My Before/After fitness goal for 2025. Hey I got to keep these things real and attainable LOL.
Birthday Greetings from the company.
Let me know if you want to join and I'll kick out some of the Deadwood.
Numb, frustration, detached, irritability, under psychological reconstruction. Unstable everything, regularly patrolled for the security of the outside world looking in. Fun Me will return soon enough.
Bayview Review for the Myles Fyles!
That's actually the shirt that I'm wearing right now. Wow I got to think about expanding my wardrobe?
So far so good but do check with people tomorrow morning as these things change so strangely.
Sometimes even Instagram gets the mutual friends suggestions ideas wrong, horribly wrong.
Darren's seemingly down for a crimson Keg Stand from this almost life-size container here. Can this young vampire pull it off or is there more than meets the eye to him? Ask @shannon.devineart about this and more!
Scammers and spammers, remember I Google and look online for all your various scam tactics. You're not Originals. We do a little bit of research.
Hey I might be ugly but at least I ain't got no money!