Astrology with Salina Rain

Astrology with Salina Rain We exist in a living field of interactive, responsive cosmic energies, from the furthest star to the

From Foundation for the Law of Time:"Chinese New Year will be celebrated on Resonant Moon 20 (January 29, 2025), Kin 206...

From Foundation for the Law of Time:
"Chinese New Year will be celebrated on Resonant Moon 20 (January 29, 2025), Kin 206. It is the Year of the Wood Snake. The Snake is the sixth animal in the Chinese zodiac. This day lands on a Worldbridger day, which is the sixth seal in the 13 Moon calendar.

In Chinese astrology, the Snake represents wisdom, reflection, and transformation. The Wood element is linked to growth and flexibility. The snake's ability to shed its skin symbolizes renewal. It is time to activate new life force.

Monkey is the totem animal for the Resonant Moon, reminding us that magic is everywhere and that Play is not a distraction from life—it's how we remember what life really is. It also reminds us that this world is a stage set for the evolution of our soul.

In the pulsar geometry, the seventh (Resonant) tone is the second tone of the 2D sensory pulsar (3, 7, 11). Here we are reminded that when two frequencies resonate, they amplify each other, creating something greater than the sum of their parts."

Painting: The Sun by Edvard Munch

AstroRain Report  January 8-14    In so many ways the old rules are out the window as the new year starts off, with dram...

AstroRain Report January 8-14
In so many ways the old rules are out the window as the new year starts off, with dramatic events signaling how fast and furious it will be later in the Spring. Mars’ OOB (out of bounds in its orbit) condition into April promises particularly wild manifestations ignited by the planet of passions, aggression, willpower. Especially tricky as to how we begin anything of importance in this period since Mars demands greater care and consideration for fulfillment and to avert unnecessary messes, conflicts, regrets later on. Tensions build toward the Full Moon on Monday when the culmination point of this cycle peaks. What have we been most enegaged with since the especailly demanding New Moon on December 30? Outcomes for each of us will be a reflection of how well we’ve commited to cherished goals and intentions. Of course this may be in one only stage of the most important themes we’re working on in 2025, or for some a completion of what was begun last year.

Wed 8 Sun in earth sign square Chiron requires extra patience with conflicts assured one way or another. Wherever things have become frozen in place the heat is on to melt away or crack open rigidity, either in extrernal situations or within. Leadership of all kinds meeting with fierce resistance may well peak today in what can manifest as violence or at least distinctly dramatic actions most likely. Cut to the bone is what this aspect feels like, which may be acutely painful and/or activate solutions in a good way. Wherever 18-21 degrees of cardinal signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra) fall in personal charts we’ll experience the pain or the release.
Also today Mercury leaves freewheeling, say whatever’s on our minds, Sagittarius entering more reserved and focused Capricorn for the next 3 weeks. Interactions take on a more reserved quality while increased accountability for how and what we communicate is in the fore. Good period for concentrating on any area that’s gotten disorganized or needing more workable strategies. In the background so to speak Ta**us Moon offers a bit more stability. We re-connect more intimately with the ground beneath us that not only sustains, but gives us a physical body in which we navigate this learning experience in the School called planet Earth. Pop quizzes abound this year, so prepare accordingly!

Thurs 9 Ta**us Moon makes important contacts into late afternoon with Uranus, Neptune and Mars for further initiations into the mysteries of life within this exquisite space ship. Macro and microcosm come together more comprehensively for all open to the present moment. Outer planets promote perceptions/experiences unfiltered by the artificial old paradigm scenarios we’ve been told are the only reality. But we do need to take some time out to benefit from these opportunities or they’ll be missed. Otherwise the aspects today can at least help tune us in to different and more creative ways to get things done. 5:07 pm Moon enters airy Gemini for the next 2 days with more social, connecting, networking possibilities while experiencing a bit lighter mood. Evening lunar aspects invite more profound thinking with little tolerance for empty chatter or simply frivolous distractions.

Fri 10 Early morning through early evening Moon contacts Venus, Jupiter and Saturn for what may be a productive day in making connections, gathering necessary information and resources. But evening’s Saturnian influence requires accountability for what we’ve put in motion and creates blocks or delays enabling a thorough check in. Not an easy time for important conversations or messaging or making decisions.

