KBF21MIX003 Updated Online Resources VID-r1-HD (2).mp4
Many of our textbooks include online resources and companion websites to assist you in your teaching and your students in their learning. These free resources can save you time and help with planning your lessons! Find out more about our online resources here: https://bddy.me/3AGeVrT
How to Write an Essay
Writing your first essay at university can be a daunting challenge. You know it needs to be more academic, more rigorous than those you've written in school; but where do you start?
Download our free Snapshot which will take you through the whole process of writing an essay, offering helpful hints and tips from some Taylor & Francis authors. https://bddy.me/3TivuBs
How to Write an Essay
Writing your first essay at university can be a daunting challenge. You know it needs to be more academic, more rigorous than those you've written in school; but where do you start?
Download our free Snapshot which will take you through the whole process of writing an essay, offering helpful hints and tips from some Taylor & Francis authors. https://bddy.me/3Cfjt9y
RDMIXF2101 eIC updated VID r2-FB.mp4
Watch our updated video to discover the benefits of Taylor & Francis e-Inspection Copies and how to create your instructor profile. Request your complimentary e-Inspection Copies on our website today! https://bddy.me/3eEegvE