Tamisha Walker for District 1 Antioch City Council and Mayor Pro tem and District 2 representative Louie Rocha speak about what effect Trump immigration policies are having on our community and what the city should be doing about it. Shout out KPFA Radio, East County Voices
11 US doctors are stranded in Norther Gaza. The IDF has denied their request to leave.. Read this message sent by Dr. Shehzad Batliwala. one of the doctors on a humanitarian trip to Gaza, and then watch the video interview with our own Freewillin Franklin. We will share a QR code in the comments to help contact your elected officials.
My name is Shehzad Batliwala, and I’m an ophthalmologist based in Dallas. I’m currently in North Gaza as part of a medical mission trip with Rahma Worldwide.
We arrived on January 9th, intending to leave on January 22nd. We planned to travel to South Gaza on January 21st to make our exit to Amman, Jordan.
We came before the ceasefire, and the destruction was beyond anything I could have imagined. After the ceasefire, things calmed down, but we are now facing a new challenge.
The Israeli military has repeatedly denied us permission to leave North Gaza, without giving any legitimate reason.
There are 11 U.S. citizens here, including three from Dallas, Texas. We are being held against our will, unable to leave despite our humanitarian mission and the fact that we were cleared to enter Gaza in the first place.
I humbly request your help. If anyone has connections with congressmen, representatives, or anyone at the highest levels who can intervene, please act now. The situation is dire.
This is the latest as of this morning:
We were told we would be getting the green signal to leave today. It is Sunday morning here. Signal was not given.
No movement happening today.
I don’t know when the next movement opportunity will be. No clear communication given to us
This is the latest update I’ve received from Eyal Naor at the Israeli Embassy.
The checkpoint remains closed due to a ceasefire violation, and their position is to keep it closed until the terms are fulfilled.
However, this should not apply to us as humanitarian workers. We entered Gaza during active bombardmen
Immigration raids are striking fear in our communities. If you have family or friends that are concerned about ICE and legal issues. Check out this interview with Paul Ramirez of the @United Latino Voices of Contra Costa. He has information on free immigration services and contacts for legit legal representation. The event is tomorrow, Saturday the 25th, at Willow Cove Elementary School in Pittsburg at 9am going into the afternoon. Shout out to KPFA Radio and East County Voices.
4 Protesters with The Peoples Arms Embargo were arrested blocking traffic at the north gate into Travis Air Force Base. At one point a car drove through the protesters banner. One protester was assaulted by a worker with a government license plate. Shout out KPFA Radio, East County Voices, Democracy Now! and The Electronic Intifada
Protesters outside Travis Air Force Base talk about why it's important to them to show up at this protest... Shout out KPFA Radio , East County Voices and Democracy Now! And The Electronic Intifada
Wynd Kaufmyn of The People's Arms Embargo explains why they are protesting at Travis Air Force Base and why they are reenacting the seige on Kamal Adwan Hospital. Shout out KPFA Radio , East County Voices and Democracy Now! And The Electronic Intifada
Outside Travis Air Force Base, Protesters from The People's Arms Embargo reenact the seige on Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza And the arrest of the Hospitals Director Dr. Abu Safiya. Shout out to KPFA Radio and East County Voices and Democracy Now! And The Electronic Intifada
Good morning, First Voice friends and followers. We are again out here at Travis Air Force base. As the People's Arms Embargo prepares to disrupt business as usual. Check out this interview with Gerry Condon, he is a member of Veterans For Peace shout out KPFA Radio and East County Voices and Democracy Now! And The Electronic Intifada
Hundreds of people gathered at the, Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on 7th street in San Francisco early Thursday evening to celebrate the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. There were nearly10 speakers who shared on stage including @Corrina Gould of Sogorea Te' Land Trust, representatives from, Korea, @bayareapym and more. Shout out KPFA Radio Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)- حركة الشباب الفلسطيني
Hundreds of people gathered at the, Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on 7th street in San Francisco early Thursday evening to celebrate the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. This is one of the young organizers from @bayareapym Shout out KPFA Radio Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)- حركة الشباب الفلسطيني
Hundreds of people gathered at the, Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on 7th street in San Francisco early Thursday evening to celebrate the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. In the crowd was the Mayor of Richmond California, Eduardo Martinez. Shout out KPFA Radio, Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)- حركة الشباب الفلسطيني @bayareapym
Hey all. Check out the video from the Safe Return Project and Reimagine Antioch event, Season of Sharing. I know it's a little late but it's finally here. This is Antioch District 1 representative and Safe Return Project founder Tamisha Walker for District 1 Antioch City Council