Sat 11 Mutable air sign Moon can bring tension around what we should get done and an urge to follow distractions earlier part of the day. Then late afternoon Moon square Neptune may confuse, reveal unreliable information or bring out the poet, musician or mystic in us. Luna enters Cancer mid evening through Monday and the Full Moon. Feelings become more prominent now in both beneficial and not so beneficial ways. Especially with Moon’s influence in the water sign it’s necessary to take care of our personal insecurities, fears, needs for nurturing and nourishing support particularly in a late night aspect with Pluto.

Sun 12 Access to intuition and psychic vision increase under Cancer Moon along with instincts for caring and mutally supporting relationships emphasized also today in contacts with Mercury, Venus and Saturn. The major influence however, amping up all of Cancer’s qualities for good and ill, is the retrograde and wildly unpredictable Mars trine Neptune pattern. Paraphrasing from online comment: “we don’t need to believe in whimsy and magic, we just need to notice them.” Also need to beware of excessive emotional reactions that can steer us in the wrong direction, whether our own or someone else’s. With Full Moon high tide peaking in tomorrow more caution advised, while we may also tune into the exquisite feelings of interconnection with all Creation, and immerse in the Mystery that keeps us on our soul’s unique and interconnected journey. In the outer world the aggression and manipulations used to keep the masses fearful, indoctrinated and controlled is far more apparent.

Mon 13 Full Moon perfects 2:27 pm at 24th degree of Cancer with OOB retro Mars conjoined, opposing Sun, Pluto and Pallas in Capricorn. Mars and the Moon form excess tension with the USA natal Moon and conjoin our nation’s Mercury making this lunation a particularly significant one for the year ahead. The mistrust of government and media are highlighted especially with Mars’ heightened influence instigating the People’s (Moon) response to all the fakery (Pluto’s manipulations) being presented as news (Mercury). As US power has been in a massive transformational process with Pluto Return in last couple of years its changing role in global dynamics becomes more apparent in 2025.
Helpful to note here that Mars in this extended period into Spring, and most especially now, can express in the most unskillful ways whenever we, or those around us are, feeling intimidated, attacked, insecure. Results may be more passive aggressive behaviors or any virtual or actual grasping, clawing, pinching kinds of emotional reactions. Ouch! The exquisite nurturing qualities of Mars in Cancer are also available when we attend to our own negative emotional states with patience and compassion.
The chart for this Full Moon has 4 major aspects; 2 Kites, a T-Square and a Mystic Rectangle, all pointing to major opportunities (regarding leadership and in our own realtionship with ego especially) and the need to be extra attentive to what the opportunities are and where they appear. Certainly this is important for the country and for all of us as well wherever these patterns play out in our personal charts. Sun trine (radical change, lightening bolt) Uranus, Moon trine (mystical and/or foggy) Neptune have the Lights conspiring for changes occurring in both sudden and explosive ways, and by way of sneaking up on us through the back door.

Tues 14 Luna has moved into fire sign Leo with its first aspect of the day opposing Pluto to reveal more of the deceptions used to concentrate wealth and power in the global community. Aspects with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter later in the day can help us with creative intentions and/or with becoming more self aware in regards to ego and its place. Ideally ego needs to be in service to the higher or larger self, never in charge on its own, something our cultural training has had backwards. Meanwhile Venus square Jupiter provides abundant support inviting us to include the most refined and generous aspects of ourselves to all relationships, interactions, creative expression and/or financial matters. A caution advised that this aspect may come with a measure of delusion if we’re ungrounded or distracted by empty glamor.

This weekly forecast can be heard on Wed’s at 7:15 on the Warm Gold show. Soon to be KHHA 94.7 on the dial, homegrown creativity from the mavericks, ferals and creatives of Humboldt County. Stay tuned!

For your very own, sometimes life changing, astrological reading you can contact me at: 707-672-9164 or [email protected]


AstroRain Report  January 1-7        Hello 2025! Ending the year with serious business as Capricorn New Moon insisted on...

