Peer Reviewers Needed
The Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology seeks individuals with expertise in religion studies, philosophy, theology, and/or ethics to serve as Peer Reviewers. The BJRT is an international and diverse forum for original, cutting-edge scholarship that reflects the Graduate Theological Union’s endeavor to be a nexus for “where religion meets the world.” We are committed to being part of the conversations that advance the frontiers of religious and theological thought and invite you to serve as a Peer Reviewer.
Peer Reviewers are asked to review manuscripts for clarity, accuracy, and research rigor and provide detailed, constructive feedback to help improve the quality and substance of the articles submitted. Reviewers are expected to return submissions with their feedback within 4 weeks of receiving an article.
We are especially in need of Peer Reviewers who have expertise in religious studies, philosophy, theology, and/or ethics, especially in the Dharma traditions (Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism) and in Sikh studies, Islamic studies, Bahá'í Studies, Jewish studies, Shinto studies, and studies of Indigenous Religions.
To express interest in serving as a Peer Reviewer, please contact Co-Managing Editors Charissa Jaeger-Sanders ([email protected]) and Javney Mohr ([email protected]) with the following:
• Name
• E-mail Address
• Institutional Affiliation, including whether you are a PhD student, professor, researcher, etc.
• Country
• Areas of expertise, including substantive and methodological areas of interest
• Number of academic journal reviews completed to date
• Current CV as an attachment
We look forward to hearing from you!
Javney Mohr and Charissa Jaeger-Sanders
Co-Managing Editors