The News Media was not meticulous in the process of vetting presidential candidates in 2016. Now in 2019 they are still not doing their work!
The News Media is expected to be the ‘Fourth Estate’ in America’s Politics. In 2016, as a Presidential Candidate, Donald J. Trump was not vetted by the News Media. The Media acted complicit with Trump’s Dangerous Campaign Narrative. This was one of the key reasons why Trump made it to the Presidency. The News Media is allowing the same thing to happen with The Mueller Report!
At iNewsOneTV.com , we are totally committed to utilizing all key digital media Vetting Tools on Political Candidates with Strong Accuracy and Transparency! Join us at iNewsOneTV.com as we Live Stream and report on Real Political News from Save Democracy Events all across the nation. Our Mission is to Promote Factual and Good Reasons for Saving Our Democracy from Trump’s Dangerous, Always Un-hinged and Always Tweeting Reality-TV Show Presidency in 2020.
Join our fundraising effort now. Go to http://inewsonetv.com/blog/ , scroll down to our PayPal Fundraising Donate Button and contribute: $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, $100 or more. Please help us reach our Grassroots Movement Fundraising Goals for the Presidential and Congressional elections in 2020! If Politicians and the News Media ARE NOT persuaded to Vet the Candidates properly, ‘We the People’ will get it DONE. Your support will help us to be there nationwide in 2020 for the People!
Please remember to share our Post & Mission with your friends, colleagues, and on all of your social media links and posts as well.
Thank you for your support: Wesley Morgan, and your iNewsOneTV.com Team.
The News Media is expected to be the ‘Fourth Estate’ in America’s Politics. In 2016, as a Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump was not properly vetted by the News Media. The Media acted complicit with the Trump’s Dangerous Political Campaign Narrative. This was one of the key reasons why Trump made it to the Presidency. The News Media is allowing the same thing to happen with The Mueller Report!
At iNewsOneTV.com , we are totally committed to utilizing all key digital media Vetting Tools on Political Candidates with Strong Accuracy and Transparency! Join us at iNewsOneTV.com as we Live Stream and report on Real Political News from Save Democracy Events all across the nation. Our Mission is to Promote Factual and Good Reasons for Saving Our Democracy from Trump’s Dangerous, Always Un-hinged and Always Tweeting Reality-TV Show Presidency in 2020.
Join our fundraising effort now. Go to http://inewsonetv.com/blog/ , scroll down to our PayPal Fundraising Donate Button and contribute: $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, $100 or more. Please help us reach our Grassroots Movement Fundraising Goals for the Presidential and Congressional elections in 2020! If Politicians and the News Media ARE NOT persuaded to Vet the Candidates properly, ‘We the People’ will get it DONE. Your support will help us to be there nationwide in 2020 for the People!
Please remember to share our Post & Mission with your friends, colleagues, and on all of your social media links and posts as well.
Thank you for your support: Wesley Morgan, and your iNewsOneTV.com Team.
If you think that GOOD Character REALLY Matters to be the President of the United States: We are inviting you to join us Now at inewsonetv.com on our journey to Save Our Democracy from Trump’s VERY BAD Reality-TV Show Presidency in 2020!
Our Mission: To massively promote the importance of Saving Our Democracy! We will utilize all the tools in inewsonetv.com arsenal and more, as we Live Stream and report on Factual and Critical Political News from Save Our Democracy Events all across the nation. So, please support our Mission TODAY! Join us and donate now to: inewsonetv.com. Your support will help us so that we will be there nationwide in 2020! Please go to our website NOW: inewsonetv.com and click on our Donate Button.
Thank you for your support, Wesley Morgan, and your iNewsOneTV.com Team.
Enough is Enough!
Vote The Blue Wave November 6th!
Trump’s Reality-TV Show Presidency is BAD for America!
Please support our Voter Turnout Drive with your Donation Now: iNewsOneTV.com. Your support will help us to expand nationwide. While on our website: inewsonetv.com, please support our Advertising Sponsors for your Best Online Shopping Deals! They are located throughout our website pages at iNewsOneTV.com. And like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Inewsonetvtheclearchoice/; follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/SmccommsWesley. And please remember to share this post with your friends, colleagues, families, and on all of your social media links and posts as well.
Thank you for Voting Blue! Wesley Morgan and your iNewsOneTV.com team