AstroRain Report January 1-7

Hello 2025! Ending the year with serious business as Capricorn New Moon insisted on, while offering generous amounts of strategic skills; motivation for new levels of discipline and dedication to purpose and courage to carry on no matter how shaky and erratic things may get. All part of the deconstruction process ongoing, to free us and the whole world of the nonsensical workings of a dying paradigm. Freedom from the density and murkiness of systems designed to be unequal, and in ultimately brutal, is in the works, For all who care to be elevated into the paradigm of unity consciousness the cosmic patterns energize abundant support and guidance, now and through this whole year. Into the Unknown we venture, willingly or not. Might as well opt for going along with changes wholeheartedly. Pluto’s singing an all new tune for the next 20 years, one that at the same time recalls far ancient, and up to now hidden, wisdom and technologies while driving us forward into new worlds of possibilities. All who doubt the wide open potential of this year will be further burdened in old paradigm dire beliefs. In choosing Saturn in Pisces at its most negative that’s a sure outcome. Or we can be transformed into new ways of living in harmony and balance while engaging Saturn’s higher possibilities of washing away pessimism and embracing faith in ourselves and our fellow humans.
Uranus and Neptune in cahoots enable moving out of our comfort zone into the next level wherever these planets transit through personal charts. Saying goodby to familiar territory becomes essential especially in the Spring with Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune moving into new signs and all at powerful World Axis Degrees. Uranus changes signs as well into Summer while all the outer planets create an extraordinary amount of initiatory, innovative energies propelling us forward as a collective and in individual lives.
As Mars finishes up its almost 5 month journey in Leo leadership of all kinds has gone through a necessary process of reconsideration. For all the violence and self aggrandizing actions from world leaders that have done little else but create death, suffering, masses of displaced people, more than any other time in history, the emperors have come out entirely, and in particularly macabre ways, unclothed. 2025 is a turning point for so much of this kind of perpetual insanity.

Wed 1 Moon enters futuristic minded, humanitarian Aquarius joining planet of power and transformation Pluto as the year begins, an auspicious omen indeed. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some scary, messy, unsavory-to-the-max realities that must be faced to move fully into the evolving field of golden opportunities. Lunar opposition to Mars is next aspect re-igniting the Mars-Pluto pattern, ongoing for months, with extreme power dynamics, aggression and a major boost for claiming our sovereignty and acting/standing in courage. But for all who are up for facing the scary with the enlightening, rewards will be beyond expectations this entire turn of the yearly round. 2025 starts off with high energies at work continuing throughout. All areas of passions, anger, raw emotions of any kind must be met with discipline; to breathe and consider before acting or speaking in order to avert making situations and relationships worse. Unnecessary to cause major harm while practicing those skills that take us further along our path to personal authenticity, fulfillment and more loving, supportive relationships.

Thurs 2 Aquarius Moon makes easy aspects with Chiron and Mercury between midday and early evening adding to the ability for open minded exchanges, bridging differences, venturing into the fuller dimensions of our situation. Sun in Capricorn quincunx retrograde Jupiter in Gemini adds to the push for re-aligning entrenched beliefs while adding to the vast spectrum of possibilities we’ve not allowed in til now. As well authority figures are putting the pressure on even more to increase control they perceive is slipping away as mass consciousness moves beyond old boundaries. Meanwhile Venus enters Pisces 6:24 pm into first few days of February for a period of softer, sweeter encounters but also can blur the boundaries in relationships leading to messy entanglements. Openhearted and still in our own integrity and inner authority is optimal with Pisces influence. Also a good time for healing old self shaming, blaming feelings, much of which was indoctrination of upbringing, especially for women.
The 2nd Mars-Pluto exact opposition perfects late tonight impacting the entire day actually as well as tomorrow with a heightening of the firey, passionate, self re-claiming energies at work as they face off between Leo and Aquarius this time. First opposition was on November 3 when Mars was in Cancer, Pluto Capricorn for a dynamic more focused on protection of those we love, home and all we claim for our personal safety and security. The last will be late April, again in Leo-Aquarius for a culmination of this crucial 3 part cycle in matters of individual will within the collective we belong to. For the entire species Mars-Pluto are pushing us to transform the ways we use aggression, abuses of power, brutality.

