The water and sunshine are simplicity at its best. Using visualization in the classrooms this week. Remember to tune into simple aspects in nature for a mindful start to your day.
Love how my Bax Jac can stay in wheel forever. My kids follow my lead by practicing daily. I have never had to push the process. When push is present in any discipline whether arts, sports, life take a step back moment, evaluate, and yes even take a time out. You will thank yourself and be protecting your beautiful kids in the process. Mindfulness leads to strong mental health. Lindsay Marie Schaefer
Happy dance weekend to all! Who is ready to hit studio with me in the fall? Connect soon.....and yes, I am still taking requests on a group movement class for professionals. Need 12 to run it!
Everyday is a wake up call to create!
Love movement exploration. I actually had someone ask me over the weekend if I still dance. I will dance till my last breath. And in order to pass the torch you got to move and train regularly.
My personal practices consist of various forms of Movement from dancing, to yoga, to pilates, to any outdoor activities in nature. As I always say You define your personal practice. Make it work for you.
A clear mind, a graceful body will speak after practice very loudly and you will feel the benefits for a 48hr length of time afterwards. Tune in and listen by being still and grateful after each of your movement practices!
Now, visit MFY and get those sessions in. 2 slots available for elite gymnasts, dancers, or athletes. Day hours starting week of September 5th. [email protected] Lindsay Marie Schaefer
LBI you are the perfect place for morning practice and quite a lovely backdrop. We are already planning our quick winter trip to visit. My B's favorite part of this sequence is the bird flying through my practice towards the end of sequence. Lucky I have a family willing to jump in and film when need be. You will hear my P and Bax in the background too. Personal practice you define. Move today and enjoy every minute of it!
Choreography play
I have always loved the beginning process.....
Define why you move?
This to the point sentence was asked of me while I was studying at Taylor years ago.
I still remember the studio
The environment
The reason it was asked
And the work I had to do
To define me
So every movement would have intention, heart felt passion, and love.
As I stated earlier this week everyone defines their practice and purpose differently. Appreciate what has been has been given to you for then your passions can be shared freely and with the deepest love towards others. See you all dear friends in the studio!
Practice on the beach with my Bax Jac.
When we fall back naturally and trust what the universe is giving to us creativity and love come to surface.
My passion is becoming contagious these days....
Grateful! Lindsay Marie Schaefer
Yes, even at 40 you got to practice everyday. Meditation, movement, and positive direction with your words on the mat, off the mat, and through all disciplines is crucial. I know I will be moving and training self and others till my last breath. Make it your responsibility to your self to get up, get moving, and appreciate the beautiful body and mind that has been given to you. You need to practice daily to experience the best you!
Working with more athletes and dancers in the fall. Get those session requests in now if interested in experiencing my work with Movement for You! Lindsay Marie Schaefer
Summer practice continues.....
And is leading me deeply back to my roots with Movement and Training.
Keep watching for fall announcements of where I will be sharing my work with Movement for You practice.
I have a very deep feeling my work shall be guiding many dancers, athletes, and community in the upcoming year.
Keep moving everyday and see you in the studio soon! Lindsay Marie Schaefer
Headstand and slowly testing it away from the wall. Baby boy have you taken it all in from day 1 with life and movement. Thank you Bax Jac for always challenging me as a teacher and guider. You have always showed me things will come in there own time and when we dont fight the process the most magical adventures happen. Cant tell you how full my heart is from summer Movement for You kids practice....its been awesome!
Summer practice at its best!
Sunshine, alignment, and time to soak up all the endless possibilities to come.
See you in the studio! @lindsaymarieschaefer