AstroRain Report January 1-7
Hello 2025! Ending the year with serious business as Capricorn New Moon insisted on, while offering generous amounts of strategic skills; motivation for new levels of discipline and dedication to purpose and courage to carry on no matter how shaky and erratic things may get. All part of the deconstruction process ongoing, to free us and the whole world of the nonsensical workings of a dying paradigm. Freedom from the density and murkiness of systems designed to be unequal, and in ultimately brutal, is in the works, For all who care to be elevated into the paradigm of unity consciousness the cosmic patterns energize abundant support and guidance, now and through this whole year. Into the Unknown we venture, willingly or not. Might as well opt for going along with changes wholeheartedly. Pluto’s singing an all new tune for the next 20 years, one that at the same time recalls far ancient, and up to now hidden, wisdom and technologies while driving us forward into new worlds of possibilities. All who doubt the wide open potential of this year will be further burdened in old paradigm dire beliefs. In choosing Saturn in Pisces at its most negative that’s a sure outcome. Or we can be transformed into new ways of living in harmony and balance while engaging Saturn’s higher possibilities of washing away pessimism and embracing faith in ourselves and our fellow humans.
Uranus and Neptune in cahoots enable moving out of our comfort zone into the next level wherever these planets transit through personal charts. Saying goodby to familiar territory becomes essential especially in the Spring with Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune moving into new signs and all at powerful World Axis Degrees. Uranus changes signs as well into Summer while all the outer planets create an extraordinary amount of initiatory, innovative energies propelling us forward as a collective and in individual lives.
As Mars finishes up its almost 5 month journey in Leo leadership of all kinds has gone through a necessary process of reconsideration. For all the violence and self aggrandizing actions from world leaders that have done little else but create death, suffering, masses of displaced people, more than any other time in history, the emperors have come out entirely, and in particularly macabre ways, unclothed. 2025 is a turning point for so much of this kind of perpetual insanity.
Wed 1 Moon enters futuristic minded, humanitarian Aquarius joining planet of power and transformation Pluto as the year begins, an auspicious omen indeed. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some scary, messy, unsavory-to-the-max realities that must be faced to move fully into the evolving field of golden opportunities. Lunar opposition to Mars is next aspect re-igniting the Mars-Pluto pattern, ongoing for months, with extreme power dynamics, aggression and a major boost for claiming our sovereignty and acting/standing in courage. But for all who are up for facing the scary with the enlightening, rewards will be beyond expectations this entire turn of the yearly round. 2025 starts off with high energies at work continuing throughout. All areas of passions, anger, raw emotions of any kind must be met with discipline; to breathe and consider before acting or speaking in order to avert making situations and relationships worse. Unnecessary to cause major harm while practicing those skills that take us further along our path to personal authenticity, fulfillment and more loving, supportive relationships.
Thurs 2 Aquarius Moon makes easy aspects with Chiron and Mercury between midday and early evening adding to the ability for open minded exchanges, bridging differences, venturing into the fuller dimensions of our situation. Sun in Capricorn quincunx retrograde Jupiter in Gemini adds to the push for re-aligning entrenched beliefs while adding to the vast spectrum of possibilities we’ve not allowed in til now. As well authority figures are putting the pressure on even more to increase control they perceive is slipping away as mass consciousness moves beyond old boundaries. Meanwhile Venus enters Pisces 6:24 pm into first few days of February for a period of softer, sweeter encounters but also can blur the boundaries in relationships leading to messy entanglements. Openhearted and still in our own integrity and inner authority is optimal with Pisces influence. Also a good time for healing old self shaming, blaming feelings, much of which was indoctrination of upbringing, especially for women.
The 2nd Mars-Pluto exact opposition perfects late tonight impacting the entire day actually as well as tomorrow with a heightening of the firey, passionate, self re-claiming energies at work as they face off between Leo and Aquarius this time. First opposition was on November 3 when Mars was in Cancer, Pluto Capricorn for a dynamic more focused on protection of those we love, home and all we claim for our personal safety and security. The last will be late April, again in Leo-Aquarius for a culmination of this crucial 3 part cycle in matters of individual will within the collective we belong to. For the entire species Mars-Pluto are pushing us to transform the ways we use aggression, abuses of power, brutality.