Fri 3 The intensity of the pattern over-riding pattern yesterday is with us at its peak at the mid point of the cycle begun early November when the whole world was on edge about the US election and polarization was at a breathtaking and dangerous peak in this country. Whatever was going on for each of us then it’s wise to look back and see where we’ve come since November 3. We have almost 4 months to work out our own personal power dynamics, relationship with anger, irritation, will power. It can be emboldening, energizing personal creative intentions and projects. Physical goals can be met easier, a perfect period for initiating and progressing in the next level of any physical disciplines. As well Mars is in an “out of bounds”, or wilder and more unpredictable, condition from Dec 30 last year til April 7 this year further intensifying its fired up, motivating or trouble making, influence.
Meanwhile Venus in receptive, dreamy, psychic Pisces is joined by Moon early softening the beginning of the day somewhat, but not too much. Mercury-Uranus create an unsteady, erratic pattern getting in the way of clear communications, even more necessity for watching our words and not jumping to conclusions in any interactions, wile Venus quincunx Mars late afternoon warns of out of control emotions or an encounter with strong ego and someone receptive or passive or could be a process within ourselves, trying to reach a different place with active/passive aspects of self.
The rest of this week is very much under the influence of Mars-Pluto and with other stressful aspects which make communicating in all forms especially tricky. We’ll need extra care in how we interact and in how what we entertain in our minds. Thoughts are powerful in themselves and Mercury’s aspects continue to keep us on our toes if we what to avoid stepping into a mess or creating a worse mess rather than addressing issues head on and in wisdom and compassion as much as possible.

Sat 4 Pisces Moon starts us off quite early in square to big time promoter Jupiter in Gemini inspiring ideas, visions, broader comprehension of complexities. Much easier to unravel the meaning behind any situation, event or particularly intricate puzzle, or if ungrounded we may become so steeped in illusion or pure distraction it’s hard to find a footing. Especially good for insight into the extremes of the last few days that seem to just keep coming. Great day for fantasy or any kind of creative writing or journaling.

Sun 5 May be hard to wake up this morning with Pisces Moon and Neptune its ruler preferring the dream state early. We can meander in this fluid field until late morning when Luna enters fast moving Aries and aspects Mars, then Pluto by early afternoon for a big change. Suddenly there’s an immediacy to everything and emotional states may be amplified. Deep breaths might be needed before reacting, but possibilities for targeting a problem are good if intention is there.

Mon 6 Mars re-enters Cancer re-tracing the degrees from last October-November, through the water sign that brings us into the conflicts and issues in domestic matters, family relationships, roots, care of the more vulnerable among us and nurturing, or lack of it, in general. Whether old patterns show up needing caring attention now or developing situations needing the same, Mars will be helping to finish those up between now and April 18 when it moves back into Leo. Wherever 17 Cancer to 6 Leo falls in charts is the area of life we each are being guided and nudged through by the planet of motivation, courage, personal sovereignty.
USA Sun is in Cancer, along with Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, “Destiny” point and Part of Fortune. An abundance of cardinal water, ie emotional, security and comfort seeking, protecting who and what we feel is rightly ours. All are extra sensitized and resonating with the polarization at almost hysterical peaks just as before and after elections, October-November last year. Our job now is to seriously re-consider our own role in any of that and choose the path of harmony and healing, able to own our ideals, perceptions, commitments while allowing others their own. For this nation our role as global police (in a crumbling empire) is front and center as more international collaborations coalesce bypassing the US iron fist; the intimidation (800 military bases globally and counting), economic control, invasion and destruction of sovereign nations. Mars-Pluto challenge and bring to a head any “out of bounds” powers in the world.

Tues 7 Communications energized with Moon-Mercury aspect early afternoon as well as Mercury-Mars tense aspect coming in later. Care must be taken in how we assert ourselves in order to remain authentic and avoid being insensitive, or in not taking offense at what others send our way. More than ever now and in the coming months we’re steeped in possibilities for transforming the most unskillful habits in approaching or avoiding conflict, both inner and outer.

Excitement and challenge, extraordinary shifts in power dynamics in all areas (personal, local and international) characterize the year ahead. Let’s do our best to keep our heads, open our hearts, and move into harmony wherever we can.

This weekly forecast can be heard on Wed’s at 7:15 on the Warm Gold show. Soon to be KHHA 94.7 on the dial, homegrown creativity from the mavericks, ferals and creatives of Humboldt County. Stay tuned!

For your very own, sometimes life changing, astrological reading you can contact me at: 707-672-9164 or [email protected]

AstroRain Report  December 25-31                   Very last week of this gobsmacking, heart crushing and heart opening,...

