Eddie got some sound activated lights!!!
A little DDKN gif for your amusement! One barefoot, kilted DJ singing karaoke! We rearranged the diningroom for more space.
The Tap Factory was on fire last night for Karaoke with Jerryokey! A big shout out to everyone who came out to sing, dance and party! Thank you Wendy and Paul and the staff for your hospitality!
Ambur and J testing out the new wireless mic set in a Thanksgiving edition of Diningroom Karaoke!
We are all happy with the new equipment and will be debuting it at The Tap Factory this Sat, 30 Nov at 9 pm! Join us!
Love it when Michael Ian and Jerry sing together!
#jerryokey #sosjerryokey #sosentertainment #karaoke #djdjinn #pittsburghdjs #ajshotelbarandgrill #frinightsmithtonpa #karaokeajshotelbarandgrill #karaokesmithtonpa #blackwater #doobiebrothers
We do not own the rights to this music.
Electric Slide in between AJ Idol rounds.
#jerryokey #sosjerryokey #sosentertainment #karaoke #djdjinn #pittsburghdjs #ajshotelbarandgrill #frinitesmithtonpa #karaokeajshotelbarandgrill #karaokesmithtonpa #electricslide
Happy Birthday, Mz. Crystal!, from S.O.S. Entertainment (Eddie sayz ezpecially from him!) Eddie hopes he gets a new car and Go Pro soon for better video!
#jerryokey #sosjerryokey #sosentertainment #djdjinn #pittsburghdjs #happybdaycrystal #ajshotelbarandgrill
**We do not the rights to this music**
Sabrina has been amazing me with her singing talent since first hearing her at a Bentworth Talent Show in 2011 or 2012. She gave us a great version of Adele's One and Only tonight.
#jerryokey #sosjerryokey #sosentertainment #karaoke #djdjinn #pittsburghdjs #ajshotelbarandgrill #frinightsmithtonpa #karaokesmithtonpa #adele #oneandonly
It's the February Birthday Party! Happy Birthday John and all the other Feb babies!
*we so not own the rights to this music.
Huh....if you move the pool table, they will dance!!
No we don't own the rights to this music.
#jerryokey #sosjerryokey #sosentertainment #karaoke #frinightsmithtonpa #ajshotelbarandgrill #djdjinn #pittsburghdjs #karaokesmithtonpa
I do not own the rights to this music