Fri 3 The intensity of the pattern over-riding pattern yesterday is with us at its peak at the mid point of the cycle begun early November when the whole world was on edge about the US election and polarization was at a breathtaking and dangerous peak in this country. Whatever was going on for each of us then it’s wise to look back and see where we’ve come since November 3. We have almost 4 months to work out our own personal power dynamics, relationship with anger, irritation, will power. It can be emboldening, energizing personal creative intentions and projects. Physical goals can be met easier, a perfect period for initiating and progressing in the next level of any physical disciplines. As well Mars is in an “out of bounds”, or wilder and more unpredictable, condition from Dec 30 last year til April 7 this year further intensifying its fired up, motivating or trouble making, influence.
Meanwhile Venus in receptive, dreamy, psychic Pisces is joined by Moon early softening the beginning of the day somewhat, but not too much. Mercury-Uranus create an unsteady, erratic pattern getting in the way of clear communications, even more necessity for watching our words and not jumping to conclusions in any interactions, wile Venus quincunx Mars late afternoon warns of out of control emotions or an encounter with strong ego and someone receptive or passive or could be a process within ourselves, trying to reach a different place with active/passive aspects of self.
The rest of this week is very much under the influence of Mars-Pluto and with other stressful aspects which make communicating in all forms especially tricky. We’ll need extra care in how we interact and in how what we entertain in our minds. Thoughts are powerful in themselves and Mercury’s aspects continue to keep us on our toes if we what to avoid stepping into a mess or creating a worse mess rather than addressing issues head on and in wisdom and compassion as much as possible.
Sat 4 Pisces Moon starts us off quite early in square to big time promoter Jupiter in Gemini inspiring ideas, visions, broader comprehension of complexities. Much easier to unravel the meaning behind any situation, event or particularly intricate puzzle, or if ungrounded we may become so steeped in illusion or pure distraction it’s hard to find a footing. Especially good for insight into the extremes of the last few days that seem to just keep coming. Great day for fantasy or any kind of creative writing or journaling.
Sun 5 May be hard to wake up this morning with Pisces Moon and Neptune its ruler preferring the dream state early. We can meander in this fluid field until late morning when Luna enters fast moving Aries and aspects Mars, then Pluto by early afternoon for a big change. Suddenly there’s an immediacy to everything and emotional states may be amplified. Deep breaths might be needed before reacting, but possibilities for targeting a problem are good if intention is there.
Mon 6 Mars re-enters Cancer re-tracing the degrees from last October-November, through the water sign that brings us into the conflicts and issues in domestic matters, family relationships, roots, care of the more vulnerable among us and nurturing, or lack of it, in general. Whether old patterns show up needing caring attention now or developing situations needing the same, Mars will be helping to finish those up between now and April 18 when it moves back into Leo. Wherever 17 Cancer to 6 Leo falls in charts is the area of life we each are being guided and nudged through by the planet of motivation, courage, personal sovereignty.
USA Sun is in Cancer, along with Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, “Destiny” point and Part of Fortune. An abundance of cardinal water, ie emotional, security and comfort seeking, protecting who and what we feel is rightly ours. All are extra sensitized and resonating with the polarization at almost hysterical peaks just as before and after elections, October-November last year. Our job now is to seriously re-consider our own role in any of that and choose the path of harmony and healing, able to own our ideals, perceptions, commitments while allowing others their own. For this nation our role as global police (in a crumbling empire) is front and center as more international collaborations coalesce bypassing the US iron fist; the intimidation (800 military bases globally and counting), economic control, invasion and destruction of sovereign nations. Mars-Pluto challenge and bring to a head any “out of bounds” powers in the world.
Tues 7 Communications energized with Moon-Mercury aspect early afternoon as well as Mercury-Mars tense aspect coming in later. Care must be taken in how we assert ourselves in order to remain authentic and avoid being insensitive, or in not taking offense at what others send our way. More than ever now and in the coming months we’re steeped in possibilities for transforming the most unskillful habits in approaching or avoiding conflict, both inner and outer.
Excitement and challenge, extraordinary shifts in power dynamics in all areas (personal, local and international) characterize the year ahead. Let’s do our best to keep our heads, open our hearts, and move into harmony wherever we can.
This weekly forecast can be heard on humboldthotair.org Wed’s at 7:15 on the Warm Gold show. Soon to be KHHA 94.7 on the dial, homegrown creativity from the mavericks, ferals and creatives of Humboldt County. Stay tuned!
For your very own, sometimes life changing, astrological reading you can contact me at: 707-672-9164 or [email protected]