AstroRain Report December 25-31

Very last week of this gobsmacking, heart crushing and heart opening, head spinning year. It winds up within the grounding energies of New Moon in Capricorn on the 30th. Endings and beginnings of such major proportions have been with us the whole year, and this culmination is no different. We’ve had to practice new levels of discipline this year, able to make clear boundaries with where we engage our precious time and energy in order to avoid needless waste in areas and relationships that drain rather than enliven. We’ve had to change our minds a few times in very important matters while realizing there’s much more to the story, whatever story is most prominent, than we thought. And along with all this the need for creating new order in our lives; an order making more room for the earthly-cosmic dance which emphasizes the joy and the pure creative magic at the very core of our being. Breakthroughs in how we can release more of that innate but pent up energy is on the agenda with the exponential increases in universal energy patterns at work. Uranus and Neptune have been colluding over 2024 with additional innovative and New Earth building energies. These newer (to us) energies issue from the higher dimensional Kuiper Belt planets, having entered into human consciousness increasingly since their discoveries beginning in 2004.

Wed 25 Christmas and beginning of Hanukkah with some troubling as well as beneficial energetic patterns at work starting early. Scorpio Moon allows a dive into the bare bones of any situation for authentic and transformational experiences. It’s easier to find our way as we let go into the essence rather than trying to avoid whatever doesn’t feel good with support of fixed water sign lunar influence over next 2 1/2 days. Darker emotions tend to surface, and since it’s a particularly tricky time for so many people this holiday presents even more of a challenge to be immersed in compassion, for self and for others. It’s also the day when the Sun rises from the “tomb”, reborn on the 4th day after the one where the dark has reigned. Celebrating the return of the light is the essence of all cultures’ holy traditions in the Northern Hemisphere. What ever we do to invite, allow, immerse in, absorb light is a powerful blessing at this time, not to be ignored or skipped over in favor of the more superficial aspects of contemporary American traditions, because to do so we enter the next stage of the turning wheel just that much more misaligned and off kilter.

Thurs 26 Mercury the Magician, Trickster, Traveler in freewheeling, say whatever comes to mind, Sagittarius since early November, has so much to say and so do we especially today. Opposing Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and enabler in going too far at times, it’s good to consider well before speaking or sending messages or making sure any travel plans are well taken care of. This aspect can be used beneficially for exploring higher dimensions of mind, writing about or sharing most cherished visions. Mercury also squares Saturn later to make sure we’re using proper amount of restraint and respectful sensitivity to those we interact with while Saturn creates roadblocks to moving in the wrong direction. Scorpio Moon only adds to the mood of important explorations mentally, emotionally, spiritually, but can weigh us down if not letting go of old whatever needs to go on any level.

Fri 27 A dreamy morning, perhaps lost in the outer or inner realms of imagination or going deeper into a spiritual practice are best possibilities. If not allowing the surrender necessary the Moon-Neptune trine at start of the day may bring confusion or messy emotions. 11:45 am Luna shifts from the void of course meandering phase into action with Sagittarius taking over instigating movement with a purpose for the rest of the day, but a change in direction may be needed early evening. Meanwhile Venus-Uranus perfect a challenging square demanding change in a relationship, or relationships in general, and/or an unexpected financial matter. In the larger picture this is one of the days when a major economic event may hit us with an unwanted surprise, though to be fair we must admit we know these turns are in the works with the extreme instability and dysfunctional system that’s coming apart.

Sat 28 Upside down values and priorities still impacting us. It’s clear with Venus-Uranus the feminine principle must be included more in all systems, especially world economies where the individuals with the worst sociopath tendencies have been in charge for way too long. Sagittarius Moon says celebrate what we have and all the exciting possibilities before us. Explorations, internally or externally, encourage journeys that ultimately bring more meaning to our lives. We’re in the midst of a longer cycle of measured growth, while also experiencing a leap into the next dimension along the way.

