I asked again today if it bothers you that I don’t often “sentimentally” post about us or our milestones. We both knew that I was already aware of the answer. It doesn’t. Our heart beats, together. You so sweetly fell to sleep tonight, so I felt like posting. It’s a note that I wrote for you in 2017. I just liked my words. My memories remind me of you. - “I love how you:
Get so excited when new lipsticks show up in the mail, or you get new shoes, dresses or any kind of clothing and you immediately go and apply each of them to come and show me!
When I get an inbox on instagram or any social media and an avatar is there with a message from you. I always think before I open it “look at this beautiful girl”
When you hop into my lap on the couch with your legs over me and arms around my neck like a little kid and engage me with conversation without any expectation of having to get up and do something else. We just talk to each other with pauses to just embrace and kiss each other. There is never an awkward moment.
When you make me coffee in the morning and we sit at the kitchen table with no requirement for conversation. Sometimes it’s just quiet while you catch up on makeup tips or kitten videos/memes and I look at the theatrical/political atmosphere in the world. We share enjoyment of the animals outside the window in the warmth of our home. These are but a drop in the universe of why you were always meant to be there.”
I love you, Kitten. Here’s to 14.