Urban Guerrilla Zine, Issue 28 is finally out and available in our online store:
http://urbanguerrillazine.bigcartel.com (link in bio). This issue took a while to come together, for many reasons, including but not limited to dealing with an old ass apartment where everything was…really old, and broken. During that time we didn’t have any internet access or a proper workspace to finish the zine. That said, there are bigger issues in the world than whether I’m able to self publish zines, but just in case anyone was wondering why issue 28 took longer than expected. In this issue there are winter themed photos by Karoline Collins, Matthew Kadi, and Jay Unidos from the original winter issue we began a year ago. There’s a mixtape playlist (w/link to audio), curated by Pat Libby, also originally from that time but it was updated and reimagined once we had something we could send to the printer. There’s also a tribute to Joe Franke (RIP) in this issue that features stories, photos, and a couple of Joe’s “Life Is A Joke” columns that ran in Urban Guerrilla Zine circa the early 2000s. Most of you know Joe from Axis Records or his band Fracas, but he was also a contributor to this zine during the time that we were most active (making zines, booking shows) at venues like Burnt Ramen in Richmond and Mission Records in the city. Every issue of the zine comes with stickers and a 1” button (badge), featuring a hand-drawn graphic by Joe Franke.
Copies of Urban Guerrilla Zine, Issue 28 are also available at:
• Pegasus Books, 2349 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA
• Amoeba Records, 2455 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley, CA
• Adobe Books, 3130 24th St., San Francisco, CA
• Dog Eared Books, 900 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA
• Green Apple Books, 506 Clement St., San Francisco, CA
• Phono Select Records, 2475 Fruitridge Rd, Sacramento, CA
If you didn’t know, we’ve been donating our profits from Urban Guerrilla Zine for the last several issues to various charities and fundraisers, keeping just enough to print the next issue. I share some of those donations here under the zine posts, but there are some that get missed. That’s the plan for this issue as well, and, as always, thanks for supporting the zine!