Sun 29 Sagittarius Moon continues to instigate restlessness wherever we need more freedom to move out of the familiar and spread our wings. Today’s intensity however comes with Chiron in fire sign Aries turning direct after months retrograde. This event amplifies any restlessness, any sense of immediacy in getting to wherever bold action is required. A tricky deal since Mars Aries’ ruler is retrograde so extra caution and thoughtful consideration are necessary. In any case we’re on the forward path to healing woundedness in our collective and personal experience. Chiron aligns us with the multiple dimensions we exist in and our own mulit-dimensionality which has been suppressed for thousands of years in order to keep us under the control of the prevailing power structure. This forward spin for Chiron has extra significance in that we’re in the midst of that structure’s demise. Good strategy for now is to make space for the intensity of feelings, experiences, agitation, areas of wounding as yet unhealed. Chiron in Aries is the Sacred Warrior on a path to teach us about the importance of personal sovereignty and how we dedicate ourselves to offering that uniqueness in the world at large. It’s clear humanity is at the end point of using war as a way to settle disagreements, or even more nefariously, and how it’s mostly used now, to impose power over people in other sovereign nations and steal their resources and even erase their identity and cultural history. We’ve reached the end, however that may play out.

Mon 30 New Moon arrives 2:27 pm at the 10th degree of cardinal earth sign Capricorn for the beginning of the next cycle of growth, personal and collective intentions. Saturn rules Capricorn and forms an easy, supporting sextile with Sun and Moon in the monthly marriage. This collaboration offers stability and long term rewards for whatever intentions we declare, and the caveat is they must be based in essential values, spiritual principles, natural law in order to come to fruition. Retrograde Mars opposing Pluto and making other close aspects with Neptune, Vesta, Ceres, North Node may create unmanageable chaos if we’re not aligning ourselves with the highest good of all in our actions. But the way forward is lit up abundantly if we’re willing to check within and seriously consider motivations before starting off on anything important. Mercury the Communicator trine Chiron late tonight also impacts start of the day tomorrow. Choosing our words with extra care, aiming at what benefits all and harms none is the way to use this aspect while avoiding any over heated exchanges getting on the way of progress.

Tues 31 Capricorn Moon square Chiron starts off the last day of the year in a hard challenge to stay in integrity, feet planted on the ground, free of self blame or blaming others for our difficulties. Standing on the bones of our ancestors, without whom we could not be here, is a solid way to orient ourselves within the larger picture, and say goodby to a difficult year with wisdom and compassion.

This weekly forecast can be heard on Wed’s at 7:15 on the Warm Gold show. Soon to be KHHA 94.7 on the dial, homegrown creativity from the mavericks, ferals and creatives of Humboldt County. Stay tuned!

For your very own, sometimes life changing, astrological reading you can contact me at: 707-672-9164 or [email protected]


AstroRain Report December 18-24        Officially saying goodby to fall, hello to winter this week as Solstice arrives o...

AstroRain Report December 18-24

Officially saying goodby to fall, hello to winter this week as Solstice arrives over an hour after midnight Saturday. Outer planets Pluto, Saturn, Neptune have been in direct motion gearing us up for the big shifts and events of 2025 while Uranus, Jupiter and Mars remain in the more reflective, re-consider, re-ignite condition for now. There can be a kind of push-pull energy to these patterns, where we feel urgency for re-orienting ourselves to shifting reality while needing more time to absorb, integrate and generally get a new footing. What’s pushing on us is clearly the dysfunctional habits, beliefs and behaviors that have created the worst of our problems, all together and as individuals; what’s pulling on us are the gigantic waves of cosmic energies from outer realms of the Solar System, including beyond Pluto from the Kuiper Belt.
These energetic patterns have been seeding the future for our planet, expanding capacities to play in the quantum field. Meaning the core part of our being, that is light in essence, has been undergoing transmutation, increased exponentially since the 2011-2012 transition in the 26,000 year turning called precession of the equinoxes. The Mayans encoded this cycle in their calendar, created from far ancient sources according to their sacred history, and echoed in many ancient traditions throughout the globe.
We’re now 12-13 years into universally the prophesied World Transformation, the very beginnings of the next long evolutionary cycle, an extraordinarily new and exciting and at the same time chaotic place to be. And remembering all the while that we all chose to be here now, one way or another, entirely equipped to engage in our own unique role in the earthly-cosmic unfolding.

Wed Dec 18 As we approach the power gate of Solstice this week Sun square Neptune enhances abilities to surrender into the living field of energy we’re part of. This is a excellent day for acting as if we have magical creative capacities by way of shedding some of the density we usually operate within. If not sensitive to the inner voice or the realm of imagination this aspect may result in confusion or susceptibility to deception or our own delusions. Breaking through the fog of artificially created reality that separates us from our authenticity and from the larger reality is possible and strongly advised. Meanwhile Leo Moon helps us get out our sassy self and claim the right to be who we are while immersed in compassion and empathy for others.

