Vox Tone is a multimedia entertainment company which will supply profitable, positive, audio
and Streaming visual entertainment to a diverse, National and international consumer groups. Vox Tone is committed to wholesome entertainment across the board and firmly believes that
quality and palatable entertainment can be realized without compromising commercial appeal. Vox Tone distinguishes itself t
hrough the commitment it undertakes with each of its artists. Contrasting the typical scenario in which a record company spends more money producing the
music than they do in its marketing and promotion, Vox Tone will utilize a stable of experienced
and resourceful producers to ensure the highest quality product within established production
budgets. This, in conjunction with the financing and expertise necessary to stage intense,
relentless marketing campaigns will guarantee the impetus necessary to create "profitable"
products in the marketplace. Vox Tone is composed of 6 internal divisions: Artist Development, Artist Management, Music
Publishing, Merchandising, Touring/Promotions, and In-House Recording Studio. The company
will compete and earn revenue immediately through the creation of several lucrative profit
centers, beginning with pre-recorded music compact discs (CDs), enhanced CDs (sound &
picture combination), CD Rom, viral downloads, and vinyl albums. Additional income will be
produced from distribution, Streaming video, merchandising and concert promotion worldwide.