison conditions and re-entry programs.
I am so happy how this story turned out!
Boise Couple hikes the Pacific Crest Trail
Update on the Boise couple who are hiking the Pacific Crest Trail! Mercedes and Coben just completed 444 miles of their 2,650 miles long journey.
May snowstorm damages trees, cars and houses in the North End
Heavy snow in Boise was too much for some trees.
Across the North End, tree trunks and branches were scattered on yards, sidewalks, and streets.
Elizabeth Smart shares her story at sold-out Faces of Hope event
Elizabeth Smart shared her story at a sold-out Faces of Hope event.
Nampa Woman Donates Kidney to best friend of 40 years
Today I talked to a Nampa woman who donated a kidney to her best friend of 40 years. Check it out!
Zion, works at the Cheesecake Factory and was at the Boise Towne Square Mall during the shooting. He sent me a video talking about his experience below:
CBS 2 Boise
#boiseidaho #boisetownesquare #mallshooting
Veterans on Afghanistan withdrawal: We are 'back to square one'
Had the best time with Cascade Student Transportation today! We talked about how the bus driver shortage is affecting the company, and what they are doing about it.