January 18, 2025, the Union County Republican Party's 1st Vice Chair read aloud a Resolution condemning the physical attack and assault upon State Senator Colton Moore of the 53rd Senate District. The attack occurred when Senator Moore tried to enter the House Chambers to voice his opposition to Governor Kemp and the House Leadership naming Fannin County’s Technical College after former House Speaker David Ralston. After continuous attempts to enter the Chambers by Moore, Keith Williams, a staff member for Speaker Jon Burns' general counsel, physically attacked and assaulted Senator Colton Moore.
The Resolution implies Mr. Moore was denied his Constitutional Duties as an elected State Senator when he attempted to oppose the naming of Fannin County’s Technical College after former Speaker David Ralston! Many have raised questions about illegal and corrupt behavior during David Ralston’s tenure as Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives.
Should the Resolution have condemned Gunter, Gooch, and Brian Kemp's support of Jon Burns' attempts to keep Senator Moore from entering the House Chambers to exercise his Constitutional Duties?
This is not a new story emphasizing the abuse of power by Georgia Legislators but a continuation of allegations surrounding David Ralston, beginning with other conservative State Representatives who have fallen to Ralston’s tactics by refusing to go-along-to-get-along. Remember, Ralston’s wife ran for the former State Representative’s seat in House District 7 and was defeated by an overwhelming margin by the residents of the 7th District.
If we look back to 2017 when the previously elected State Representative refused to run for a second term because he would not forsake his conservative values to go-along-to-get-along, in 2017, Mr. Matt Gurtler, along with Mr. Mickey Cummings, announced their candidacy for State House of Representative District 8. Mr. Cummings was highly favored over the conservative Gurtler by those who attended Cummings' kick-off rally. In addition to those pictured below were Governor Nathan Deal, House Speaker David Ralston, many State Representatives, and State Senators representing Districts in the Northwest corridor of Georgia. Mr. Gurtler won in the May 2018 primary over the unqualified Cummings with a large percentage of the vote. During his 1st term as State Representative, Mr. Gurtler realized if he would not go-along-to-get-along, he was faced with the same situation as why his predecessor did not seek a 2nd term.
Gunter retired as Enotah District Judge from his appointed position by Governor Nathan Deal and announced his candidacy for State House, District 8! Residents of Union County saw the same individuals come together for Gunter’s kickoff rally as those who supported Cummings. As Gunter won his election, it should raise a question: has the power structure finally found the yes vote to complete their agenda? With the majority of Gunter's political career coming from appointments, should the residents of the 8th District take a closer look at Gunter and question where his loyalties lie? Gunter’s numerous appointments within the ranks of State Government as a junior legislator are unheard of.
With the upcoming 2026 election, there is plenty of time to review the loyalties of Representative Gunter and seize the opportunity to find a true Republican conservative to replace Mr. Gunter.
With Governor Kemp giving away so much money through various programs, Georgia residents should be asking Gooch, Gunter, and Brian Kemp how Georgia’s Department of Revenue was able to collect well over $1 trillion dollars from the taxpayers of Georgia?
-- Wesley Hopgood