Caiden's Hope Foundation at Santa's Wonderland- A Texas Christmas Experience
Thank you for supporting NICU families
Text NEONATAL to 44321.
Caiden's Hope Foundation is a 501c3 charity.
I discovered the need for Caiden's Hope Foundation after my best friends grandson was born 2 1/2 months premature.
I learned that when a premature baby is in intensive care and can hear their parents voice and feel their parents touch the babies overall health improves dramatically.
I also learned that many families, even though they have insurance, can't afford the additional costs related to having a baby in NICU. Cost such as filling up their gas tank several times a week, meals at the hospital or a few nights at a clean, safe hotel.
This is where Caiden's Hope can bridge the gap to assist parents with these expenses.
You can feel confident when you donate to Caiden's Hope Foundation that you're donating directly to improve the health of a preemie in the NICU.
Caiden's Hope Foundation was formed in 2010 and assisted hundreds of parents last year and we want to grow that number this year.
Honestly we can't do it alone, we need your help.
Please text NEONATAL to 44321 to donate.
Thank you. Merry Christmas!
They're dancing to Kyle Park at The Roundup Music Venue tonight.
We're playing "I'm Gonna Hire a Wino" by our friend David Frizzell on Sunday during the Boerne Radio Texas Music Show on Boerne Radio 103.9FM.
Here's David Frizzell from a show last year in Corsicana, Texas.