Pick your head up 🔝 and keep your feet 👣 moving
BTS 💃🏾 @__ammmberella
🎥 @cre8livestudios
Experts are people you should trust because of the investment, time , money and hell lol 😂 they been through to master their craft …🎥 @dazgoodmancre8#cre8livestudios #cre8ivestudios #bhamgram #photographer #viralvideos #videography #videographer #editing
Enjoy what you do, just know you have to pay a price to live the life you want!BTS 🎥 @cre8livestudios
Don’t overthink your post y’all.The simple ish works the best lol 😂 Film it , post it and move on to the next one ☝️
Your clients will appreciate you for investing in yourself or business!Thank you @tmillsrealtygroup @tmillstherealtor for partnering with @cre8livestudios 🎥 @cre8livestudios#bhamrealestate #bhamgram #bhamnow #bhaminfluencer #bhama #cityofbirmingham #birminghamal #birminghamrealestate #birminghamrealtor #cre8livestudios #ipushmagazine
After 8 years 😂 of work together we still laughing 😆 till our stomach hurts frfr The definition of building business relationships over time !!!Thank you @tmillstherealtor @tmillsrealtygroup
You are going to either educate, entertain, or inform your audience with your content!this video is educational , relatable and professional for @mikebellwins @kay.esquire 🎥 @cre8livestudios#bhamlawyer #bhamattorney #cityofbirmingham #cre8livestudios #cre8livestudiosllc #ipushmagazine #alabamalaw #birminghamlawsociety
It’s finally here 👏🏾@cre8livestudios partnered with @rhmpi on a rebranding campaign which started with a new logo !This was not a one hitter quitter lol this took just about 10different logo designs over a period of the year before we got it, right.As you can see, in the video, they are using the newly design logo on their mobile health bus, all of their branding material, signage in and outside of the building, and on their advertising material .Long story short, invest in your branding, because he speaks volumes about your business .🎥 BTS @cre8livestudios
If you don’t believe me ask a successful entrepreneur!Content and entrepreneurship goes hand in hand !Start a business today and you will be making content a creation top 🔝 priority soon after…Get ahead of the curve now . DM @cre8livestudios today#bhamphotographer #birminghamphotographer #alabamaphotographer #montgomeryphotographer #huntsvillephotographer #atlantaphotographer
Giving back what was gifted 🎁 to us is rewarding.Philips Academy kids asked some of the best questions we received all summer.One question was where do we see ourselves in the next 5 years ..BTS @cre8livestudios 🎥#attorney #attorneyatlaw #attorneymarketing #cre8livestudios #cre8livestudiosllc #bhamattorney #birminghamattorney #alabamaattorney #birminghamvideographer #alabamavideographer #cityofbirmingham
Sorry 😢 to tell you this but your business is being judged on the quantity and quality of content you have on social media…people want to feel like they know you, like you and trust you before they spend the money 💵 with you..brayn stories or personal stories like this can really make a difference if someone’s looking to spend money with you ..🎥 @cre8livestudios
Big Big Big difference between content and content marketing.Do you know the difference ???Well, this is a perfect example of content marketing .1. There is a target audience this being spoken to.2. There are key words being used to engage the target audience.3. There is. Subject matter that will generate leads based on which being said in the video.This is content marketing, looking 👀 for a ROI from your content or are you simply looking to make content?Thank you Attorney Kierra Irby @kay.esquire @mikebellwins for partnering with @cre8livestudios on your content marketing 🎥 @cre8livestudios