Thurs Dec 19 Venus in Aquarius trine Jupiter also in an air sign likes to fly high and wild wanting us to do the same one way or another. Encourages a broader outlook on all kinds of relationships and emphasizes the importance of true friendship. Also highlighted are values and priorities, personal and collective, up for re-consideration, re-evaluation. What supports humanitarian ideals we purport to embrace and what does not? We certainly know by now what areas of our own life are out of balance with ideals as well as all together as a gobal community. All solutions and resources for enacting change are available, we simply, and with dedication, must acknowledge and claim them.

Fri Dec 20 Virgo Moon settles yesterday’s excitement into the how to phase regarding all schemes and dreams and higher yearnings, while trusting our capacity for follow through. Afternoon lunar square to Mercury in its faster moving condition asks that we double check the details of our next adventure, external or internal, or if it’s already in progress.

Sat Dec 21 1:21 am Sun enters 00 degrees Capricorn; Winter Solstice in the North, Summer Solstice in the South of the globe. At one of the 4 cardinal points in the zodiac it’s also known as a world axis degree, clearly a time of major importance, one of the 4 sacred gateways of the yearly round. Celebrated in cultures across the globe as a potent time in the interplay between dark and light. A power point where humans align with immutable Natural Law as a way to stay in balance within ourselves, our communities of human and other than human relations, and our world. In 21st century, as the unwinding of the old paradigm and its institutions, beliefs and traditions fall apart, this particular turning of the evolutionary wheel comes with stronger impact and mandates for willingness to go with the change.
Virgo Moon opposite Saturn and square Jupiter in its reflective phase together create a signature pattern for the season ahead. There’s guidance and discipline available to sort through the ideas and beliefs most beneficial to building on foundations of humanitarian ideals for the future. And for each of us the mental/emotional stamina and all encompassing compassion to navigate the worst and celebrate the joys.
Retrograde Mars opposing Pluto-Ceres addresses the deepest, darkest places of unresolved anger, unclaimed personal sovereignty and how we can deal with conflicts, personal and collective, local and international, in healthy, mutually beneficial ways. This combination has already been releasing mass anger and outrage over the last weeks triggered by the assassination of a health insurance company CEO. It will continue as momentum grows to take apart a wholly unjust and ignorant system we call “health care”, only in the USA. Just one of the major institutions under massive renovation in the coming years.
Meanwhile Vesta, indicator of the sacred esoterically and investments in the mundane, opposes Eris and Chiron which together over time have been working on releasing our ancient rage while finding the healing path forward. For individuals the placement of 19-25 degrees of Aries in our charts is where each of us experiences our own unresolved anger, sometimes coming from places we have no direct memory of. In any case it’s time to acknowledge, experience and activate the healing path.

Sun Dec 22 Last Quarter Libra Moon also carries the high energy of a World Axis Degree at this last turning point of the lunar cycle just a day and a half after the arrival of Solstice. That makes it a particularly significant day extending the sense of immediacy in considering most pressing issues in our realm, personal and beyond. Gemini Full Moon lit up and unleashed major shared ideas and beliefs, fears and anger as yet unexpressed, and all at once hitting the mainstream conversation, along with stimulating our own shifts in cherished beliefs.

Mon Dec 23 The dance of coming into better balance is Libra’s realm as the Moon enhances all efforts toward personal equanimity and/or group harmony. Aesthetic themes also within the cardinal air sign’s influence, more for the sake of creating the easy flow of energies than for beauty’s sake alone. Venus, ruler of Libra, connects in a friendly aspect with Chiron and together they enable the courage to heal low self worth or a long standing relationship wound perhaps. Financial matters also highlighted, a good time to address any problem with fierce determination.

Tues Dec 24 Jupiter square Saturn goes deep and brings to a head any confusion around shifting beliefs and what we may need to surrender to create a long term, reliable foundation for the work ahead. Libra Moon through the day presses for the adjustments needed at deeper levels of the psyche. Sun-Mars meanwhile are in a tense relationship also creating pressure on us in the realm of ego attachments that need re-considering.

For a private, sometimes life changing, session contact me at [email protected], text or message 707-672-9164. Happy, healthy sailing, even and especially in choppy waters!



Blue Lake, CA


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